Government suspends normal relations with Channel Five
Following today’s Cabinet meeting, the government issued what it calls a press advisory to say that it is suspending normal relations with Channel Five/Great Belize Productions. It cited four reasons for doing so including what it claimed was a failure to air Belmopan Weekly. For the record, that program was in fact aired by this station. The following statement is issued in respect of government’s actions:
“Channel Five will continue to cover the news in a fair and objective manner. It is our obligation to the citizens of Belize to provide viewers with the information you need about the activities of the government. It is not our job to cover the government in the way it chooses or in a manner that does not reflect well on the truth.
In the course of doing our job, we will continue to cover the government’s action and efforts. We will endeavor to tell their side of the story, so that you can make informed decisions about government actions. There are many pressing issues facing Belize, and every citizen needs to be engaged in the debate and to understand how we, as a community, will face these issues. We will report the news and we will continue to present our other programs with the same objectivity that we have had.
If the government can take this action, it will have a chilling effect on the coverage of the news. In a democracy, the press has an important role in telling its viewers the news. Media coverage improves transparency in government. This action will have the opposite impact. If the government can take this action against Channel 5, they can take action against any news organization or reporter. Of course, this will decrease transparency in government and is not a wise step for a healthy democracy.”
Wow. With all the important issues in Belize such as the growing murder and poverty rates. the GOB has time to start a quarrel with a news station.
One of Dean Barrows great ploys to keep the actions of his corrupt government a secret. I made the mistake to vote you in but next election i will play my role in voting you out. We cried againt the People’s United Party now our cries have increased double fold.
Really mature guys.
The Fourth Estate aka……..THE PRESS must be kept FREE…..
The GOB…..WHOEVER ” P ” IT IS…….NEEDS ITS OWN MEDIA i.e. Television, radio & press.
This SHOULD remain GOB regardless of which “P” is in power.
Channel 5, we want you to stand up against dictatorship. You have the full support of the Belizean people because the people know better. We are paying attention and Barrow and his lunatics can start counting their days.
I suppose in this case Barrow cannot appoint his family to be the CEO/ambassador in order to be his eyes and ears… S***as!
Why? Keith Olbermann gave a beautiful segment on partisan journalism the other day. An excerpt of his broadcast:
“[Walter Cronkite and Edward R. Murrow] were men who did in their day what the best journalists still try to do in this one:, analyze, unscramble, assess. Put together a coherent picture or a challenging question using only the facts as they can be best discerned, plus their own honesty and conscience.”
UDP is obviously threatened by Channel5. What do they have to hide? No one else is going to take them to task as much as you all. Channel7 sometimes challenge them, but Jules always spins the news into gossip. I won’t even talk about KREM… Evan X is so far up Dean’s @$$ he must be anxiously awaiting the Christmas dinner coming. Yup… I said names. You mad? I think this must be one of the reasons Dean-O and them don’t like Channel5. Regardless of the reporting, you all give the PEOPLE an open forum to discuss their views. That is one of your greatest assets Channel5. Even if people disagree with your reporting, you provide them an opportunity to be heard. Thanks.
This was just a shot across your bow to make you fall in line, they don’t mean it.
Dean, Boots, Carlos, Singh, you are big boys, you can handle a little criticism or a lot when you deserve it, you’re politicians for God’s sake, one news organization cannot break your back. We have been critical for one reason, we love our country & want to see the violence & corruption end. Many of us get our news from more than one source, give us some credit, a few of us have the ability to analyze what we see, hear & read.
Fight for publishing what is right and true! Freedom of speech in the press is the cornerstone of every democracy!
well no surprize here i for one have been waiting for this to happen now barrow is becoming just like the african nations dictatorship well this will not play out this way barrow you cannot silence the people and channel 5 is the voice of the people the best newspaper in belize the people elected you and the people will take you out so you better get you pyjamas clean and ready because your days are numbered barrow you and your stooges will not be permitted to continue defrauding the gov and people of belize you are useless inept and impotent as a leader and as a gov. you will go down in history as the worse pm and gov in the history of belize i smell nepaum in the air i smell a new beginning in the air revolution is coming keep strong channel 5 we the people of belize are with you whatever you need we will provide. power to the people .
