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Sep 27, 2010

Akeem Humes charged with Murder

akeem humes

Jason Flores was gunned down on the morning of December ninth, 2009. Four months after the murder, in April of this year, Ryan Alvarez was charged and remanded for the killing.  And now, ten months later, eighteen year old Akeem Humes of the George Street Area, is joining Alvarez behind bars. Humes appeared unrepresented in the courtroom of Chief Magistrate Margaret Gabb McKenzie where no plea was taken for the charge of Murder.

Ryan Alvarez

Flores was walking on Kraal Road, heading to work at about six-twenty a.m. when he was approached by a lone gunman who shot him on his side.  He was rushed to the K.H.M.H. for emergency surgery but he died an hour later. Both Humes and Alvarez are due back in court on October twenty-seventh.

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15 Responses for “Akeem Humes charged with Murder”

  1. BZNinCALI says:

    I hope we dotted all the “i”s & crossed all the “t”s, our people need some relief. I hope this 18 year was not a minor when this crime was committed because after he is convicted it will be disappointing to see his sentence commuted because the poor baby didn’t know any better.

  2. marcy says:

    sorry to hear all the killings but all the convicted murderers must be put to death without mercy just as how they are killing. Put them to death by hanging or injection.


    Make sure you; the law keep these animals behind bars for the rest of the pathetic lives, or shoot just shoot the ……..
    If we are to go forward, we must go back and rediscover those precious values of time, when “death” for criminals was the only option.

  4. rod says:

    i say hang them hang them hang them no more excuses barrow we wa they hang and if you no do it we will start doing it

  5. Edith says:

    More charges to waste the courts time. We already know there wont b a conviction. Aye as a lawyer our PM should feel shitty. I heard the rate of conviction for the DPP office is 7%. Don’t know if it’s true but if it is God help us. Why we can’t get someone both qualified n up to the challenges in that office. Instead of tackling this, the hot issue is if elected officials can b recalled. Am I freaking crazy or is something seriously wrong with the so called leaders of our country? …and for the record, leaders of our country includes both political parties, the people in the judicial system, the police officers n any n every elected official. Time to step up my people, please, Belize is on the highway to hell.

  6. BM says:

    Please people, you could see the hatred and total lack of remorse in these kids faces. Where are the parents? Parents are not doing their job in proper child rearing. These kids have no respect for themselves, their parents or others. This is the root of all the problems affecting our society. Children grow up in homes where there is no Love and affection. Mothers frustrated by the fact that the fathers missing and she no have no money or she have to work to make a little money that can’t even mine herself and her children. All these kids are the product of a non-existent family structure. I cry for the victims and i cry for the perpetrators too……..they were never given a chance to be children growing up in these kinda homes……..where sometimes they have to be the father figure for their sibblings…….its so unfair.

  7. debbie says:

    What do the criminals learn, they commit the crimes then they spend some time in jail getting food regularly paid for by the tax payers. until all countries stop giving murderers such a easy life behind bars crimes will continue to rise. I say all countries need to do more, the more we tolerate the worse everyones lives are becoming. Bring back hanging, bullet, anything, we have to show we will not tolerate senseless killings ANYWHERE

  8. roska says:

    Agree with BM…… but what can we do for them now?? do we want them to be out there and continue killing and producing killers themselves??

    Law of Natural selection for them…….. Not good for the specie anymore…. sorry to say… but they need to be eliminated from the population….. for the benefit of the specie as a whole….

    Now we must ensure that “our children” are not producing more of this type of “children”…..
    Time to instill values on our children…. or give them their contraceptive injection from early in life…. that’s when they produce the killers!!! NOT when they are mature adults…..

  9. CEO says:

    Don’t lock them up just take them for a swim like the other one!

  10. rootsman says:

    Blame it on the politicians they don’t give a damn as long as they fill their pockets since they don’t know how to create jobs for the population which would help the crime situation maybe they should use all the ill gained wealth they have to establish some type of welfare system for all these mothers that don’t have enough to feed their children, that way we can have the mothers working on the side of the law and have them inform the authorities when they think that their children are involved with illegal activities in other words have them come to the authorities instead of having the police acting on wild goose chases. Life expectancy for a gangster in the US is between 18 and 19 not sure what it is in Belize, maybe if we can intercept and concentrate on the younger potential criminals in about 10 years we can get a real good handle on the situation by that time the older ones would have killed each other out.

  11. BelizeanAbroad says:

    Sad what’s happening in our beloved Belize. My kids were all born in the US and I sent them there some years ago to learn the culture but brought them back in fear of their lives. I will never ever take a vacation in Belize anytime soon, sad to say this as I am a Belizean. I may never return. Punish these criminals, I BLAME the parents, obviously they are not doing their jobs, they are obviously afraid to smack their kids in fear of their children hitting them, seems they would rather see their children dead or in jail than to teach them right from birth.

  12. Kendra says:

    Belize is turning in to Jamaica. It’s so sad to hear about the killings everyday in our beautiful jewel. I live in the United States, and I don’t want to visit Belize because of the high crime rate. What is the Government doing? This is a small country, why they cannot combat the senseless murders that is occurring in our country? Once Belize tourism suffers significantly, let’s see then if Barrow and his people will do something then. See the crime rate don’t affect the politicians, it affects us the working people. We all have to come together and fight for our lives and our children’s lives, no one else will do it!

  13. Earl Grey says:


    Bad things happen in the big “western” cities…. LOOK AT THE USA.


  14. P'off Belizean says:

    The blacks (Creole and Garifuna) in Belize only accounts for 30% of the population yet they are responsible for possibly 90% of the homicides, burglary, sexual assaults, drug trafficking, gun possessions, etc. When certain commentors mentions these things it looks as though they are being racist or picking on another race. However when I see the pages of this website I am sad, as a Creole to see what is happening to our people. I don’t blame one single politician, neither do I blame poverty because how come the other ethnic groups are not behaving so lawless?

    We as a group really need to examine ourselves. Perhaps more than any of the other ethnic groups the blacks in Belize are heavily exposed and influenced by the American hip hop lifestyle. America can be a very positive place to live with so many opportunities, however many Belizeans have gone and found that the grass wasn’t necessarily greener on the otherside. Many over stayed their welcome and ended up having brushes with the law. Many went to jail and then subsequently deported. Of course, not all those who were incarcerated are still doing criminal activities. However there is a small proportion of those who haven’t learnt their lessons and are hardened criminals. Is it possible these crimes can be traced back to some ex US convicts in Belize? Maybe these little boys are working for bigger fishes.

  15. marti says:

    I am a PROUD Belizean living in the U.S. Visited Bze every year until 2008 which was my last visit because I just don’t want to be another statistic in the crime wave with no justice served. I pretty much spent my two weeks vacation in the house because I was literally scared to go anywhere. My hope of retiring in Belize is lost. I highly discourage co-workers and friends from visiting Bze because of all the crimes going on and the criminals are getting off so easy.
    This is sad. Hopefully something is done soon enough to bring back Bze the way it use to be.
    Death penalty by hanging needs to be reinstated.

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