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Nov 15, 2010

Pregnant and homeless woman; raped and murdered

Sheline Martinez

A horrific crime took place over the weekend, also in the south. A homeless pregnant woman was raped and stabbed to death in Dangriga. She was found lifeless on the steps of a house on Sunday morning but there are signs that the heinous murder took place elsewhere. News Five’s Marion Ali reports from Dangriga.

Marion Ali, Reporting

The bloodstains on the bench at the bus stop facing the Texaco Service Station on George Price Drive in Dangriga Town suggests that thirty four year old Sheline Martinez, a pregnant woman, was injured here.

Behind a nearby construction site more bloodstains still evident in the sand is where police believe she was stabbed and raped.

But how she got from this spot to where her body was discovered at around six on Sunday morning on the stairs of a residence about two hundred feet away is anybody’s guess.

Julio Valdez, O.C., Dangriga

Julio valdez

“On the steps, we found a young lady apparently dead noh. Initial investigation shows she had some stab wounds to her body and to her head. She usually sleeps by the bus stop on George Price Avenue and apparently somebody went and attacked her there drag her to a unfinished construction underway and eventually she made her way somewhere to the steps where she was found.  It is believed that she has also been raped because of some items that were found on the scene after we processed the scene, so we believe she was raped. As well information revealed that she was six to seven months pregnant.”

Jose Humes lives beside the house where Martinez’ body was discovered.  He told us that the incident has stunned the neighborhood and it happened on a busy thoroughfare and no one heard any noises on Saturday night.

Jose Humes, Resident, George Price Drive

“The neighbor surprised when ih see the body deh. So he come hurry to we and make we go see. We only see the woman by the step mi di bleed and thing.”

Marion Ali

“Did you hear any noise in the night?”

Jose Humes

jose humes

“Hmm, nothing.  None at all.”

Marion Ali

“Did you know her? Did you use to see her?”

Jose Humes

“I used to see her sometimes.”

Most Dangriga residents know Sheline Martinez as a homeless woman,  a pregnant homeless woman at that, who slept under a bus stop not far from where her body was found.  Meanwhile, Martinez’ mother, who wanted to remain anonymous, says her daughter was homeless because she chose to live in the streets but she was not a troublesome person.

Voice of Mother of Sheline Martinez

“Sheline was a quiet person. She has never been in trouble with anyone. And whatever they would have to say about her, it’s not true because she has a family but whichever way she choose to live because she wanted that. She resides in Dangriga and whenever she comes up here she stays with me. And I can tell anyone that whenever she is here she is with me. So if anybody would see her anywhere about because she want to be there but not because she don’t have somewhere to stay.”

The mother is praying that justice is served and police are looking for a suspect.  Marion Ali for News Five.

Murder victim number one hundred and her unborn child will laid to rest later this week.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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15 Responses for “Pregnant and homeless woman; raped and murdered”

  1. Robert says:

    Only a mad animal could commit this crime — and the perpetrator should be treated the same way. The good people of Dangriga should race the police to see who gets to the criminal first!

  2. BZNinCALI says:

    Did this woman choose to live in the streets or did she have mental problems which were not being addressed which also left her vulnerable to predators?. No one should die this way but she is in a better place. R.I.P.

  3. Global Perspectives says:

    BZNinCALI: 100% correct. How would this woman knowing she is pregnant choose to live in the street? Clearly she was either mentally distrub or she was an addict and in both situation was vulnerable to these animals. It is sad to say but the level of crime against women and children in our society tells a hell of lot about Belize. I don’t want to be hard on anyone but all the people around this girl failed her. I am sure you have your side of the story but if no other time to protect a woman was when she was carry another life. NO ONE CHOOSE TO LIVE IN THE STREET, what utter nonsense.

  4. Snuggles says:

    She must have had a problem wether mentally or whatever, no right minded individual would choose to live on the streets. But, in her mothers defense, i personally know the mom and she does her best, but she has to work also and Sheline makes choices that differ from her mother’s. Please note its not for the lack of trying. But why are we trying to figure out or clear up the family. Lets try to find this devil and rid the town of him. Nobody puts themself in a bad position, why can’t we live a free life. O Land of the F___ by the Carib Sea. I wonder what the F stands for caz it sure is not free. My guess is it’s Fearful, what’s urs?


    The family seem more determine to keep her family name out of the gutter. Her home was always there said the mother, but she chose the streets even though she was pregnant. This poor woman was either mentally unstable, or on drugs because no sane, or drug free woman would chose the streets weather pregnant or not. Her family might put their necks on the block to tell us that she was not mentally unstable or on drugs. The animals who ended her life is watching TV and they might get away from the police but not from the long, savage arms of karma.

  6. GOD FEARING youth says:

    murder number 100

    Lord have mercy on us

  7. belizean says:


  8. Nickey says:

    Something diabolical is lurking in the south !!!! This is such a horrendous crime !!!!! Although there are reports that no one heard or seen anything; the community really need to band together & form a neighborhood watch !!!! There is a killer or perhaps killers are on the loose !!! Whose to say this isn’t a start to more killings against women such as this !!!

  9. Neo says:

    Who would rape and kill a pregnant woman? must be the one who got her pregnant in the first place……….some drug crazed lunatic……

  10. belizeanpride says:

    damn! this is really insane what they did to this woman being mentally ill or and addict doesn’t give any right to anyone rape or kill that person so please dangriga people be on the look out for the murderer and bring him to justice don’t let this life of this woman and unborn child slide away like nothing happen.

  11. Earl Grey says:

    belizean……. KARMA IS REAL. YOU’LL SOON FIND OUT!!!

  12. Earl Grey says:



    I DON’T WANT TO FEED THEM FOR THE NEXT 20- 30- 40 YEARS…… DO YOU?????????????

  13. lisa says:

    how could some one do this horrible act upon another person. its so sad and heart breaking to read and hear this story. at the end of the day she was a mother, daughter and sister to someone out there. i pray they caught this animal that is running free. and he gets whats coming to him and more.

  14. K.Lopez says:

    Another beauitful soul and person lost in this world we call home. Its just ashamed to see that another humanbeing can subject so much pain and suffering against another,have you no heart no sympathy? Your mother would be ashmed of what you have done, for that woman that brought your bumbass into this world. How can you be such an animal, may your soul be judge, and trust me justice will previal, for the soul of this woman and her unborn child will find justice they didn’t die in vain. How can you be such monster? You have no heart no sympathy for others. Where is the Belize we once knew,where is the peace and harmony that once pervial in Country it is time to open our eyes, we are fed up of the killings of our Sisters and Brothers. It is time for Belizeans to take a stand towards all this violence. For how can we raised our own in a country so ridden with violence. Justice will previal for you crime, and no stone will left unturn until you are found Guilty of our crime and my the Good Lord have mercy on you on Judgement day.
    God is great yes he is. And your judgement day will arrive soon enough.

  15. brenick says:

    this was my mother she was my one and only my name is brenick she gave me up but she did what was best for me and i love her for that

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