What’s the Creole and Garifuna equivalents of “cutting of your nose to spite your face.” That’s what the government is doing. This just makes Channel 5 look MORE credible, probably the opposite of what was intended by Barrow & Co.
Of course, that assumes that rationality is still the order of the day in the current government. It may not be.
Well Channel, you know what that means: Lay of the investigation into the Immigration scandal. UDP = DICTATORSHIP!
The last time I checked the BELIZE CONSTITUTION ACT Chapter 4, PART II Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, ARTICLE 12. Protection of freedom of expression., it states that
(1) Except with his own consent, a person shall not be hindered in the enjoyment of his freedom of expression, including freedom to hold opinions without interference, freedom to receive ideas and information without interference, freedom to communicate ideas and information without interference (whether the communication be to the public generally or to any person or class
of persons) and freedom from interference with his correspondence.
(2) Nothing contained in or done under the authority of any law shall be held to be inconsistent with or in contravention of this section to the extent that the law in question makes reasonable provision-
(a) that is required in the interests of defence, public safety,public order, public morality or public health;
(b) that is required for the purpose of protecting the reputations, rights and freedoms of other persons or the private lives of persons concerned in legal proceedings, preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, maintaining the authority and independence of the courts or regulating the administration or the technical operation of telephone, telegraphy, posts, wireless broadcasting, television or other means of communication, public exhibitions or public entertainments; or
(c) that imposes restrictions on officers in the public service that are required for the proper performance of their functions.
BARROW DON’T WANT THE FACTS TO BE REPORTED…..or is Barrow using this strategy not to be held accountable of his words that Jose Sanchez and the other media can meet with him to review the evidence about the Immigration Scandal and he could act accordingly like the evidence presented in the Case of Castro (clear the land)…I saw that interview for the last seating at the HOR”….
Now everyone will want to watch Ch 5. C’mon everyone, buy ad space….support Ch5….stop censorship.
Maybe GOB will pull the plug on Guardian too?
Welcome back Mussolini!!!
The current Government have established itself as a power house to control the lives of
Belizean. If it was for the best then it would not been that bad. Well, maybe it’s not the entire
government but the head–Mr. Barrow-he have done the judicial system his kind of justice and
have done the business sector whatever was pleasing to his cronies. Channel 5 is a news
entity that is responsible to investigate and broadcast current events. If that is wrong and is
subjected to do as a government wishes then the country of Belize is indeed closer to
doomsday–did someone say DICTATORSHIP-The people who are looking in and see and
understand are experiencing a chill throughout their bodies–they love Belize but hate what is
going on. I support channel 5 and appreciate their newscast–Belizeans it’s time to get rid of this
cancerous government.
While, I cannot defend these actions, I have seen gross bias and erroneous reporting from Channel 5 which misrepresents the facts. I would have hoped that at least a notice should have been sent to them alerting them to fix their way of reporting. Channel 5, its your duty to report, but only the FACTS!
jeez, up to this point of controling relations with this news production the bald pm head seems to try control. are we getting on the line of dictatorship now, what the hell is he thinking, where is the free of speech, does he feels threaten by channel 5 like the U.S with wikileaks? if channel 5 is like wikileaks where here to stand along with them and we want the truth but nothing truth. where is our democracy. people this is rediculous and shameful for this governemt, are we ready to kick their candy @$$ from their seats.damn!!!!
I am proud of you Channel 5 not to stoop to Barrow’s antics. Guess he wants to appoint another family member to dictate the media as well. In justice’s sake I wish they would overthrow Barrow. as enough is enoiugh. There is simply so democracy in Belize and maybe we should seek help from the US or the UN. I worry about my Belizean people who are not Barrow’s puppets!
To the good folks at channel five, do not let the dumb..s government scare you, continue to do what you are doing keeping the world up to date with the truth, and if the stupid prime minister and his jackass followers can’t dael with that then tell to step down or fix the damm problem, just realize that if they try to sensor you guys there will a whole lot of us out here that WILL support you. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK
Hooray for Channel 5. Hello what happen to the free press. Freedom of speech. Come on cant the GOB handle some criticism. Keep it up guys.
