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Nov 30, 2010

Bragging rights! Benque Viejo is the cleanest town in the country

While Belize City has been in the news recently for its mounting garbage problems and littered streets, in the western region of the country, a community is becoming well known for quite the opposite.  Benque Viejo Town has won a competition sponsored by several organizations to address that has dubbed it the cleanest municipality in the country. News Five spoke this afternoon to Benque’s Mayor Nick Ruiz, about how other communities can keep their streets clean.

Via Phone: Nick Ruiz, Mayor of Benque

“Having the title of the cleanest community in Belize that’s something that you really want your community to be known for so that was an incentive to work for it. I hope it grows and I hope that we can continue to address the garbage situation in our town and to make Belize a beautiful country, a role model for other countries in the region.  Just this past Friday we were announced as the winner. For us in Benque it is a great sense of pride and it validates all our hard work. I have to commend all the groups, like I said the zone 4 neighborhood watches, churches, high schools, primary schools, everybody pitched in, businesses, HelpAge, the Police, the cadet, firefighters, the clinic, everybody really pitched in to make this a success story.”

Jose Sanchez

“So it was a community effort. Is this a model you think the other municipalities can follow?”

Via Phone: Nick Ruiz

“Well I hope that it grows. I envision a competition where we have not only one media house, but in fact make it something very popular, something very attractive; maybe channel 5 could be in it.”

With the bragging rights in their pockets, the mayor is encouraging keep the cleanup campaign constant.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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14 Responses for “Bragging rights! Benque Viejo is the cleanest town in the country”

  1. Lucas says:

    In the midth 60’s Benque was not only clean but beautiful and was well known for it’s hospitality and famous for it’s beautiful women.It had all it’s horinzontal and vertical streets paved between St. Joseph and Riverside. All other streets were filled with a white dirt which did not become muddy during the rainy season because the drainage was excellent . It was well lite that night looked like day. The Mopan banks were well maintained. It boasted two beaches. One by Lola Guerra and the other by Mr. Carrillo. It had three deep swinning pools. One by Mr. Savala, another by Mr. vidal and the other by La Matanza. Those were the days of Juanito Gongora, Aliff Coleman and Chobeto Luna. Mayors who felt proud of being from BENQUE. I am proud to have lived during their time.

  2. Josie says:

    Nice job guys, keep it up

  3. rod says:

    go my mayan people show them that you are not only the smartest people in the world you are also clean caring and responsible not like the people in belize city who are dirty murderers thieves and everything that is bad in the world.

  4. Initiate! says:

    Woow, you surprised me there – Benque would not have been on my first guess! Good Job and good role model.

  5. belizeanpride says:

    santa elena and san ignacio should take the same steps since we’re getting far behind and will soon be like belize city if we continue the same way we are right now.

  6. Proud Belizean says:

    Way to go, Benque. Congrats to the Mayor, his council and the people of Benque.

  7. Belizean says:

    @ belizeanpride
    San Ignacio and santa elena came in 3rd. We are in the top 3. Maybe if people would stop being so ignorant and stop taking EVERYTHING so political we could get ahead. Kudos to the Benque crew! BIG UP!

  8. Kerin says:

    Bravo!!!!! I aplaud you keep up the good work. Benque is a wonderful place only made better by your efforts!!!!!

  9. sabuskii says:


  10. Roberto Vidal says:

    Congratulations to the people of Benque Viejo! Maybe this will compell the government of Belize to help the township of Benque fix its pot-holed filled streets that are an eye sore. The people of Benque acted with national and civic pride; its due time that the government acts with national pride instead of exerting political vendetta by cutting much needed funds for infrastructure everytime a township votes for the other party.

  11. Jukdog says:

    Good Job BENQUE But @rod You guys throw all your garbage along the way from Belize City to Benque thats why there is none left for Benque just drive 5 mins behind the bus when it leaves the city nasty folks…as for murders just wait till they get drunk and chop up one another…they’re murderers in Benque too as well of the rest of the country …or do u want to discuss incest/carnal knowledge #1 in that too you racist !

  12. Earl Grey says:


  13. sweet girl says:

    great job!!!!! a good way to go! keep it up since Benque is the prettiest place in Belize!!!!!

  14. F.M. says:

    Lets not attack each other and lets make a commitment to work for the betterment of our country. This is our country we all live in it. We are what we make of it. Way to go Benque!!!!!! Keep it up.

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