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May 19, 2011

Tint meters available 2 weeks before law becomes enforceable

The new Motor Vehicle and Road Traffic regulations on tinted windows will come into effect on June first, but there are still drivers who aren’t sure if their vehicles meet the approved standards. But according to a release issued this afternoon, the Department of Transport has received the first shipment of tint meters. If you want to find out if your windows are too dark, testing will be done in Belmopan on Friday, during the Public Service Information Day activities at the Governor General Field. In Belize City on Saturday, there will also be tint testing at the Wilton Cumberbatch Field from eleven a.m. to five p.m.

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22 Responses for “Tint meters available 2 weeks before law becomes enforceable”

  1. Roger Black says:

    I hope the Government Ministers, Police, and political cronies remove their tinting too. I think all Belizeans should revolt and riot to protest this stupid law. Lets start smashing the windows of all government vehicles that are tinted. Unless we get RADICAL we will be pushed around by the politicians. REVOLT . . RIOT . . and when you do that means DO NOT GO HOME FOR LUNCH AND FORGET TO RETURN. As is so popular in Belize. That is why we get pushed around. Just say no to the law. We need tinting to hide from the murderers, carjackers, theives and husslers that roam freely on the streets of this $#!% called Belize.

  2. BZNinCALI says:

    If you cannot see the people sitting in your car while you are standing outside, that is a pretty good indication that your tint might be too dark..

  3. Elias says:

    Gov’t officials and their cronies should be the first to take off their tints. Lead by example. many of them will want to leave theirs on. Law is law. what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

  4. BDF soldier says:

    So let me get this,this idiots in government expect belizeans to come to belmopan to find out if they have more or less tint in thier windows?i am so happy to live in a free countr(usa)where if we the citizens dont like a law that is unfair,we can recall such law,we can contest such in the USA every village,town,etc makes its own laws,etc,but in belize the system they have is a dictatorship system,what ever a ministers says goes on,and no one can fight back.

  5. Bz says:

    So they only have two? How exactly will this be enforced? Almost all vehicles have tint, will they pull everyone over? I agree with some of this like tinted windshields, and reflective tint, but cmon man, what will you do share it with the districts? or are you only going to pressure the city citizens?

  6. Haterz On My Back says:

    this mada!@#$% government is a moron. can someone tell me what the !(% by banning dark tints will stop… the gov knows who the culprits are & everyone knows who causes the crimes & the gangs there from. Those STUPID @$$HOLES are just trying to play a soso game that they think they have the people fooled. the only thing is that us belizean don’t stand up, we prefer just lay and take it up or @$$’s. !!!($ the GOB & all Political @$$HOLES….

  7. Elgin Martinez says:

    So how will this alleviate the murder rate when most shootings are executed by someone riding a bicycle.

  8. Sunshine says:

    Why don’t people read properly before they make stupid comments. @ BDF Since “USA” is all that how come so many people are homeless and hungry and jobless there. They have the chedars and they have their people punishing. DOOOOOOOOOOO try not to compare Belize to America, after all there is no comparison. Now imagine what this small country would be like if all our villages and districts make their own laws. Belize aint no America ok, Mr America.

  9. tim says:

    so, i live in placencia, i will close business and drive to belmopan to get my tint tested.. wtf!!!

  10. Justified says:

    This is a very good safety measure. I agree that all that tint should be removed front the front windows of all vehicles. There is no need for all that foolishness. Only the evil people like to move in disguise, because the light will expose their evil intentions. Praise God it is all coming off. This is a good judgment.

  11. sam says:

    As an American citizan and a 31 year federal law enforcement officer I have no idea what BDF Soldier is talking ABOUT there have always been laws against heavy tinting of auto glass in US IT IS ILLEGAL TO TRAVEL ON ANY INTERSTATE HIGHWAY IN THE US WITH HEAVY TINT FOR THE SAFETY OF PASSENGERS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS THAT THAT MUST APPROACH THE VEHICLE

  12. Roy Yates says:

    Like so many things that human find ways to abuse. The tinted winshield has its benefit to resuce heat build up in the interior of the vehicle, but many have gone too far with it. For instance, it is important for drivers to make eye contact at times on the traffic,especially when pulling up at certain junction in the city and towns, one driver can give head signal which could indicate that its OK for the other driver to proceed. Its also important for communication between pedestrians and drivers at stop junction to make sure that the pedestrian can see that driver see that he/she is about to cross in front of the vehicle. So I say to you folks who see the regulation as infringing on your rights. you need to exercise proper reasoning, as a society its important to learn how to cooperate from the stand point of good reasoning.

