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Feb 14, 2011

Teenager reports sexual assault

A very disturbing case of sexual assault has been reported by a teenager, who ran away from home.  The thirty-three year old mother of the child first reported on February second to the Family Violence Unit that her young daughter did not attend classes on that day and that she feared the girl had run away. The minor was located later in the day and she made a startling allegation to the police. She claimed that last December and again in February, she had been fondled by her step father. Even worst, the school girl claimed that when she was six, he had sexually abused her but she could not provide the precise date. The stepfather, a thirty-six year old resident of Belize City was brought to court late last Friday and charged with two counts of aggravated assault of an indecent nature upon the young girl. He was denied bail due to the nature of the offense and remanded to the Belize Central Prison until April nineteenth. The case file has been forwarded to the D.P.P. for determination on whether or not he will be charged with carnal knowledge. The family’s name is being withheld to protect the identity of the minor.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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5 Responses for “Teenager reports sexual assault”

  1. BZNinCALI says:

    I want to believe this child but my BS meter is telling me that we may have an angry teenager being manipulated by an adult. If the stepfather assaulted her, he should be punished but I would hate to see parents who actually give a damn prosecuted because of a child who will do whatever she deems necessary to get her way.. I question whether or not the mother would invite Police into her life if she knew & looked the other way while this man took advantage of her child. What made this man stop molesting her between the ages of 6 & whatever age she is now?

  2. Robert says:

    I hope there is some corroboration for such a serious accusation. The dynamics of the stepfather/child relationship are often very volatile and unstable, and can lead either to molestation or to false accusations.

  3. talkditings says:

    6 year old are u serious yow nuff man deh dah bze weh di run race in who can kill di most der goes a target right der but “they with holding di name and photo to protect the girl” protect her from what she has already been abuse. bze not dat big trust me i in baghdad an one phone call home an i can know whp it is, i seh plaster dem worthless man pics all ova so ppl know him wen dey c him an tire an bun dem

  4. belizeanpride says:

    i was expecting to hear the news concerning the little 5yrs old boy in benque who was rape also by an old mentalyi sick guy, we miss this one or maybe we’ll watch it tonight on channel 5, many of these things go unnoticed and never make it to the news which is kinda bad so we can watch out for these sick people. channel 5 you might need correspondants in every district to make your news more bigger which will take you to the top in news, good job done but we need more from every distr.

  5. Justice says:

    People do not want to accept it but there are many who have been molested by relatives and have kept quiet as they never get justice and then are treated badly by the same family members who do not belive them. I knew of several when I was growing up and as an adult and it is sad that these people do not come forward. Eyes need to be on family memebers instead of turning the other way.

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