Caught fleeing scene: customs and police officers, including GG’s driver
As we told you earlier, five persons have been arrested for Saturday’s drug bust. After the beechcraft was dusted for fingerprints by the BDF and police, a white van was intercepted at the San Juan Bus Stop near the Bladen Community. Corporal Renel Grant attached to Belize City Traffic Branch was found behind the wheels. Corporal Nelson Middleton assigned as driver to the Governor General was in the van along with Sergeants Lawrence Humes and Jacinto Jacinto Roches, originally from Punta Gorda and now stationed at the Belmopan police station. The fifth person was Harold Usher, a Customs Department boatman stationed in Corozal Town who is also a former anti-drug unit officer. The men were taken to court in Punta Gorda this morning and News Five Isani Cayetano reports.
The Punta Gorda Town Police Station was this morning teeming with activity as the usually quiet local headquarters was fortified by members of the Anti-Drug Unit and the Belize Defense Force. Outside a swarm of heavily armed officers secured the perimeter while the families of four of their own were inside visiting the men in custody. Among them was forty-two year old police sergeant Jacinto Roches, seen here greeting his wife and friends. He, like the rest of his colleagues, is awaiting a single charge of possessing unlicensed ammunition; a live round which was allegedly found in the vehicle they were intercepted in. That account has been disputed by all four officers who argue that during the search of a white van they were traveling in the officers sweeping it came up empty-handed and that the bullet was only discovered after the men were taken into custody.
Police however, are hoping that the ‘holding charge’, as it is referred to, will lead them to information on the contents and occupants of this aircraft which landed on the Southern Highway near Bladden Village in the wee hours of Saturday morning. Inside the twin engine Beech Craft was illegal cargo in the form of two point six tons of pure cocaine. While the men were not caught in the immediate vicinity of the aircraft Independence Police, acting on information received, were able to nab them discovering inside the vehicle a laundry list of fatigue and other related equipment including.
In the parking lot of the police station were two vehicles believed to be used either in the offloading of the eighty bails of cocaine or the transportation of its pilot and passenger. These two vehicles are said to be part of a small convoy of which the white van and another vehicle remain impounded in Independence Village. Punta Gorda police remained tightlipped about the ongoing investigation as it is formally in the hands of the Belmopan formation. According to a reliable source the department is only facilitating the work being done by their counterparts before escorting them out of town.
The equipment found inside the white van included anti-drug gear, several wet clothing items, two car size batteries, and a licensed nine millimeter belonging to Harold Usher. In another search in the Hicatee Area, police found one GPS Garmin brand, a Satellite phone, four Hand Held radios, two flashlights, one Colt point two-two-three semi-automatic rifle and ammo and camouflage jackets.
These people should be charged with abusing their power. Four Policemen & a Customs Officia l & we know from previous incidents that these upstanding citizens will continue to get paid ,
Let’s hope they give up their boss but we’re not holding our breath.
This is surely the deeds of Superintendent Aaron Guzman. Your acts finally got caught. Adrian Waight and Dykes you are deep in this too. Them drug dealers will surely be hot after your asses. You are grown ups, you surely knew what you were doing. Now be prepared for the consequences, surely you will not reap the financial benefits, you will have stressful nights hiding from the cartels now, who have had a great loss. Be on the lookout for them, protect yourselves and most of all your beloved families..
I really don’t care who ordered the deal, torture them low life’s that you caught running away from the scene. Torture them till they give up their boss, and then shoot them all their !@#$ng heads. Belize is the way it is because these cockroaches are sucking the life out of that system, get rid of them.
The money is dirty–the job is crazy–Now you all owe the cartel millions–Shoot di man roach.
we want to see pictures of these traitors.. we want to konow these bastard who thinks they can do whatever they want, since they they think the=y are the law,,,,,
Esto es el resultado de la presión que el gobierno de Guatemala le esta poniendo contra el movimiento de droga a Los Zetas en el área de Peten donde sean localizado cementerios de avionetas abandonadas de los mismos mercenarios e ahora sean dirigido asea las aéreas amplia e lejos de comunidades en especial calles recién hechos e anchos para el fácil aterrizaje de avionetas pequeñas.
Para las autoridades involucrados, los investigadores deberían hacer una investigación muy penetrante para llegar con los cabeceas de este movimiento de droga. Una forma de comunicación se hiso antes del aterrizaje e eso seria el comienzo de la investigación. Registrar los celulares de todos ellos, emails, mensajes enviados, llamadas hechas, etc…
Los dueños del cargamento tienen la capacidad de recuperar sus drogas pero ni la autoridad los podrá detener con el armamento que poseen no tiene igualdad a los del gobierno. .autoridades Beliceños manténganse despiertos…no queremos esas gentes en nuestro pais…
If these five men were civilians all u numb skull idiots wudn’t have posted $#!%. But hey! Yall typical BELIZEANS. Jus want to hear someting and then add on to wat u hear. Get your facts and know it.
Don’t be surprised if the cartel comes to PG police station to claim their property and who knows they just might still have some one on the inside of the PG police department that will be assisting them with the operation.
