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Aug 11, 2011

San Ignacio resident attempts rape while on vacation in the U.S.

Lirisi Arzu

A Belizean man is in the hands of US authorities tonight after an attack on a thirty-four year old woman and her thirteen year old daughter in Hawthorne, California. Twenty-two year old Lirisi Arzu of San Ignacio Town is vacationing in the US and is believed to have been on drugs when he approached thirteen year old Perla Padilla outside her apartment. According to a report from KTLA Five News in California, she pushed him away and went inside, but Arzu kicked open the door then allegedly attempted to rape Padilla’s mother, who was in the bedroom with her two year old baby. Arzu now faces charges of assault with intent to commit rape, attempted rape, false imprisonment and burglary. He is being held at the Hawthorne Jail and bail has been set at one million dollars. Here’s the full report from KTLA’s Laruen Sivan, who spoke with thirteen year old Perla Padilla about the incident.

Lauren Sivan, KTLA Reporter

Lauren Sivan

“A really scary situation for that family. Cops say it was that twenty-two year old tourist from Belize, Lirisi Arzu, who was walking down this street late Monday night when he saw thirteen year old Perla Padilla hanging out on her stoop. He approached that thirteen year old, he tried to talk to her. He then tried to hug her. She pushed him off of her and she says that’s when he got really aggressive.”

Perla Padilla, Attempted Rape Victim

“I could have fainted. I was scared… like really, really scared.”

Perla Padilla was just talking on her phone outside her house when she saw a man walking toward her from across the street. When he came up to her, she could tell that he was on drugs and seemed to be looking for trouble.

Perla Padilla

“He got closer and he was like “what’s good” and I’m like “do I know you, who are you?” And then he got closer and like next to me and he tried to hug me and I was like no, and I pushed him.”

But that didn’t dissuade him. He pushed his way into her house when she went in to tell her mother.

Perla Padilla

Perla Padilla

“He couldn’t open the door so he was going like this and he kicked it and it opened. My mom was like get out, get out, I’m gonna call the cops right now and he got scared. His eyes were like bleach white. I thought he was gonna kill us or something.”

Perla says he wouldn’t leave and tried to get on the bed with her mother and baby sister. Perla ran out of the house to find help. Her mother called the police. She says she could hear her mom screaming from across the street.

Perla Padilla

“I guess he was touching my mom; I don’t really know. My mom says he was trying to touch her.”

Perla’s neighbor ran over when he heard what was going on. He wrestled the guy off her mother, hitting the attacker, but Perla says the attacker was hitting back. Other neighbor’s got involved and when police finally arrived they had to use a taser to get this violent intruder under control.

Perla Padilla

“He would scream, scream and he wouldn’t get out. He was under the bed.”

Lauren Sivan

“He climbed under the bed?”

Perla Padilla


Lauren Sivan

“Well police did manage to get him out and arrest him and Perla and her mother are okay tonight. Now the neighbor that jumped in, he lives in this house here. He wouldn’t talk to us on camera tonight, but it is safe to say that things could have been a lot worse here tonight had he not intervened. We’re live in Hawthorne, Lauren Sivan, KTLA Five News.”

Padilla’s mother suffered minor injuries, but did not have to be hospitalized.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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49 Responses for “San Ignacio resident attempts rape while on vacation in the U.S.”

  1. Concern Citizen says:

    what the HEll “CARZY MAN” THis guy has probelms.. This is soooo SAD

  2. Storm says:

    He might have an unpleasant surprise. In the States, police do a good job and witnesses show up in court to testify. The conviction rate is something like 95%, not what we have in Belize.

    I think he’s in for a LONG vacation in the Graybar Hotel.

  3. mylegacyb4mypeople says:

    Ok let’s see him try witness intimidation here. Remember, My Legacy B4 My People.

  4. Elgin Martinez says:

    I guess Arzu got sober when he realized that it was not the GSU but the FEDS that had him.

