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Apr 19, 2011

Is it beneficial for foreign riders to participate in Cross Country Cycling Classic?

Tonight’s question is: Do you think it is beneficial for foreign riders to participate in Holy Saturday’s Cross Country Cycling Classic? Send your comments and responses using your SMART phones to 8686 or post your vote on our e-poll at You can also send an email with your comments to

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11 Responses for “Is it beneficial for foreign riders to participate in Cross Country Cycling Classic?”


    This has been a tradition in Belize for many, many years. And although many look forward to the yearly event, Belizean cyclist continued to be defeated on their own grounds. This is not good for Belize at all. There should be a separate race ever year this time, one only for the Belizeans and, the lesser for the foreigners to participate as well.
    Even with this as a tradition the Belizean cyclists continue to be physically inferior in the finals in comparison to the foreigners who continue to take the big prize home; this is the effect and consequences of low standards in this sport in Belize. Low standards can be generated from many different aspects, for example, lack of good cycling infrastructures, efficient cycling gears, and lack of professional training.

  2. BZNinCALI says:

    As much as it pains me to see foreigners leave with the title, I believe that tough competition gives our folks the opportunity to learn, sharpen their skills & become better athletes but God I am praying for a win this year.

  3. eyes on Belize says:

    Of course it’s beneficial for foreign cyclist to race in the cross country race. To let Belizeans know where they stand in the sport, and to work harder to achieve what they want to
    Achieve. It’s just as important as Belize playing another country in football. Why did this question ever pop up, is some Belizeans actually is getting afraid Of the competition. If this is so, I guess Belize will never make no way on the world stage. That’s why during the Olympics u see every country but Belize. Every Olympic I rush to the T.V screen to try and get a glimpse of the Belize flag to be proud, but to no avil. Because of thinking like this one, Belize will always settle for second best. Nothing feel better than seeing a Belizean beat a bunch of foreigners during Cross Country, its the talk of the town. No good or great competitor is scared of competition’ NEVER”.

  4. BelCap says:

    I agree with Cali, we should take this as an opportunity to further our goals in regards to cycling standards.

  5. Gustav says:

    Competition improves the breed. Good sports want to compete against the best, so victory means something.

    Otherwise, let’s just give every entrant a blue ribbon and not bother running the race at all. They can all go home “winners,” even though they proved nothing.

  6. cycling fan says:

    If we are to excel in sports, we need foreign competition to use as a measurement to know where we are and how much we need to improve. Since sports is not a part of the government development program, it is up to the different sporting association to find ways of developing our athletes, with lack of funding, the athletes, who have their own resources are those that excel. Many at-risk youths can be pushed into sports which will help with the social ills, but due to lack of funding to the association, no development programs are in place that will be able to generate elite athletes. Nor are there funds to have our athletes go abroad and compete effectively. Hence, this is the only way we are able to see where we’re at in terms of sporting development. Although many times the results are not what we want, we need to start educating the public on foreign competition, where resources are lacking. Remember, it is the public that wants to see our athletes excel, so foreign competition is necessary. And education starts with the media. so do your part.

  7. islander says:

    IT DEFINITELY IS BENEFICIAL…..How else will we ever know how good we truly are if we are afraid to compete against other countries.

    Whoever is complaining needs to grow a pair and practice harder so that they can beat the other athletes

  8. Rds says:

    I think it is a good thing, it makes the local guys realize where they stand, and we shouldn’t feel too bad, look at the Tour de France, how long has it been since a French man won it.

  9. Elgin Martinez says:

    I think it’s a good thing because this is when our Belizean Riders perform at their best .It also benefit the foreign riders in the sense that they get to test their skills in a different terrain.

  10. Earl Grey says:

    We need to set our game up to compete with the world.

  11. scarecrow says:

    Of course its beneficial how else will we know how good we are at something!
    Well said BZNin cali

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