Brukdong Competition to honor Wilfred Peters
You might be hearing a lot of Punta music on the radio as Garifuna Settlement Day approaches, but soon the airwaves will be flooded with Christmas songs. And with Christmas, comes the annual Brukdong competition. So musicians countrywide are called to showcase their talent and submit Brukdong songs that will get the audience moving. Handsome cash prizes and trophies are up for grabs for both junior and senior participants and the Institute of Creative Arts is especially encouraging the youths to take part. According to Clive Myers, Creative Arts Developer at ICA, they are also honoring the late Brukdong King Wilfred Peters.
Clive Myers, Creative Arts Development Officer, ICA
“With the passing of our undisputed king of brukdong, Mr. Peters, the institution has made the change of renaming the competition to the Wilfred Peters Brukdong Bram and Competition and it will be held this year December eleventh at the House of Culture starting at six p.m. We are looking at having a Christmas wonderland setting where the House of Culture will be that place to be in December. We will be having a spectacular line up of artist both locally and international. We are taking interest in bringing two calypsonian brukdong artists from Costa Rica that last performed with Mr. Peters here for our music week in April of this year. We’re also looking at our very own Bredda David and other prominent musicians in our country. Our interest is geared more towards the youth section because over the years we haven’t had that much participation from the youth. We’re also looking for the lyrical content, the vocal quality and how that artist can communicate the brukdong genre of music to the audience. So there will be a special part that is just for audience appeal and how they can make the audience get up and bram through the night.
Deadline for submissions is December sixth. Applications are available at the Bliss and the House of Culture or online at
Nice that they are honoring Mr. Peters by renaming the competition, he deserves that and much more.
On a side note though correct me if I am wrong but I thought that the Brukdown music had originated in Belize and is predominantly played in Belize and if so how could two calypsonian brukdong artists from Costa Rica be coming to Belize, If I am correct I would rather classify them as calypsonian bands that also plays our very own Brukdown music at least for now until we establish and the world knows that Brukdown music is culturally the music of Belize just so that we don’t lose a part of our culture or have it hijacked from us, don’t get me wrong I would be proud that other bands of the world is adapting our music and is proud to play it, but as I say let’s first establish that Brukdown music is truly a Belizean cultural thing before we classify any foreign bands as Brukdown bands.
I believe that this would fall under the responsibilities of the cultural ambassador if there is such a person in Belize.