Belizeans for Justice Member charged for insulting a cop
But in the lower courts, Danalyn Murillo first made the news as the grieving mother of Teddy Murrillo, who was killed in February 2010. Since then she has become a member of the Belizeans for Justice Organization. But tonight, the forty-eight year old Belize City resident is in the news as a defendant. She was charged for Common Assault and Using Insulting Words against Police Constable David Griffith. Murillo’s family has been at odds with Griffith in the midst of allegations that he was involved in her Teddy’s murder.
Things came to a head at a political convention on March twentieth when Danalyn approached Griffith, allegedly yelling that he killed her son and that “one ah these days yoh wah get it.” Danalyn admits that she exchanged words with PC Griffith, but says she never threatened or assaulted him. In the presence of her attorney, Richard “Dickie” Bradley, Danalyn pleaded not guilty to both charges and Chief Magistrate Margaret Gabb McKenzie set the next court appearance for July eighteenth.
Have our courts run out of murder & other criminal cases to try that we are wasting the court’s time with this BS. PC Griffith, do you really want to turn this into a circus with Dickie as the Ring Master?
what about those scum police that insult people when arresting and threaten civilians shouldn’t they be charged also. what a joke is our justice system bunch of scumbags are rouge police.
The courts need to stop being so idiotic, this mother is hurting like many other mothers they get no justice for their loved ones. If the courts would justly convict these murderers, victims would at least feel they get some justice. I see some on the police force as a mouse who is guading the cheese, they use their badge to get away with crimes. They are suppose to be protecting the people but they victimize them. If the law treat these officers as the criminal they are, they would think twice. I say let the mother go.
Please get rid of this rediculous law of insulting words against police. I don’t know any other police force that has this law or uses it. You are police officers and should be tough enough to take a few words. This is an old law from the old Britsh empire. Not even the police the Uk use it or would consider using it. It makes police officers seem weak. Only little kids go crying running to their mommies that someone called them a bad name.
don’t see why this police crying and acting like a little girl after he done kill the lady son. He should be the one charged and made to pay for his crime.