Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association still unable to make payments
Up north, there’s still a quandary over the third payment to farmers for the 2009-2010 that was due this past Monday. Belize Sugar Industries Limited has been unable to come up with the cash because they lost an important source of income when ING bank did not renew their funding agreement in September. A loan to bridge the gap was approved by the Social Security Board, but even that is in the air, according the newly installed chairman of the Committee of Management of the Belize Sugar Cane Farmers Association, Alfredo Ortega. Going forward, Ortega said the association is negotiating to get the payment fast and with interest. He told us by phone today that tension is rising among farmers.
Via Phone: Alfredo Ortega, Chairman, Committee of Management, BSCFA
“Presently we are in negotiation with the Sugar Industry Control Board that is the highest authority within the industry. We had a meeting this morning with the chairman seeking help from him or the board in regards to the delay of payment from B.S.I. that they are not complying as per our agreement—the B.S.C.F.A. and B.S.I. agreement. He told us that he will try to together solve this problem and if it cannot be then we will be moving to the Minister of Agriculture that is in charge for the Sugar Industry.”
Delahnie Bain
“And what is it that you’re hoping will come out of this?”
Via Phone: Alfredo Ortega
“Well ma’am, we’re seeking compensation for the farmers, a certain percentage in regards to the delay from Monday which is the day to comply in regards to our agreement. And from thereafter we are seeking compensation of three percent per month for the monies that is owed to the farmers.”
Delahnie Bain
“So basically you want interest on the payment.”
Via Phone: Alfredo Ortega
“Exactly ma’am.”
Delahnie Bain
“And if this payment is delayed for too long how far is the association willing to go with this?”
“Well ma’am, really and truly we are trying to see how fast we can go with this because every day that is going on tensions are growing within the farmers. Our plan is to give them a time frame to see if maybe next week they can comply with this payment.”
Delahnie Bain
“And have you heard anything from B.S.I. since we last spoke regarding their financial situation?”
Via Phone: Alfredo Ortega
“Well, not as yet ma’am. What we have heard is the same thing that Social Security has already approved to them. But I think that they are not being very truthful to us in regards to that situation because they mentioned to us that Social Security had already approved but they are working on the logistics that is the collateral and repayment plan. But we have heard that the situation is not only that; that Social Security had placed on them that they need to find, in the other institution, the balance of money for them to cover the payment and start crops and if that doesn’t happen that means that the Social Security won’t be disbursing the loan to them.”
Ortega says some farmers have resorted to pawning personal items to make ends meet until the third payment is made.
WE NEED SOME ANSWERS on that incident………..
This is unacceptable, these cane farmers are not rich people they don’t have a huge bank account to fall back on like the people at BSI and they have families to support school fees to pay bank loan to pay. What recourse do they have because the bank will certainly not take any sympathy on them when they cannot meet their obligation.
Why isn’t someone stepping in to find out exactly what is going on at BSI??? So unfair, so so unfair.