Romeo it sounds like u know something, maybe u should go to the police. I do agree that outside help is needed. If these men r involved (n all evidence r pointing to them being responsible) then they need to b punished. We hire n pay these men to protect us n we apparently need protection from them.
Yes Romeo, you are right, drug cartel lords have no love , not even for their mothers, sorry for the innocent kids. And they will take revenge, that is so scary, in Belize!
Belize dollar will be devalued.
@ Romeo:
just because 2 police officers are said to be from Belmopan gives u no right to say that Supt. Aaron Guzman and Dykes and Adrian was involve. If these officers were involve, don’t u think that they would have been arrested as well… So far they haven’t. If you have something personal against them, then be a man and say so.
Mr. Guzman former OC Bmp along with Dykes and Adrian are hardworking police officers whose efforts are seen by alot of people. like the saying goes: “hated by many, envied by most yet love by some.” So stop hating and condemning all the police officers like if they are all bad…. there are still some of them that are good police. Stop generalizing ok.
come on people just think about it and ask our self why our police men are doing this kind of corruption ah its hard to believe yes but some time we just have to stop and think before we make a judgment.
@ Romeo…..stop slandering ppls name unless u have concrete evidence to do so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Romeo sound like he involve in this thing man?
Tiger this is not Guatemala the law bill has not been pass for illegal immigrants as yet for you to be writing Spanish. Somebody please translate that. maybe he wah give wah clue to the persons involve hear. lol
Root’s man i agree with YOU 100 PERCENT.
Sergeant Jacinto Roches was on the way to be best man at a wedding in PG on Saturday. He has done nothing wrong. The whole situation is a farce with other police officers just trying to cover up their own lack of skills and training by arresting random people who just happened to be travelling down the highway that day.
To The Government, you are in serious problem if those guys talk.. If they do you know what comes next.. even you guys will have to watch your backs because this is a serious situation.. for being a small country we should be facing this kind of problem at all. It was heavily in the early 1900’s but you do not depend on that.. Tourism is the money source for this country.. but i guess you guys don’t give but sell our natural beauty to fill in the gap of your mess
Well i hope that the high authorities that know the main ring leader he was the one who have the connection an that these five was lead to this but i wish if my cousin would talk an say it so that the ones that think they are out of the cold well the dance just started but for the public to know these people don’t know belize an i need to tell my belizean people that an inside source that resides in belmopan is the ring leader an he an his own family member was paid x amount of dollars to get the pilot out of the country but to top it off belmopan police failed to realize that the whole truth will come out an i for one will sure to say it out on radio if they feel as if the secret is hidden these officer with fancy ride an all these things which there wife an so can’t afford but when the duck sleep again their @$$ will be up @#$% creek with the USA an the next trip they make here to america i can tell them that is when america will have them for all the troubles they have cause this country, but its just a matter of time before the duck get !@#$ an all them ones with their hands in the cookie jar will faint when they are caught thats why people we should never red our eyes for we don’t know what they are doing to obtain what they have so my belizean people lets just go with the flow for these five officer don’t have much to say about it for the big fish have done them wrong but the cartel will come for the one who set them up for he an his whole family its just a matter of time peeps…..
I can proudly say that who is calling big people name from belmopan u are just a lier for this man an his officers are the best that belmopan have i can say when u have a problem don’t wait for this to happen to spit $#!@ out of your mouth for u are just a bad minded jealous person an those officer work for what ever they have in life so u stop your #@$$ an pray you never get involved in any problem an will need these officers help but knowing them they would still help your sorry @$$, i think you better get on the draft board an think what you are trying to boil for it will not taste good when the tables turn an i think Mr Guzman an his two officers names are so delicious that it is in your sour mouth an stop talk @#$% an mine your dirty business….. leave them officers alone ok it could have been someone of our close family or father , brother an so its a case that will be dealt with in courts an where justice will serve they will be a god. so you go an wash you !@#$% an stop shoot bull out of your mouth…..
Sandra Kolly and Jade, you seems to be part of the ring, or u r family member or really don’t know the aforementioned officers. Simply as the big man, why he refused to go on any courses at the US (deliberately finds an excuse not to go). You can run but u cannot hide. Hope all the m…fkers get extradited to the US. Only thing I’m sorry is for their innocent families.
A man is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a Court of Law – we need to leave judgment to the courts. I don’t believe that names of officers who were not arrested should have been posted – some of us need to be careful what we write. Many people do not like police officers but they are not all bad and that is what we need to remember. Whenever you call and Aaron Guzman or Dikes they are officers who are always willing to assist so maybe Romeo has something personal with the officers he named.
YO……….. THIS IS A GOOD MOVIE………. how will it end????
Janet, Jan, Jade: I like how u guys defend Guzman and his men! Any special reason? Are u the same person? Dont trip, Im just asking.
Earl of Grey – I fear it will end in mass bloodshed.
