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Apr 29, 2011

One alleged bank robbery associate gets bail

On April sixth of this month, five persons were charged in connection with a bank robbery at Heritage Bank in Orange Walk. The heist was suspected to be an inside job, and that was confirmed when police moved in on Samantha Carlos, the bank manager. She was arrested along with Ricky Valencio, Noel Usher, B.D.F. soldier Harold Valencio and Marva Welch of the Institute of Creative Arts.  Only Ricky was charged with Robbery, while Welch was charged with Handling Stolen Goods and the others were charged with Conspiracy to Commit Robbery. Today Attorney Richard “Dickie” Bradley filed a bail application at the Supreme Court on Welch’s behalf and the prosecution had no objections. With that, Justice Adolph Lucas granted her bail in the sum of five thousand dollars, with the conditions that she must return to court on May nineteenth; sign in at the police department every Friday until her case is concluded; and stay away from witnesses. Police allegations are that Welch was found in possession of one thousand, two hundred dollars in cash and the money is suspected to be proceeds from the bank robbery, which on occurred on April sixth. Over two hundred thousand dollars were stolen in the heist and Welch’s attorney says the cops have no evidence to link the cash found in her possession to the robbery.    According to Bradley, bail applications have already been filed for his other clients in the case, Carlos and Usher, but those are not set to be heard until mid May.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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6 Responses for “One alleged bank robbery associate gets bail”

  1. BZNinCALI says:

    Of course not, Dickey She stashed some of her paycheck in a shoe box every week just so that she could have enough money to pay for your services in case no one bought that story. And of course she & her cohorts will stay away from the witnesses, our accused play by the rules as they understand them & so far it is working, How much more harm can one more criminal on the streets cause?

  2. WTF says:

    Five people, Over $200,00 stolen, and her cut was only 1,200? She got chanced….

  3. solo says:

    what a !@#$%, commits the crime and now get bail no wonder we no get anywhere with the control of crime in belize, because criminals get bail !!!!

  4. dot says:

    the Judical system should be harsh on these thieves…this will send a message…so that individuals think twice before doing an act of robbery, or breaking the law.

  5. chabelli says:

    This is shocking;stealing from a bank then bailed then likelihood of skipping bail ja ja

  6. wtf2 says:

    I know that this case is old, but this is not a case of public opinion…fact is, she (Marva Welch), works hard for her money, n if she had anything to do with this robbery, believe me her cut would have been more than the alleged $1200…so take all that Sh&t elsewhere u dumb mofos

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