School to be connected to village’s water system
Following our report last Thursday night that the Good Start Pre-School in Camalote was without water for six months, Principal Carol Banner, told us today that the Camalote Football team has volunteered to help. The team will provide the labor to connect the school to the village’s water system, which is about a quarter mile away from the school compound. Banner says that an estimate puts the cost of the project to around two thousand dollars for the purchase of the necessary material. Banner says she will ask the Camalote community to assist with fundraising. Good Start Preschool operates with a small monthly grant from the Ministry of Education and it charges a monthly fee of ten dollars per child. The school contacted the Belize Water Services to seek alternative ways of getting the water connected but those proposals were rejected.
W.A.SA. is not making anything easy for citizens who want to make a change in Bze! Again I have to admire this lady’s strength and persistence in this entire situation. Bravo! The villagers as well for coming together and helping her accomplish this project that surely will benefit everyone in the longer run. At last some good news from Bze besides all the bloodshed thats been going on down there.