  13. belizeanpride says:

    what about the otehr districts like cayo, orange walk , corozal, the south W.T. F is wrong with this stupid law. we live in hot climate country where the tint help us for many reasons but becuase of some scumbaggs that ride bycicle killing each other i have to remove my tint, let the one who brought this is stupid idea stop this foolishness.

  14. BT says:

    simple solution… give each vehicle inspection station a tint meter. just like they (are supposed to) check your brakes, signals, and horn, are in working condition before you license a vehicle, so can they check the tint. too dark, and you don’t get to register your vehicle. in the meantime anyone who is unsure can take their vehicle to those same inspection stations and check if their tint is legal. sometimes Belize really goes out it’s way to avoid simple solutions to problems.

  15. fromafar says:

    I shipped my car up to FL a while back and got pulled over, and had to change the tint….

    I totally agree with this, and maybe Belize will take a step towards faithfullness. Everybody done did everybody.

  16. TNT says:

    “fromafar says:
    May 20, 2011 at 2:07 pm
    I shipped my car up to FL a while back”

    YOU shipped you car from Belize to Florida. What did you have hidden in it? Weed, Cocaine, Meth? That is the only reason anyone would ship one of these junker cars in junky Belize to the USA.

  17. OWtoBoston says:

    All the ignorance listed on this page… it’s a shame. Meters will come in time. This is only the first shipment. People, please read before you comment.

    @Roy Yates and @ sam: I agree completely with you. Drivers need to be able to see each other.

    @Almost everyone else: Please understand the great safety benefit of restricting tint to a certain level. I have faith that your leaders will abide by the law as well. If they don’t, then you have the democratic power to crticise. If we are getting riled up just over tinting, then we have a VERY long road ahead of us.

    Also, this will allow true visibility into cars that for some reason have the darkest tints I have ever seen. No more hiding in cars.

    I say this whole thing is a good direction.

  18. Ras says:

    D GOB is so full of !…………g $#!%. They r just waitin for led in there head includin d prime minister

  19. Swamp Dragon says:

    This help the Police catch criminals! So they can see who is in the vehicles. Fix yo AC or keep the windows down. Wear sunglasses. You can still have tint. Only not too dark as to not be seen inside the vehicle. Makes sense to me. Why all you crying over this. You cry for new laws and crackdowns on crime and this is a step in the right direction. Stop Crying Belize!

  20. TREJO says:

    Imagine the posibilities. We, yes we the people pay these idiots $20,000.00 a month to pass these idiotic laws. So what’s next, ban of really dark sun shades because they can’t see your eye. Will these idiots take off their tint? So Mr Swamp Dragon who don’t even have the BALLS to put his name. TALK ABOUT IT MAKES SENSE TO HIM. THE LAW SAYS THAT GSU CAN GO OVER TO YOUR HOUSE AND PUT A GUN UP YOURS, HOPE TO SEE YOU WITH ONE UP YOURS. HOPE YOU DON’T CRY

  21. Lucy says:

    Ok we remove the tint so “law enforcement” can be able to see in the vehicle….they will be able to see the criminal in the front seat so what about the one with the gun sitting in the back seat where heavy tinting it Ok…..I agree with the windshield tinting which is just stupid and those mirror tints….just hope they accomplish whatever it is they are trying to accomplish…..most shootings are done by guys on bicycles so what will be done about that?????

  22. anonymous says:

    this is a stupid law in my opinion.. the majority of the criminals are dumb black people. and you wont be able to see them in untinted windows since they are black. this black government of Belize is a dumb-@$$. very arrogant and senseless. the dumb politicians have to take their tint too since they are the !$#!@$ crooks around here

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