2 men acquitted of rape, alleged victim did not convince the Court
A shocking verdict was handed down in the Corozal Supreme Court on Tuesday afternoon. After four hours of deliberation, a jury of nine found twenty-two year old Ivan Sosa and twenty-one year old Herby Narvaez not guilty of Rape; much to the surprise of Senior Crown Council, Cecil Ramirez. Both men were charged following a report by a sixteen year old girl, who claimed that she was raped and sodomized by two male friends on November eighth, 2008. The alleged victim, now eighteen years old, testified that Sosa and Narvaez invited her to a family residence in Corozal Town where they had some drinks. According to the teen, she started feeling ill and went to the bathroom. While inside, she says she heard a knock on the door and then fell unconscious. She claims that she awoke to find Sosa raping her while Narvaez sodomized her. The teen went on to testify that the bathroom tub broke during the assault and she fell unconscious yet again. This time when she woke up, she was in a hammock being rocked by Sosa, who she claims then called her aunt to pick her up. It was not until four p.m. the following day that she confessed to her mother. Meanwhile, Sosa and Narvaez, who were represented by Senior Counsel Simeon Sampson, told the court that the teenager made up the story. According to Sampson, that was why she did not tell anyone about the incident on the night it occurred. The accused men gave unsworn testimonies from the dock in which they both denied the rape allegations and said that they all had consensual sex. Sampson also noted that the teenager at no time complained of any pain and it was not until she was being punished for staying out late that she told her mother what had happen.
Let’s see how long it takes before these princes do the same thing again.
Simeon, many teenagers do not go home & confide in their parents because too often we are quick to punish our daughters & blame them for things they have no control over., She had no business drinking alcohol but the one who provided it should have been charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor in addition to rape & sodomy. This is a tough lesson & one that I hope she can put behind her.
Belizean jurors have a way of thinking which only they can understand. Come on my people. Don’t blame whoever was the judge or the prosecutor. The acquittal is because and I quote the news report;
” After four hours of deliberation, a jury of nine found twenty-two year old Ivan Sosa and twenty-one year old Herby Narvaez not guilty of Rape.”
We done know dat u can’t trust your friends, or the police. Now it seems you can’t trust the jury as well. Sad. But anyways I was not there hearing the case so maybe the complainant could not be believed as the jury found. But who am I to say so since all I know about this case is what I am reading. It’s still sad none the less.
First of all gentlemen… whenever alcohol is involved u just might never get the full details of what happened. And although I want to agree with you guys about charges that should be pressed against these men for giving alcohol to a minor, its of no use to even try! The system simply does not even lose any sleep over teens being inside bars or drinking alcoholic beverages. I have friends whose children (minors) frequent clubs to drink with friends and to this date, no one cares!
In our society we have teens dressing up way too sexy. Female teens want to look like sexy grown women. Too often they find themselves in situations where they socialize with males who are under the influence and they result is unwanted sex. But it all starts with the parents who let thier teens dress up in this manner. Teens, sexy revealing clothes and alcohol are not a good mix.
Let this be a lesson…., from the mere fact that girl went with those guys, the blame is no longer on the two men, she made that decision on her own, so whatever happens to her inside that home, was of her own fault, i am not saying what they did was right, but neither are they wrong in my eyes….I do believe that she agreed to it….goin into a house and drinking with two guys….what did she expect?…to plait maypole?, alchohol never leads to anything good….as I said, let this be a lesson to all other “bird brains” out there…
No means no. And having a drink with someone don’t equate wanting them to have sex with the. Rape is about power and control. Babies to the elderly are sexually assaulted…even nuns in habits. Thus, clothing is a non factor. Learn the facts before making ignorant statements. As the first poster stated, many don’t confide in anyone right away. Sometimes it is years before they ever do. As a result, many rapists never are brought to justice.
It is clear that many have no knowledge of the real factors involved in violence against women. Thus, juries will continue to bring about such verdicts. And fewer ppl will report rapes, feeling why should they face the horrors of the assault again as well as the ridicule of public when the rapist will be set free. as opposed to what some feel, it is not easy to cry rape. It is not the first thing women do. And when they do press charges, they are legitimate complaints.
I don’t understand why these men weren’t charged with statutory rape. Or as someone indicated, providing alcohol to a minor.
Mar that is the most stupidest thing i have ever heard are you blaming this young lady for what happen are you crazy. She said no even if she did not say no according to the reports she was given alcohol how and after a while she fell ill and then became unconscious. Who knows if these guys never slipt something in this girl drink that caused her to pass out. she woke up to both men having sex with her then she fell unconsious again. That is rape plane and simple it doesn’t matter if she went willingly or not she did not say yes to it and if she did she was not her self she was intoxicated. I wonder if this would have happen to you or your sister or mother or even your daughter if you would feel the same way. Yes some young girls use some clothing that is not suitable for them to wear but our young men need to learn that NO IS NO and i am sure they have a lot of ladies who are willing to have sex with them.
Regardless of this case, we need to change the law to increase punishment for sexual assaults, because they always repeat and make more victims:
Females, females, females, don’t yall know that a court is based on FACTS not what you know..
We are so harsh on women in this country. Two adults and one minor were drinking. The minor got drunk, raped and sodomized. The two men accused walked free, after claiming the sex was consensual. Then to add insult to injury, we blame the girl for making a bad judgement call, while the two grown @$$ men who had sex with her gets a Holiday in court!