  5. bzn2dabone says:

    That’s what we should do to those fools here who try to have their way with out females (and now-a-days with our young men). I congratulate the people in San Jose Succotz who gave that sucker a good whopping for trying to rape the young man. I think we should do the same thing to all ……….. in this country to bring them to their sense. We should keep our country ……….-free. We should also do the same to the rapists who take advantage of our women.

  6. Jeebo says:

    Did you see the bail? 1,000,000 dollars. That’s cause for celebration back home @$$!@#$. It’s all your family’s money and more. Ok, what they really mean is – NO BAIL all jail. Finally a Belizean criminal getting what he deserves. Don’t drop the soap for the next million years!!!

  7. Alex says:

    A letter from Belize

    Dear Uncle Sam,

    Please lose this @@# in your system. If you no longer want to hold him over there, please don’t deport him back to us. Find a way to send him home to heaven/hell whichever he deserves. We can no longer cope with the number of criminals we’re creating in Belize, and so I beg you to please help us reduce our number by any means necessary.


    A frustrated Belizean clinging on to hope.

  8. Reality Check says:

    Bail –one million– he be some guys *&## for a very long time in LA jail.

  9. miss thang says:

    This is soo sad mien!!! Risi is such a good friend of mine!! but such is life you do the crime u spend the time!! best of wishes to him n his family!!!

  10. c says:

    good export

  11. Im Real... says:

    well i kno the entire family! and this is how they are… pretending they are blessed with soo omuch things with no care in the world for anyone but themselves… HARD EARS PICKNI! Dats wat ppl say rite? BE HUMBLE THE ENTIRE ARZU FAMILY! stop living on a cloud dat does not exist.. becaz now more than ever YOU ALL ARE DEAD TO THE WORLD!!! ur poor mom iz sick and with no consideration u go do this! di money they will no be spending on u they cudda spent on ur mom! NO CONSIDERATION AND NO LOVE! IM OUT!

  12. belizeanpride says:

    probably he tought he was in belize and later found out the he’s in the u.s with no dickie around to fight his case. wow, i love the bail amount to show this sucker that in belize crime is a joke but not in the u.s, keep him there please or send him to texas to be exicuted we don’t need him here, we are choking ith criminals in belize already.

  13. islander says:

    This Arzu guy is lucky he committed his crime in California and not in Texas… If he would have tried his antics in Texas he would be one dead fool, cause the neighbor would have come with a twelve gauge ready for his criminal @$$.

  14. Observer says:

    spmetimes we tend to judge and jump to a verdict before hearing the two side of the story . There is more to story than meets the eye , Any person that commit a crime is innocent until proven guilty by the court of law , and thats any way in the world.

  15. jesus fernandez says:

    this guy is so stupid, a fellow belizean too, no way is he coming bk to belize right now, he is in america and a knew home for good, cause i can,t see his family affording 1million to get his @$$ out of jail. am sad and angry tho cause he gave belize a bad name. he must have been taking some heavy drugs to do this.

  16. William RedPride Landero says:

    One Friken million Us dollor bail….
    men WTF.!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Remeber my fellow belizeans dont do crime wen youre not at home.
    if it was belizean crime he would get atleast 2 weeks improsnment and 500$ dollor bail..

  17. jez says:

    first off i must say sum times we stray from the focus of god second is that i’m sad thats my fam and third i hate when belizean people always eating $#!% america say is rite u can see this lil girl lying and is making life hell for people like him thirteen yr old slut ive seen it all in america this one standing out as a fraud and i know my fam dont be on drugs like that, and most of yall should stop talking cause u don’t know what it feels like to be seperate and label just because ur an immigrant in american. and be honest if a 13yr girls said a white tourist man rape her in belize most of yall would laugh and say yeah rite not in belize she fast, Dohhhhh the samething here different place. and plz even though i would ask people to plz exclude my aunt name for ur personal use and keep wateva grudge they have to themsleves just because my family doing better than they are

  18. oscar says:

