Minor murdered in South Creek Belize City
There are two murders to report tonight in the Old Capital. The first involves a minor who was shot several times to the head as he made his way home in the vicinity of South Creek and Kraal Road. Police were on patrol in the area and responded when they heard gunshots, but the minor was already dead. News Five’s Andrea Polanco.
Andrea Polanco, Reporting
Seventeen year old James Lemmoth was gunned down just a stone’s throw away from his home in this alley in the early hours of Sunday morning. Lemmoth, who was out socializing on Saturday night, was killed with approximately three bullets to the head. Only a trickle of dry blood is left behind as testament to Lemmoth’s death.
Gayla Lemmoth, Aunt of the deceased
“I get fi undastand that ih went to a party di night and when ih came home from the party deh say ih mi wah fonto cause ih smoke, deh say ih mi wah fonto so ih gone back out on the street and gone buy fonto and I guess it’s on the way back from the fonto the person suppose to shoot him.”
Andrea Polanco
“You know if he had any fight or any quarrel with anybody when he went to buy?”
Gayla Lemmoth
“I nuh really know him as wah problem chile, so I nuh think ih have no fight with nobody.”
“He was killed not too far from home, did you all hear the gun the shots?”
Gayla Lemmoth
“No ma’m we, I stay right out here until about minutes to one and then me and my friends deh my friends deh went home and then I went to my bed we didn’t hear nothing.”
Andrea Polanco
“You know how many gun shots he received?”
“Well the neighbor deh told me that it was three, I nuh really know. But I say that it was really wicked because I get fi understand dah like whole ah fi he head ih tear off.”
Andrea Polanco
“So he died on the spot?”
Gayla Lemmoth
“Yes he died on the spot.”
According to Lemmoth’s aunt, with whom he was raised, he was receiving death threats a few months ago, but the family is left with more questions than answers:
Gayla Lemmoth
“Well about mussie bout three months ago he told fi he family fi he father that somebody wah kill he, somebody wah kill he but I tell deh ah she ‘nobody nuh wah kill he’ and I tell ah ah she ‘James nobody nuh wah kill you’ and my ma umm and when deh call me and tell me deh wah kill James I say James look yah you have to pray ah say nobody nuh really wah kill you. But nowadays anytime when deh wah kill yuh the news deh all about that deh wah kill you. But weh we di ask he ‘weh deh wah want kill you fah?’ Because as we know he, we nuh know he as no street person.”
While police are following a lead, this family is left hopeless:
Fitzroy Yearwood, Police Press Officer
“We have a person that is being sought in connection with this murder and we hope that if we catch up to him we could bring some closure to the family.”
Andrea Polanco
“Have the police been able to determine what the motive of that murder is?”
Fitzroy Yearwood
“Well not at this time, we believe if we catch that person we will be able to establish the motive yuh know.”
Gayla Lemmoth; Aunt of the deceased
“I say I don’t even care if deh nuh find the murderer because ih nuh even mek sense if deh even find the murderer because ih guh dah jail, remanded fu wah year and a half and afta that the person be released. Now people nuh even wah say nothing nowadays about the murder deh because deh suh fraid, deh suh fraid yuh understand mi every day murders every every week and nothing nuh di get solve. Ih really nuh di get betta and I honestly cud say deh cud put dis pahn di record, ih nuh wah get betta. Ih nuh wah get betta.”
Reporting for News Five, I am Andrea Polanco.
Please start hanging these idiots.
Gayla, I hate to agree with you but you may be right. I can only hope that as a community, all of you can work together to regain some sense of pride & return this neighborhood to one where your children can grow up & possibly die of old age. We have to start with honesty & lose the apathy. Every child who dies in the area, every 13 or 14 year old who is impregnated is someone;s child & if we all stop covering for our kin, allow them to take responsibility for their actions, deal with the consequences & not look the other way as witnesses lives are threatened & taken, we can turn this boat around.
Fitzroy, I like you but let me help a brother out; your first sentence should have ended at “in connection with this murder” . To the last question, your answer should have been “No, not yet”
Based on what Yearwood said even the police is not sure they can catch these murdering fools. What hope can the people have if the police have none. The only thing that will make these murderous men stop and think will be to start hanging them from the tallest gallows or give them an injection. Get it done Mr PM
First he want everyone hear what need to be heard. Go after the criminal,just not we got a lead you need to say we are on this lead. Be on the positive side you sound like if you are not sure of what you are doing ?. Sorry to say this but are the law you have everything in power to do what need to be done. The victim knew that he was goinig to die three month ahead of time. He probably done something to someone that cause his life. Nowaday kids trans to put their life in danger an do not know what the the result will be. People in belize do not know how to forgive someone that does thing that will make you upset. If you all Belizean will try to train your kids about bible principal then you will never learn to build rage against body.
and a preview of maybe tonight news At around minutes after 8:pm there was a robbery at gun point in santa elena town at the chines store 8 & 8 store situated on the bishop martin str. while the rain was falling three guys wearing mask storm in the store at gun point holing the customers at gun point and ordering the chines lady to give all the money she had. luckily and thanks God nobody was hurt and the guys fled running, there was no heavily tinted get away car as presumed would be by the baldhead man barrow and the surveillance camera got some view of the robbery, will keep you inform more on tonights news cast at 6:30 pm. while the investigation develops.
hope they have this tonight.
Find this piece of $#!% and end his life a swiftly as he took this young man’s. When do the hangings start? I am sure Florida, Texas, or California could help Belize implement a humane death penalty procedure.
I have lost count…How many murders so far? Want to contact Guinness Book of World Records. At least the ןǝʍǝظ (i mean Rat Hole Belize) can be famous for something.
Seems like murder is really becoming a way of life in Belize even so that the people are accepting it, no pressure on the government, no protest just acceptance as a way of life. Belize has really gone to the dogs with no change in sight, get ready Belize there got to be a cleansing of the land in the works at this point only divine intervention will bring about a change. Remember My Legacy B4 My People
that was my cuzz ,he never had a chance,people of belize how much longer we gonna just accept this bs,what tha !—-% wrong with this dame country,the people makes the government,without us there will be no government.they need our vote to stay in power.the whole country just need to stand together and decide enough is enough.senslessness,couruption.,once a pon a time people use to be afraid even to steal,much less to murder.thats the kind of power belize had.maybe England needs to step in and take over.thats when people gonna !@#$% some more.our country is in bondage ,slavery to crime,we need to make a stand .and the word will spread.
god is not sleeping.my cuzz R.I.P justice shall prevail cause god is in controle,
Here in California, the intiation to join some of the gang is to kill someone at random to prove that the person is serious about been a gang member. While other gang initiation is to beat the crap out of a new member. Many years ago one of our country man was shot and remain paralize, all because he wore the wrong color clothes. Or they may belong to some satanic cult that demand spilling of blood. Don’t be surprise, search the Internet and you will find what I’m disclosing here.
R.I.P mi lee bwai James “Jun”……. this da lone R@ss. I went to his funeral and when i saw the damage that bullet did i had to leave mein. This Gov need to realize that we d deal with a bunch of animals so lets start treating them like animals. When people get remanded da jail all them do da relax, get fit and think about how not to get catch the next time they kill. I like the fact that the GSU move like a bunch of GANSTA because to catch be wolf u have to be a wolf or atleast think like one u cant be a sheep like the GOV mein. THIS GOV CANT STOP THE KILLING IF THEY PUT THE KILLERS BACK INTO THE STREETS!!!
yes!!! we should just hang them people weh no gud fu our society. or put dem to gail for al their lives. cuz she right they just put em fu 1 0r 2 yeard and dats it then they free and can do it again!