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Jun 21, 2011

Football Federation of Belize still suspended by FIFA

Bernaldino Pech

As we reported in Friday’s newscast, the Football Federation of Belize is currently suspended from participating in all regional or international football activities organized by FIFA and its affiliates.  The notice sent shockwaves across the nation in the midst of a protracted standoff between the Government of Belize and the F.F.B.  The FIFA decision came following a letter sent by Minister of Sports John Saldivar stating that government would not be providing security or assistance to accommodate the visiting national team from Montserrat.   While much has been said about the suspension, the ramifications of having barred Belize from competing in preliminary games that could qualify the home team for a place in World Cup 2014 have been understated.  Unless the issue can be resolved between GOB and F.F.B. by July tenth, all bets are off for Belize to advance in the World Cup qualifiers.  Senior Vice President Bernaldino Pech reiterated that point from the letter FIFA sent to F.F.B.

Bernaldino Pech, Senior Vice President, F.F.B. (File: June 17th, 2011)

“In the event that the match cannot take place by that date the National ‘A’ representative team of Belize will be excluded from the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil preliminary competition.  The Football Federation of Belize is immediately suspended due to the interference of the Belize government.  The suspension will last until the Belize government reverses its decision.  In addition any action taken by the government against the office bearers of the F.F.B. will not be recognized.  We kindly ask you to keep us updated of our efforts to resolve this issue and of the evolution of the situation.  Sincerely yours, for FIFA, Markus Kattner, Deputy General Secretary.  This letter was also copied to CONCACAF.”

On Friday F.F.B. President Dr. Bertie Chimilio filed an injunction against government in the Supreme Court which is scheduled to be heard by June twenty-seventh.  In other international football news FIFA executive member and the region’s point man Jack Warner, who was also president of CONCACAF and was the focus of a corruption investigation, tendered his resignation from the world football governing body on Monday.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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7 Responses for “Football Federation of Belize still suspended by FIFA”

  1. Belize says:

    Well maybe just maybe if FFB would have spent more of their fifa budget supporting and organizing the actual sport rather than on administrative fees then we wouldn’t be in this problem would we!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Righteous says:

    Imagine what Belize would be like if the PM was able to appoint area reps in all constituencies. He would never be removed from power! This is what has happened with Chimilio. Many people may not be aware of it but all the people with voting power in FFB elections with the exception of the BPFL are appointed by Chimilio. What have these ppl done for football, zero. Take an example at Toledo: No kind of football activity save for the effort of TIDE which is an independent body. In Belmopan, where the headquarters of the FFB is located, the only competition being run is by Mr Pena who is not affiliated with the FFB. This man agenda is to field national selections regardless of performance so then FIFA can continue supporting him. And perhaps we may have a selection today but not tomorrow as there is no effort in supporting youth clubs and players. These 19 or so players currently on the selection are being selfish because they are exchanging one game for the rest of their future and the future of thousands of young men and women if Chimilio is left in power. The players instead of focusing on GOB and this one game should take the opportunity and pressure Chimilio to do the right thing and call fair elections at all districts and then at the national level and this problem would be resolved. It is that simple but the man is in love with Power.

  3. CEO says:

    This sort of mess should have been worked out a couple years ago. Don’t wait until there is an international match to start thise sort of embarassing crap.

    Bertie should have been put down a long time ago he has done nothing for the sport in Belize other than enrich himself. Tell you what! if I was the head of this business and did not even had the forsight to secure a pitch that is acceptable by FIFA to play our home games I would be embarassed! Why does Belize not have a national team with our best professional players (with no other job other than play foot ball) to represent our country. We have much tallent that can be developed. many of our players are playing for other countries.

    The government on the other hand does not realize when they allow this sort of crap to happen how much revenue is lost that a game like this would generate.

    When our leaders have no vision the people shall perish! How many of our youths are languishing in dispare? Bad business all around!

  4. BZE_101 says:

    I think that if Mr. Chimilio was to be taken off from the presidential seat of the FFB we wouldn’t be suspended by FIFA. There are many reasons why Belize can be suspended but they claim one which is the problem of Government issues and the FFB. My point is that if Mr. Chimilio is taken out of the FFB, Belize would be a successful country in the sport of football. We could be seeing more action from the home team in other international tournaments and games.

  5. harry says:

    What is worng with these people back home, chimilio has never done anything for football in Belize, we dont even have a sensible stadium to call our national stadium where we can have our home games. Its so ridiculous that this guy is in power for so many years yet nothing is been done. FIFA donates so much money to FFB every year and from i was a youth that place in Belmopan has being under construction and it is still under construction and nothing magnificent has been done one it. I done know what is wrong with the footballers in Belize, attacking the government for this mess, they should be pressuring both parties. Look in Belize we have quality players, but no set goal by the leaders of sports. if a little country life Trinidad can do great in soccer why not Belize. We need to focus more on developing youths rather than these old guys that only think of themselves and their future.
    I am not living in Belize but i played football at the highest level in Belize and what was our pay, nearly next to nothing, then i came all the way to Asia and i played in my University team and made more money for playing for my university than i even made for playing semi pro ball back home.
    So wise up Belizeans and stop making people take us for rides, we know the potential we have in our lovely country, we can do it if we have the support from our leaders. I urge us to try and resolve this as soon as possible and try to focus more on the youth and develop footballers for the future just as the national basket ball team has done.
    We also need to focus on opening a football academy for the youths to get training during summer and on weekends if possible. I am willing and if i am able when i get back home that would be my goal to develop and academy for youths.

  6. moses says:


  7. CAYO says:

    Chimilo simplemente es la arpilla y uno de los ladrones mas grandes que tenemos en nuestro pais…espero que por haber abierto caso en la corte se le presenten demandas para que puede dar fe de donde estan invertidos tantos millones anuales recibidos por la FIFA…Los demas compinches centro americanos y caribenos estan renunciando a la FIFA..porque..porque en esos paises se estan abriendo casos legales…y en BZE que se esta haciendo..en vez que el Gobierno llevo a chimilio a corte..chimilo esta llevando a corte al gobierno….asi de ineficeinte es nuestro systema politico…..Chimilo largate ya i dejanos vivir la pasion del bendito futboll….Anda a vacunar vacas que de eso te graduaste de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala..ahh..lo que no saben es que te volviste parte de AEI para poder graduarte…BELIZE QUIERE JUSTICIA>>>TIENE SED DE JUSTICIA>>>EL DIA LLEGARA….PRONTO LLEGARA

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