Chester Williams is still the O.C. of Cayo Police Formation
Earlier in the newscast, we interviewed Senior Superintendent Chester Williams, who we had reported on a previous occasion had gone off to study law in Barbados. In case you were wondering how Senior Superintendent Chester Williams is still the Officer Commanding the San Ignacio Police Formation, he explained to us that his posting is “legal”.
Sr. Superintendent Chester Williams, O.C., Cayo Police Formation
“When I left in September, I was on vacation leave and that vacation leave expired on the twelfth of December. So when I came back I reported for work and my vacation leave, I came back to work. Then I go back again on vacation leave commencing the twenty-third of January. So I’ll go back on vacation leave again from the twenty-third of January to the end of March. Thereafter, I’ll proceed on study leave. So technically speaking by virtue of me being on vacation leave, I’ll still hold the post of officer commanding the Cayo Police Formation until my leave expires or until someone is appointed to the post. When I leave, Miss Willis, she will be appointed to the post. So she will official take over from me as the officer commanding the Cayo Formation.”
All the while we were under the impression that Mr Williams was on study leave without pay and some of us praising him for being back at work though he was on leave. Now he clarifies. This clarification could have made before.
All the best in your studies Mr. Williams.
Not to hate on Mr. Williams… I echo Horn’s best wishes. However, I have a concern with these “vacation leave” statements.
According to Public Service Regulations Section 60 which states that “Officers who earn thirty days vacation leave per year may accumulate up to a maximum of seventy days; officers who earn twenty days vacation leave per year may accumulate up to a maximum of fifty days.”
How is it then that this officer can have accumulated that much vacation leave, from September to 12 December, 2010 (lets count from Oct 1, 2010 – Dec 12, 2010) which would be approximately 49 days. Then from January 23, 2010 to the ‘end of March ‘, that would approximately be another 47 days. 47 + 49 = 96 days vacation leave.
How is this possible/allowed by Ministry of the Public Service and the Security Services Commission without him being offered payment in lieu of the vacation days he was unable to take annually due to the nature of his duties? Or is this a case of different strokes for different folks? I bet that if this was any regular Public Officer, they would be forced to take their leave or lose them instead of being allowed to accumulate this much leave to facilitate this lengthy study leave.
I welcome your thoughts on this.
ministry of public service please look into this matter.