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Jun 17, 2011

Cabana Owner still behind bars

Vidal was also in the news recently for a raid at a home of Belmopan businessman, Mike Menjivar. Menjivar claimed that excessive force was used when the GSU raided his home; he was injured and was charged with nine counts, including one of attempted murder. His wife and housekeeper were also charged, the two women have been released on bail, but Menjivar is behind bars, and will remain for at least another five days. That’s because his bail application came up today before Supreme Court Justice Troadio Gonzalez but the Director of Public Prosecutions, Cheryl-Lynn Vidal, has indicated that she will object to bail. The case was adjourned until next Wednesday, giving Vidal time to submit affidavits to support her objections. In other news from the Supreme Court, the June session starts on Monday. Thirteen matters are set be heard and they are all murder cases from Belize City and the Cayo District.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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14 Responses for “Cabana Owner still behind bars”

  1. marvylovebelize says:

    Something smell fishy……The officer in charge of conducting this raid is the husband of the Director of Public Prosecutions. In this case the officer cannot remove himself as he is the Government representative verses the defendent, but another DPP representative should be the prosecutor in this matter. This in my opinion, is clear conflict of interest. How can this defendent get a fair and objective trial…..Someone in the Judicary system needs to look into this matter and all related matters where this couple is representing the Government on cases.

  2. beemtheman says:

    This is called conflict of interest in other contries…
    But we are in Belize ,I guess it’s OK?!

  3. mustard says:

    let the man out of jail, this is getting be a real stupid act of the DPP. and her whipping of a child with a belt, and she represents the gob, its shamefull. just shamefull.

  4. concerned belmopan says:

    Its a shame to see that this D P P lady is the one objecting to bail requested for the well known by all,Mr.Menjivar knowing that her husband Marco Vidal,ordered his crew to finish up the whole family,is she the only one that doesnt want to see what really hapened at the Menjivars or at least try to get information outside rather than believing blindly in her husbad?only on what he is telling her?Lady with all respect,i as a woman also would never try by all means to cover my husband if i knew he is on the wrong track!!!and i am not someone important to our country as you are,you should be an example but after seeing what is happening you are leaving a lot of questions in the air.I personally wonder who is the people in charge of assigning you all to suppossedly do right in our country?Vidal messed up an entire family leaving kids without parents,but what does he cares if he doesnt even feels for his own kids but lets not talk about him,he dont deserve to even be mentioned.It is you we want to see really,do you care for belize families?We will know on monday.

  5. ny says:

    is this chic vidal the only qualified person in the jewel to hold the dpp post? and isn’t it a conflict of interest for her to be married to gsu personnel, just asking?

  6. Fairman says:

    If this foreign DPP can encourage, support, and contribute to the torturing of a child, her husband’s child, by her husband, imagine what they can do to us who are not members of their family.
    This DPP has done a lot of questionable things as DPP in Belize. She acted as a defense attorney, quickly arranging for bail, in a drug case from Dean Barrow’s law firm. She did not order the arrest of Salvadoran Sergeant Reyes who killed his colleague in San Pedro Town because the culprit was connected to a rich white man on the Island who is connected to Crispin Jeffries, Dean Barrow, and Elodio Aragon, and the list can go on.
    I looked at the photos of the child,s injuries and there was glaring evidence of excessive physical abuse to warrant a criminal charge. Other people who are accused of physical assault are quickly arrested even when there is no evidence to prove the assault but in this case the DPP and her husband, Crispin Jeffries and Dean Barrow’s favorites, are involved so there is going to be no justice for the child.
    Not even with the DPP a child can be considered safe these days. Can we truly condemn the youths of Belize City for what they are doing if the so-called highly educated DPP is involved in this kind of behavior?

  7. rasman says:

    Well we should not expect any political intervention in this case of conflict of interest as Dean Barrow by his actions in BTL, SSB, Legal Rep, and soon BEL that those his administration appoints are exempt from conflict of interest.

  8. Belizean Diaspora says:

    Sad, the DPP deciding not to remove herself from a case, where there will be clear conflict of intrest, since ASP Vidal, her husband was the officer commanding that raid, and he will be a vital part of that case, and her familial relation to him will no doubt influence her judgement in this case. She is basically opening the door for further prosecutions where the spouse is involved in the investigation, and the prosecutor is will not remove them self from the case. Belize is on a slippery slope to a dictatorship, right under the noses of her citizens, where money, loyalty and family are the only ways to get around. Belizeans have to wake up to this nonsense and turn this around, rather than put up with the BS they keep getting served with on a silver platter by these fools.

  9. dracula says:

    i am listening to these comments and it is really sad. You guys are behaving like the DPP will be the Judge or jury in this case. Let me enlightened you guys just a tad bit. The Director of Public Prosecutions works hand in had with the Belize Police Department. She is not a legal aid for criminals her job is to persecute persons that commit crimes. The Police Department is to firstly arrest these persons. So how di hell a police Sgt can be married to an inspector of Police and that not be conflict of interest. Open your eyes (censored) thats because they are on the same team you (censored)s…. Its obvious to me that you cannot find anything adverse on VIDAL because if we have to invade his home to find out that he lashes his kids then we are the ones that dont have one (censored) to do, seriously. I dont know Mr Vidal personally but we all god damn know that they are officers that are link with the drug trade that facilitate the landing of airplanes. but we have to pick on someone for doing what all of us parents are guilty of ….

  10. cg says:

    oh mein….lot of people will pay for their bad mind…sorry to say

  11. John Eskisofrenico says:

    How in the world will violence end here in Belize if violence starts from those who should be preventing and solving it. Vidal is like a CRAB in a bucket, if sees that one is getting high, he brings them down. He is doing the same thing here, he can see a Belizean going in the way of success because he will try to stop it. We as Belizeans cannot wait until it happens to us. We should stand up once and for all and stop this ignorant, Government hired criminal. It is obvious that Dean Borrow is begging that what happened to Gadafi happens to him.

  12. Elgin Martinez says:

    Why havn’t vidal been locked up?What’s up with this VIP treatment that is been given to this child abuser?

  13. Katrina says:

    @mustard, according to reports, Cheryl-Lynn didn’t do the actual lashing, she just aided and abetted the abuse by handing Marco the leather belt. .. in my mind, I think she’s just as guilty.
    @dracula, no, all of us parents are NOT guilty of lashing our children until they’re bloody and bruised, that’s just sick…

  14. Dan Armeneau says:

    Something is seriously wrong here and it’s really starting to take on the stench of political meddling. If the DPP didn’t have their argument for denying bail prepared a month after Mike Menjivar was put to remand then they really shouldn’t be allowed to have an extra week to do so at Mike Menjivar’s expense. Something’s not right here! It just has that odour about it!

    Dracula – You should put your mind in gear BEFORE you put your keyboard in motion. You’re making yourself look foolish and your attempt at enlightenment didn’t quite make the grade I’m afraid.

    Unless Marcos Vidal and his gang of Government sanctioned thugs are reined in I’m afraid that the citizens of Belize can expect, at best, more of the same human rights abuses and more than likely an escalation of these acts of impunity. But only if the citizens of Belize stand by and let it happen. Does the thought of a “Police State” scare you? If it doesn’t then I would suggest a review of the recent history of the Central American Region! Just a suggestion.

    What I see happening here scares the hell out of me. It’s too bad really. Belize could have been so much more.

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