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Feb 28, 2008

Wesley will hold anniversary fair

Story PictureThey began celebrating their hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary in June of last year and this weekend, Wesley College is still commemorating their historic milestone. On Saturday, the school will be hosting its first fair in nineteen years and according to the organisers, it will have been worth the wait.

Melvin Hewlett, PR, Wesley Fair
“As it relates to the events, there will be a lot of fun filled games. We have one of the main attractions is the dunking booth. That is gonna be one of the big highlights for the fair. We have a lot of volunteer teachers as well as past students that will be as the highlight. We have also got incentive from Mrs. Armstrong to go up there. The price will be high for us to try to dunk her in that game.”

Brenda Armstrong, Principal, Wesley College
“I am hoping that they have poor aim and keeping missing the target and that some way or another the good Lord on my side because it might be cool, so I don’t want to get wet too often. But if people are willing to pay three times the normal price, I’ll sit in the booth for a while.”

Melvin Hewlett
“There will be the bounce castle for the smaller kids. We have made sure that we have a secure kids dancehall supervised for the younger kids s well as a dance for the teenagers. The calypso train that they will take a short ride in and photo taking and all the other attractions that normally come with a fun-filled fair.”

Brenda Armstrong
“I would like to encourage all the graduates of Wesley College, past students, friends of Wesley College to come and have a good fun evening. It’s a chance for you to meet some of your classmates that you might not have seen for a while. We have one stall that I would like to advertise and it’s called our souvenir stall. We’ll have Wesley college bags—one hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary bags—and pens, past yearbooks, school t-shirts; Wesley junior college and high school t-shirts on sale at that stall.”

A fundraising BBQ and turkey dinner sale will be held on the campus on Saturday, starting at eleven in the morning. The fair kicks off at four p.m. and runs until eleven in the night. Entrance fee is one dollar, which gets you a ticket for the big gate prize.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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2 Responses for “Wesley will hold anniversary fair”

  1. kerin sutherland says:

    Me personaly think that is a great idea, and for everybody to come together and use there time wisely and do something good…especially how i am from Belize and i use to go to wesley school I use to go there but then i move over gere in houston with my parents because they thing it will give me a better opertunity.

  2. kerin sutherland says:

    But i will like to come back over there to my old school because it was actually fun for me and they made the school not easy, but understandable and that is what i like about it and the teachers treat all the students equally and we also have a lot of activities over there to keep or time wisely and not to waist..

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