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May 31, 2011

Hurricane victim’s home almost taken away by fire victim

Emotions were running high in Hattieville this afternoon when a house granted to a hurricane victim was about to be taken away and handed over to a fire victim. Albert Hendy lost his house when the eye of Hurricane Richard swept across Hattieville. NEMO provided him with a new house, but today when the organization attempted to take it back, hell broke loose. News Five’s Isani Cayetano has a report.

Isani Cayetano, Reporting

An attempt by village council officials in Hattieville to repossess a single occupancy wooden apartment today resulted in chaos among stalwarts of the People‘s United Party.  In the wake of Hurricane Richard which ravaged the community in October 2010, thirty-nine year old Albert Hendy was given a new home as part of relief efforts spearheaded by the National Emergency Management Organization.  A few months later a directive was issued to reclaim house.

Albert Hendy

Albert Hendy, Home Owner

“Dehn come dis morning with the two police officers and the man weh give the house, Mister Gabourel. They come to say that they come fi take back the house. And I tell dehn that they ker my house cause if they ker my house they have to ker my life too because this dah all weh I got fi live fa, you know.”

According to Hattieville Village Council Chairman Gilbert Domingo the move to reclaim the house came after Hendy repeatedly complained to government officials that its size was insufficient and that he did not want it.

Gilbert Domingo

Gilbert Domingo, Village Council Chairman, Hattieville

“I was notified previously that the minister was encountered by the recipient of this house and he was very angry and he told the minister on several occasions that he didn’t want the house, he was gonna sell it, the house was too small; that he need to remove it from the premises before he end up doing sometihng with it. So as the leader of this community, my position was very simple. We have at this moment the fire victim lady; we have several people, three or four different people that are in need of some place to stay. So when we went down there—the contractor came, we got the police, we went down there and they were in the process of removing the house—we found out that the individual had moved in the house.”

The move, says Linsford Castillo, a political aspirant for the Belize Rural Central constituency was politically motivated as Hendy is a part of his campaign team.

Linsford Castillo

Linsford Castillo, P.U.P. Political Aspirant

“To me it is obvious; I don’t need to read between any lines. To me it is obvious that he is being targeted because of political reasons and that is clearly wrong.  My campaign has nothing to do with the fact that his house was destroyed in the hurricane and we are here today to ensure that this does not happen. I mean we cannot allow such a blatant victimization to happen to an innocent hurricane victim.”

Albert Hendy

“Dehn just come today and seh dehn wah ker it. But this dah the part of the faceyness ina this U.D.P. government you know. Dah just faceyness. Dah poor people dehn di target. And I get sick and tired of it. But Mister Hutchinson, I want make you get this; that you woulda neva ker dis.”

The woman the home was intended to be given to is Gilda Flowers, a mother of two whose house was completely gutted by a fire a few weeks ago.  She has been forced to live in a deplorable condition as help from the relevant authorities besides the village chairman is not forthcoming.

Gilda Flowers, Fire Victim

“We di struggle ina this house. We di get wet in yah because when it rain, water just come in yah.”

Isani Cayetano

“I understand an attempt was being made to assist you with a house from NEMO earlier and there was a situation that ensued as a result of that. What other assistance have you been getting? I know the conditions right now is completely difficult.”

Gilda Flowers

Gilda Flowers

“None. No other assistance I deh get. Only di chairman di help right now.”

But while it would seem as though money was being taken from Peter to pay Paul, the village leader says it still would not have been the best means of assisting Flowers.

Gilbert Domingo

“This is not our primary alternative in helping the fire victim. The fire victim is homeless and we’re asking people to help us with board and different lumber to help us to knock sometihng up for that person.”

Lee Mark Chang

One such person is Lee Mark Chang who happened to be passing by when he was approached to help out Flowers.

Lee Mark Chang, Good Samaritan

“I’m making my daily run to Belmopan today and I just passed and my friend, Domingo, flagged me down and appealed for me to take a look at the person’s house. And inside is really in bad shape so he appealed to me to get some material for him to fix up a house for the lady. I’ve agreed and I think we are starting with fifteen piece of plywood first for her and then we will see where we can move forward from there.”

The construction material, says Chang, will be delivered within the next few days.  Meanwhile it had been agreed upon by Domingo and Castillo that Albert Hendy’s home would not be reclaimed. Reporting for News Five, I am Isani Cayetano.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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12 Responses for “Hurricane victim’s home almost taken away by fire victim”

  1. hattieville neighbor says:

    No village council can instruct NEMO to take a house. What kind sloppy story is this? The village know that this man refused the house and said that he did not want it. But I guess, politics made him say what he said to Hutchy. Now when Hutchy try to do as he said, he becomes a victim. AND just in time for Castillo’s convention. All of this well coordinated by the PUP’s.