Don’t really know what Belmopan weekly is all about but if it has anything to do with what goes on in the house, maybe it is a good thing that it is not being aired by channel 5 so we can be saved from the embarrassment it would cause us regarding the way these politicians behave .
Channel 5 did state that they have aired this program don’t know how often they have or how often they are required to but however many, they are required to by law then they probably should adhere to the laws of the country with that said I believe that the government is looking for any way they can discredit channel 5 since they are the only ones that allows online commentaries of their news articles where the public can view these commentaries and apparently the GOB is not a fan of free speech.
I knew it,that all this tv channels,and radios in belize were supported by government(taxpayers $$$)that why when they air up stories of government corruption,one never hear this channel 5 reports,etc asking the right questions.shame on them.
Clear the land u r i’n big trouble for breeding a 14 yr old, is this what bald head barrow trying to cover up? Channel5 I support your good work to air the truth about the dirty politicians…..
I guess the Government is scared for Channel 5 since they exposed the Immigration Scandal. They are afraid that more of their corruption be exposed. It seems we are living in Venezuela or Cuba. I
it seems your so called President wants to do the same as the so called President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez…Keep your eyes open Belizeans.
Not all media houses are supported by the government but a lot of them are. It would be nice for the public to know who is supported and by how much. Transparency GOB…you keep repeating it Mr. Prime Minister that you and your Government would be Transparent..unlike the PUP. Stop saying it and prove it by ACTIONS enough words. You select to be transparent SOMETIMES..not all the cannot fool the Belizean People. I applaud Channel 5 for giving me the option to express myself in this manner. Channel 5 you are doing an excellent Job. It is the government that is NOT DOING THIER JOB….so they have to find someone else to blame.
I seem to remember the previous administration blaming the media for their downfall. Which, only seems to prove that the 4th estate in Belize is by and large fair and relatively un-biased.
Rather than attempting to muzzle the press how about actually doing more than paying lip service to stamping out official corruption.
Channel 5 has power…the power of information. They provide the most professional news in Belize and it is being recognized regionally. The truth hurts, but it shall set you free.
Good info Guinea Grass Observer. Channel 5, we support freedom of speech and will stand with you.
This is not good….. this will be unfavorable in the foreign press, and to foreign investors. Belize continues it’s slide into the Abyss.
I cannot say that I wish to see these grown pickney debate, they are uninspring, and regardless of thier education , they are unable to put coherent sentences together. It’s shameful.
Politrics is politrics is politrics I guess, so the bickering between parties will always remain, and blaming, pointing fingers and fabrication of facts will remain an integral part of politics, not that that is unique to Belize. But you all love that, so it won’t go away.
One of these days, the Belizean public will embrace change. And not a changing of the guard, but true change, real reform and a rebuilding of our once great nation.
I say flush these blue and red pretenders away.
REEEEEEMOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Yo-self! Do the right thing for the country for a change.
Barrow want his cake and eat it. We fight for democracy, equality, justice prior to 2008. Now the people must fight for the removal of this tyrant and lunatics Dean Barrow. All he is doing with the opportunity we gave him is to enrich himself and his family.
Channel 5 keep up the good work, dig deep and expose the corruption of my UDP government. I voted for them; It the biggest mistake I ever regret.
What u talking about.
While I won’t condone the government’s “suspending normal relations with Channel 5”, there is an obvious bias of this news station for the People’s United Party. I do hope that this challenges Channel 5/Great Belize Productions to produce more objective reporting. It is the best broadcast media outlet in Belize and most influential. It has the power to spin the truth and the power to give the plain truth. Channel 5 holds a lot of responsibility in their hands. I hope the Channel 5 executive team can put personal vendettas aside, swallow their personal feelings and do the right thing.
At last the truth is out about Castro——- look at Ballz comment— ummmhummmmm.
Anyone who pays attention to activity such as the one Barrow is implementing against Channel 5, knows that its a step towards a dictatorship.
