National Transport robbed
They’ve been targeted a few times previously and on Tuesday night thieves again paid a visit to the offices of National Transport at two and three quarter miles on the Western Highway. The robbers were quick and precise and the incident lasted less than two minutes. It happened shortly after eight before employees were preparing to close business for the day.
As the dramatic images on the surveillance camera show, employees were in the lobby when three armed youths entered, wearing caps and rags over their faces. The robbers immediately ordered the employees to the floor and began to help themselves to a laptop computer and the cash in the pouches from the drivers. As the thieves were leaving, one of them dropped the laptop beside an employee and one of his partners in crime picked up the computer before exiting the office.
By the time it was over, about a minute and twenty seconds later, they had relieved the company of over nine hundred dollars, proceeds from the day’s business. Unlike the last time when surveillance camera picked up the thieves entering through the front entrance on the Western Highway, this time, the trio reportedly approached the building from the back and then exited through the front. Police have no one detained, but are following a few leads.
Someone knows who these young men are. If the mother(s) saw this footage & recognized their child or children, before your child ends up like Martinez, Zelaya, the Nose & others, let’s try a new slogan “SNITCH BEFORE YOUR CHILD ENDS UP IN THE DITCH”
No security guards?
The camera’s are good, but not set up well enough, the pictures are not clear enough either.
Good luck with the animals though.
Robbed again? Caught on camera again? No arrests again? R vu serious. Belize is so small n nobody can identify these robbers. Y oh y do we continue to cover up for them. I wish I could recognize one of them, I’d b the first on the phone letting the proper authorities know. Call me a snitch if u want I don’t care. Thank goodness they didn’t hurt anybody. All that for $900 – big haul huh? (Shaking my head) when will this foolishness stop?
Hmmmmm….isn’t there a security posted at the entrance of the compound?? If so, where was he at the time when this robbery was taking place?? This company has been robbed before, they need to boost up their security system to protect their employees & property.
I think that those guys when found they should chop of their hands so that they learn a lesson!!those murders should be killed in order to make them feel what they have done and the PM better do something about it because Belize is getting like hell!
National Transport robbed $30,000,000 from the people of Belize. so what’s a few dollars returned. stop tek up fi DAVID AND TONY!@ya
This is way out of control.Once again this Government shows how incompitent they are when it comes to protecting the Belizean Citizens.Mr Barrow one of your obligation to us the Belizean people is to protect us from enemies both foreign and domestic. Bring in the BDF it’s evident that the Police Department is understaffed.What are you waiting for PM?
What is this Government waiting for to take a stands?You all waiting for vigilante justice to take place to act?I mean the rate things is going in the jewel people are going to be forced to defend themselves.Are we the next Haiti?There seems to be no order in the jewel.Everyone just do as they please.Take somone’s life and you walk free as a result of witness intimidation.Is this Government taking us like a joke?
We need a PRISON FARM down in TOLEDO.
Send these criminals there for HARD LABOUR to provide for themselves and for society.
It’s a WIN – WIN situation!!!!!