  2. Truth says:

    Indeed individuals always fall as victim because of political inquiries to keep people shout or take hell from who ever is in power, absolute madness this is.. First of all the house that this man live is indeed small, what programs does the government has for victims of disasters, one small shack of wood that would be blown away by another hurricane or a flash flood. This is how the government shows pity for Belizeans with no love..
    Everyone seated in the house of representative is crooked as they can be and if ur not crooked ur on the virge to be because its a virus that is envitable. A home should have already been out for this poor old woman, if G.o.B can attain millions for projects and invest alot in other unnecessary stuff like gettin import of potato an goods from Holland they can also invest in people who are paying the tax to make this country run its course..One small house for a man who is wlling to die for it, a house that probablt cost less than $4000bze but the government waste alot of bribery, political ads, new cars, spoil potato from holland in storage, but then treat the people like their subhuman’s.. A mother of two, she probably mite not be a relative of the ministers or else something could have happen immediately if she was, I’m sick and tiad of those !@($ – up behaviors from our higher-ups and everything they do is just for publicity nothing more, give the lady a very fine house for her two kids…As for as i am concern now…TO HELL WITH THE GOVERNMENT!!!!!.

  3. BZNinCALI says:

    It appears that no one’s needs are being met. While Mr Hendy may appear to be an ingrate, I have to agree with his assessment about the size of the house but that should also hammer home to him & us as a people is that we have to make more of an effort to help ourselves. Stop !@#$%^&* about the size of the house, figure out what he can do legally so that he can afford the material necessary to add on to his home to make it more comfortable.

  4. mylegacyb4mypeople says:

    Why would they place two entrances on such a tiny house? just a waste of space and material. politics, politics, politics now that is even much greater waste of space and material. My Legacy B 4 My People.

  5. Do it right says:

    This is P.U.P causing trouble again. I guess this man expected the the GOB to give him a mansion to live in. He should be grateful that he even got a free house to live in seeing that he is a big PUP supporter. If i was the village chairman i would’ve taken the house away too and give it to someone whoe needs it and is grateful to have a place to sleep. I guess this guy upset that it didnt come furnished as well huh. Some people make Politics too much of an issue in Belize. Thats why the politicians have so much power in society bc we the Belizeans give them the power. Thank goodness that Li Mark helped that poor lady bc she would be out of door while that ungrateful piece of $#!% complains about the FREE house.

  6. jose says:

    do it right let me tell you this .the G O B of belize is not spending any money in that peaice of $#!% ok that money comes from special funs from other country and everyone wants to be treated the same way so he was just seeking his correct size of the cake which seems that had gone to you so stop that $#!% about UDP and PUP cause two of them are the same $#$%

  7. deedee says:

    My gosh…is that the sizes of houses the Government of Belize is giving its people???? And to show their incompetence more they have 2 exits on that lil house…lol. Beggars shouldn’t be choosers but dammmm treat people like their human beings. Dean Barrow wouldn’t put any of his family members in a house like that, why do it to the very same people who you would come to asking for votes come next election.

  8. wisdom says:

    You want free housing. You want free education. You want free food. You want. But who pays? Tired of seeing us looking like thrid world beggers to the developed world. Time to work and develop our own. No wonder the people on the political right, in the U.S. and eslewhere are fed up with assistance to poor countries. Get up and work.

  9. TRUTH says:


  10. Earl Grey says:


  11. belizeanpride says:

    it looks more a like tacos house where you stop buy and buy your nice $5. tacos. mein it’s a shame that gov. give this size of house when NGO’s give betterhouse and much bigger but that’s politics no surprise but laughing athow the p.u.p and the u.d.p fight like kids. nasty politics makes people look like fools. man should have already triedto hussle for a house long time and he’s strong enough to work instead of brawling about the size.

  12. Get it right says:

    Jose Jose Jose, do it right was in no way saying that the size of the house is adequate. He is saying that the man is ungrateful to the people trying to help him. Like another person said above, he needs to try for himself as well. Take what is given to you and make it your own. The value of hard work is undeniable. He wants the government to give him everything. Do you know how many people would be grateful to get that house, despite its size. And you need to realize JOSE that the money given to the GOB (UDP of PUP) needs to be spread amongst the whole country. Its called aid, assistance, help. Let me use a very basic and easy to understand example to illustrate to you my friend. eg. you have $20.00 and 4 kids. Each needs to get lunch money for school so the easiest solution is to give them 5 dollars each right. You cant give one child $10.00 and share the next $10 among the remaining 3. Get me? Its all politcial my friend. You think its coincidence that the PUP aspirant is out there. Come on, elections are coming. All these protests and propagandas are all politcally motivated my friend. What does all these events have in common? look at the news and you will see a PUP representative out there. Its all politcal my friend. UDP did it when they were the opposition and now PUP is doing it. You need to understand how this game works. These politicians don’t give a rats @$$ if this guy gets a small house or not, its all about manipulating the voter. I commend Lee Mark for helping this poor lady. Now thats a generous and genuine person helping another person in need. So GET IT RIGHT and as my friend says, DO IT RIGHT.

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