Maybe we should set up some wiretapping on Dean Barrow to see which Dictator and him are best friends, seems like he’s getting pointers on dictatorship in leading a country from Chavez, Castro, or one of the African Presidents. We Belizeans were never a riotious set of people to think about overthrowing our Government but we cannot continue letting this Government drag our Country through the mud and take away our Civil Rights little by little. We need to start standing up against injustice. For anyone interested in reading a comment about Dean Barrow go to the ” BELIZE TIMES” webpage.
The article in the ” BELIZE TIMES” is called ” IT’S YOUR JOB——-STUPID” written by Mike Rudon Jr. Good reading material.
So what are they four reasons? Before I start to say something, I need to read the four reasons.
Dean u the make Musa look good.
Keep it up channel 5. Dean can’t hide.
The action taken by the PM is simply because Channel 5 refuses to be a UDP apologist like certain sector of the Press. It would be interesting to find out how much contribution goes to the TV Station and the other 2 newspapers. This action is certainly bad for Belize and the Free Press. Quo vadis Belize?
Gracious Dictator,
GUINEA GRASS Observer quoted the constitution, I will go slightly higher and mention Article 10 (freedom of expression) and Article 9 (freedom of thought, conscience and religion) of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Your actions are not only unconstitutional, but unconscionable in light of, what has become, international standards of good governance.
Channel 5:
In the words of the majestic Public Enemy….”Fight the power, fight the power that be”!
People who think that Channel 5 is objective are naive. I personally think that the most objective news house is the Reporter Newspaper. Channel 7, Channel 5, Amandala, Belize Times and the Guardian all add their little spin to the news and mark you they don’t do it overtly. If you are a fair minded person you will not need to be told what I am saying because denial of this is pure naiveté
I am proud of any press coming forward and taking the truth of what is happening in our country Belize, their is any one only Channel 5 are doing a great job on that. Channel 7 was good when the P.U.P. was in power, now they are mute, Amandala is the same, covering and supporting a dictatorship U.D.P. government , the Reporter as how they call them- self Independent, they are mute too.
Channel 5 keep the good work, you have the support of the Belizean people, Dean Barrow and the U.D.P. can take the heat.
goodness me!!! what is Belize coming to… I agree, news should be told, not matter what, tell as it is, and that is what Channel 5 does. Goverment… get off your @$$es on stupid $!@# and focus on the important things.. leave the news report what is…
I am proud of any press coming forward and taking the truth of what is happening in our country Belize, their is any one only Channel 5 are doing a great job on that. Channel 7 T.V station was good when the P.U.P. was in power, now they are mute, Amandala is the same, covering and supporting a dictatorship U.D.P. government , the Reporter as how they call them- self Independent, they are mute too.
Channel 5 keep the good work, you have the support of the Belizean people, Dean Barrow and the U.D.P. can take the heat.
All channel 5 needs to do is report the news. They should forget about throwing in their little commentary at the beginning, in between or at the end of the news. Channel 5 should let the viewers make up their mind. They should watch how the news is presented on BBC and Reuters. iF THEY DO WHAT I suggest it would set them apart from the “other” news station. There is a thin line between reporting and giving commentary. That’s why Glenn Beck would always say “I am not a journalist I am a commentator.” He said so rightly because a commentator adds their spin or opinion to the news while a journalist/reporter states the facts (who, what, when, where, how). That is how news is supposed to be reported.
Guinea grass, you should get a job with Channel 5 or Justice for citizen, good investigation on your side. What Barrow is afraid of is more !@#$ has yet to be unfolded and he doesn’t want people to know. He is acting like CASTRO & HUGO CHAVEZ, censorship of TV/RADIO.
I remember that when the Sandinistas ran Nicaragua [first time around] they regularly did similar things to the only independent newspaper, Viloleta Chamorro’s “La Prensa.” She often printed her paper with large sections “blacked out,” to further protest the tyranny. Maybe Channel 5 should find something similasr to do, to remind everyone daily of the censorship.
I often disagree with Channel 5, but I disagree more with official censorship.