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Feb 16, 2011

Breaking News: 2 persons just shot near their homes

A brazen, late evening shooting near downtown Belize City has landed two persons inside the emergency room at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital.  As many as twenty-one shots were discharged on South Street at its intersection with Wagner’s Lane.  When the smoke cleared in the area also known as Jump Street, two victims lay on the ground, only a stone’s throw away from their homes after being struck  multiple times.  Twenty-seven year old Derrick Clarke, a laborer of Wagner’s Lane, who has had a previous attempt on his life, along with Rose Arnold were both injured during the shower of bullets.  While the motive for the shooting is unclear, police are seeking two suspects as well as a possible getaway vehicle.  News Five spoke to Police Press Officer Sergeant Fitzroy Yearwood, who responded to the scene of the incident minutes after it occurred.

Sgt. Fitzroy Yearwood, Police Press Officer

“What I can tell you so far is that we had a barrage of bullets. We are not certain how many armed men, but we know that Derrick Clarke was injured and Rose Arnold. Presently they are at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital receiving treatment and police are looking for two suspects. Yes we have a vehicle that we believed was used—a van with Corozal license plate and we are following up on that.”

Isani Cayetano

“What was the approximate time this shooting took place?”

Fitzroy Yearwood

Fitzroy Yearwood

“A little before five, I would say around 4:54, thereabout.”

Isani Cayetano

“What can you tell us about the victim, Derrick Clarke, is he someone who has had any previous encounter with the law? Is he someone who was an innocent bystander or was he the target in this shooting?”

Fitzroy Yearwood

“First of all we will have to establish motive to know whether or not any of the victims were the intended target. I know you singled out Mister Clarke but we have two victims here and it would be unfair for us to answer such a question. But what I can tell you is that both persons were injured noh.”

Isani Cayetano

“Any word from the hospital authorities as to whether these injuries were life-threatening or anything of that sort?”

Fitzroy Yearwood

“Well all I can say is that they are receiving treatment.”

On June twenty-fourth, 2009, Clarke reported to police that someone wanted him dead and an attempt had been made on his life.  It is not certain whether he was the intended target in this evening’s shooting or if he was attacked by the same people who have a bounty on his head.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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13 Responses for “Breaking News: 2 persons just shot near their homes”

  1. BZNinCALI says:

    The time of day when people are making their way home from work & these fools are behaving like it’s High Noon at the OK Corral. Put these fools to sleep & let Amnesty International spank your hands for a while until the country is rid of these idiots.

  2. rod says:

    for three years now i have been calling for the hanging penalty and nothing has been done since then 325 people have been murdered no one else is to be blamed except this pm and this gov. this year we are on track already to beat last year murder rate and still we continue to let it happen this gov. has neighter the will know how or the cojones to put a stop to all these murders well people we the people have to take things in our own hands all murderers must be hung by the neck until dead no more excuses so let it be written so let it be done.


    Bze in Cali… then the rest of the world would called that cruel and unusual punishment! England would never approve of it and USA would never support it either so… maybe a good start would be for government to conduct a survey and get signatures of those in society who approve of this type of punishment. I know I would sign that referendum …

  4. Justice says:

    Sometimes when it hots home , people take heed. None of the PMs family have been a victim so obviously he does not care.We neeed to reinstate the death penalty or live like the wild west where you take matters in your own hand.

  5. jose says:

    I would had been willung to sat with gob and police officials to share some very important tips and ways of how they can go about fighting crime and especially the gang war in belize. but to they seems to know it all when indeed they are behind time. police officials from the gang supretion unit are taking guns off the street from certain block then take it directly into a other block for a little money and thats it crime continuas normal. and to date nobody is serious about investigating this !@#$, so just look out for crime to grow high this year take it from me, I know what time is it

  6. jose says:

    I had already text the prime minister concerning this serious issue and he text me back and told me that he would want to know he is the police doing such thing but when i told him when an we meet he never return back an answer, So i would want to believe that big fishes knows what is taking place but dont realy want to but a stop at it any at all they know why

  7. BZNinCALI says:

    @Justice, Wagners Lane & South Street is two short blocks from Dean’s Law Office where his partner was almost killed less than a year ago.

    @ Prince Michaels, the US would speak out against it publicly & donate the electric chair & thank us in private. Many states still have the death penalty & use it. It was good enough for the British when we were under their rule, I don’t think we need their approval especially when we consider that Belize is an Independent Nation & Belizeans overwhelmingly support the death penalty.

  8. Earl Grey says:

    One human being is A PERSON………….MORE THAN ONE IS PEOPLE.

    Saying TWO PERSONS …………………..IS BAD ENGLISH.

  9. Stephen says:

    Why when there are problems we blame the PM, that is not right we need to look deep into these situations as it is not the PM that having these fools killing each others. Look at it this way, if the PM say well we need to get rid of some of these idiots and organize a death squad, the first person to make noise are people like Rod who will call on Human Rights personnel. There are good people in our government who want to see our country go forward but we all need to help. Get a squad to start by taking no prisoners and have them move with media persons so that we all can see what they are facing and have a person present with them that can give authority to execute on the spot. We need to start executing these killers as they are only a hand full, some innocent might get kill but we call that collateral damage. Something need to be done fast. The justice department need to organize a new law enforcement department with diplomatic immunity that will be federal agents like a Sheriff Department or Federal Marshals that will not be under the Police department strictly under the Governor General. A suggestion for the head would be Mr. Alberto August and he choose his people.

  10. The People Had Enough says:

    Pac said it best, these young me are simply, “Bustin’ shots blindly Trying to find Jahova To help me
    Somebody save me Lost and crazy” that one sentence sums it up.

  11. Clean out the gallows says:

    Stephen, it’s just that the bucks stop with the PM. In his latest budget, he actually decreased the amount of money allotted to law enforcement, hence less available funds to fight this mad crime wave that cause us to become prisoners in our own homes. 2011 has just began and alreadywe’ve seen so many murders and attempted murders. The death penalty is the only answer; I promise you that these cowards will slow down when they are given their expiration date.

  12. MyLegacyB4myPeople says:

    You right Jose, we big fish do not want the crime situation in Belize to stop, see we use this as an intimidation factor on the people of course we can easily stop this mess if we wanted to and we know that we would have the mass of the people supporting us if we ever wanted to stop this but you see keeping the crime activities this high keeps the people at bay so we can do what we wish to do and there will be no protest and if there is protest we can just call out some of our thugs to shoot up some and no one will know that it is our doings and the people will be scared to ever try a protest again this is an example of how we run this country. and Belmopan is really too far for most people to go protest, so as long as we keep a tight rope on the city we will stay in control around here and be able to continue on our wealth building legacy scheme. Remember, My Legacy B 4 My People.

  13. berta says:

    I say again: Lets have national hanging day and start hanging these waste of human flesh every hour on that day. Next year, same thing. These boys are now killing for the thrill of it and that they can get away with it.

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