Lets hope the our Prime Minister takes a little time our of his busy schedule and reads these comments because Belizeans are clamoring for justice. We want those rogue cops to be put behind bars for good, and let their vacant job spaces be filled with Belizeans fresh out of college.
bs Janet these !@#$%^ are Wolf in Sheep Clothing and they must be exposed, or else they will continue posing as innocent good people, when in fact they are the most rotten corrupted species in the department, and everyone knows that, ask any DEA.
God fearing youth: I agree with you. If I was one of these guys (Guzman or Waight) I would have him for libel by printing my name. I would find myself a lawyer as there is a way of finding this Romeo character and have him for defamation. Uncorroborated story should not be reported in this way, as it is unfair. People need to be more responsible, if he knew all this before and didn’t report it, then he is an accomplice and so the police need to speak to him (but I guess they are busy). Furthermore I find it quite malicious to tell the world in this way. Hire yourself a lawyer and teach a few people a lesson, if your lawyer is smart he’d kill two birds with one stone if you get me drift.
I find this very shameful for Belize!
Earl Grey wi shudda mek wa movie based on this tru bwoy… Hollywood cud neva come up wit wa betta script compared to di kinda thing weh go down inna belize.
surely, every time there are mishaps, the first thing is to blame the actual people in power, i bet they might even dare blame them for the, recent hurricane, yet they are forgetting since when this chaos started, and lets not forget which former minister was arrested in the USA because of narcotics involvement, and whose family has prospered immensely because they established “rightful” businesses with drug money and the government didn’t do a thing, because all of them were involved, and the die hard people that have been with them is simply because they have benefitted from that same vile investment, and it does’nt surprise me that Hortular told the US officials that two former ministers are also involved- deeply too, of course they will deny it.
Defamation & Libel is the name of the game here, Organisation outside, would never print something without their own investigation? Without anything to substantiate these allegations? We will name the little man, put it in print without delay but we protect the big boss at all cost? People get real, it can be you in print based on malice? Hire a lawyer guys.
The women in the picture is not any of the arrested officers wife or girlfriend. So many friends and family went to greet Mr Roches that day, for some reason this is the picture that the media decided to run with, but it could have been with his actual wife or any member of his family. People should stop dragging unrelated people through the mud based on zero.
@ commoner, I am in no way Janet or Jade, I am a person with my own mind and can think for myself, n no I am not tripping but I believe b4 anyone calls out anybodys name they should have evidence or they may be waiting for a law suit to be shoved up their a$$e$ without even realizing it and I do agree that this station even though doing a damn good job of reporting on the daily happenings in Belize …………….. Not defending Guzman or Waight for any special reason if it were anybody else I would have done the same thing……..n if Romeo have his facts together about these two names he mentioned then go to the authorities I am sure there are a few good men/women left within the police department that would gladly prosecute these guys based on CONCRETE EVIDENCE.
@ BMP King
Think wat u may. i believe that one is innocent until proven guilty. So get ur facts straight before saying crap about ppl. It seems to me that you have something personal against them. Stop calling out ppl name if you dont’ have any evidence. Stop slandering ppls name. i believe that they are still good officers out there. So stop generalizing ppl. If you have evidence in Black or White den put it together and make your report.
@ Commoner
Like Jan said….. She is not me or Janet. Therefore i repeat as well…i am not Janet or Jan. I think for myself.
Leadership Crisis inna di land!
Be alert, Belizeans…Dogs of War..coming your way……maybe sooner than later!!!!
while i agree with the cry for justice once and for all, we must realize that putting these five men behind bars will be for the sole purpose of saving face or the for the government to “luk gud’ (if dat is possible). it cud never help the situation becaz the big men involved will simply look for other pawns they can use to get what they want done. its sad but true. punishing these men and calling it quits on the case or believing that justice is then served would be naive of us to think. it cud never comfort me or stop me from worrying about how corrupt our Belize and its leaders has become. the ‘big fish’ are probably the same ones pushing for these men to be charged with anything other than the ammunition that was found in the van they were travelling. no other evidence, well at least none that has been made known to the rest of Belize, indicts them other than location. with gud lawyers, we all know the outcome of this story. nevertheless, my prayers are with the families of the accused men. it seems the media or at least the people reporting that day from the police station has given no thought to the fact that they have caused attention to be drawn to the people caught in the video as being directly involved with the accused. (keeping in mind that there are heartless cartels also looking on, feeling their lost and wanting whats theirs) somtimes we need to take a step back and imagine ourselves in other peoples shoes just for a split second. persecute the guilty…ALL the guilty, leave the innocent alone and keep their faces and names from being dragged down with their accused family members. if we want justice den lets be just
Some people claim that the names called involved in this are innocent people, please Belizeans this is the same reason why Belize is how we are. No one believes others can be involve in crimes, no one thinks that our own law enforcers (so called themselves) are the ones behind all the drug entering our country, people getting killed, and huge robberies. Belize will become an un-peacefull country if this continues. Where are we heading to? What we want our home to become? What we want our children to be? Lets pause and think for one second and stop covering criminals and living in our own fantasy world. Lets do something instead of just criticizing one another and pointing figures. Remembering when we point at someone the other four fingers of our hands point at us…………………………….