    In the States a person that commits a crime is guilty until proven innocent, so you done know, he better mek his mind to spend time over yonder. Here in Belize its the contrary, a person that commits a crime is innocent until proven guilty and I guess thats why a lot of criminals get away. Tough luck buddy, have fun dah foriegn…

  19. Fairness For Risi says:

    The United States Constitution like Belize’s operates on “Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat” (Innocent until proven guilty) and the burden to prove the guilt of an “alleged” lies in the hands of the persecutor and that this guilt be proven without a reasonable doubt. So those of you who lives in the fantasy of Belizean Patriotism then all you have pointed out by saying that crime is a joke in Belize is to highlight Belize’s Persecution Branch’s incompetency . I believe strongly in the fairness of natural justice simply put the laws of any land are there to guide and to keep and maintain law and order. If Mr. Arzu committed what he is accused of then clearly he stands before a system to a. go through due process b. have a fear hearing without bias and c. be prescribed with a penalty if he is found guilty.
    What pains my heart is that when an American come to Belize and do even worst, by exploiting our children with pornography and sex etc. That’s perfectly alright you know why because of the shade of their skin? It appalls me to see that the old slave mentality still sticks even in you…so called Belizean’s watered down heirs. Divide and rule by any means the black man is condemned before he even utters a word by virtue of his Blackness. I am not naïve the evidence is there and that is for the State of California to decide but is it too much to ask that you who are “without of sin to cast the first stone” You are quick to remove the straw from your brother’s eye but you do not see your own imperfections. Let no man judge another for Judgment is for the almighty Jehovah and by virtue of his divine inspiration the Justice system. Who the hell are you to be Jury and Judge? You are pitiful when you can be so low to try to kick a family when they are down. Indeed it is an unfortunate situation for both the accused and accussor but they will have their day in court. You however used the incident to justify your envies. I pray you walk around puffed up with pride knowing you have violated the privacy of individuals who are already negatively impacted and has no further to do with it. I leave you with this…. Rape worldwide is one of the easiest allegations to make and convict. Lirisi is not a predator but a humble person. “I’m Real” pointed out that obviously they have access to funds so quite factually a lil @$$ was easy to come by here in Belize so why attempt something like that? Clearly the story is not adding up….

  20. yoyo1019 says:

    !@#$ yall!!!!! you guys dont know him. americans can be stupid ignorant !@#$%.

  21. Fairness For Risi says:

    The United States Constitution like Belize’s operates on “Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat” (Innocent until proven guilty) and the burden to prove the guilt of an “alleged” lies in the hands of the persecutor and that this guilt be proven without a reasonable doubt. So those of you who lives in the fantasy of Belizean Patriotism then all you have pointed out by saying that crime is a joke in Belize is to highlight Belize’s Persecution Branch’s incompetency . I believe strongly in the fairness of natural justice simply put the laws of any land are there to guide and to keep and maintain law and order. If Mr. Arzu committed what he is accused of then clearly he stands before a system to a. go through due process b. have a fear hearing without bias and c. be prescribed with a penalty if he is found guilty.

  22. blzcun says:

    WOW now that is a huge shame on Belize as if we didnt have enough problems or blemishes on the belizean face here comes this huge zit and !@#$% it up even more. On the plus side i am glad for what happened to this fool. This will be an experience he will never forget and will deffinetly learn i hope he rots in jail. I cant stand guetto idiots who cant lead a decent life.

  23. Mia says:

    Just goes to show you that Belize is lacking when it comes to holding foreigners accountable for the crimes they commit in our country. We do not know what happened, because the accused is not being asked to tell his side of the story.

    It is also sad that people know about the laws of the US, but do not even know the laws that govern Belize!

    Are Belizeans really worried about the image of the country? Majority of us never try to be the change we want to see in our society…all we do is sit back, criticize and complain!!!!

    My prayers are with the Arzu Family in this difficult time. May God keep you all in His embrace!

  24. Wowo says:

    BELIZEAN PEOPLE ARE ONLY JUDGEMENTAL AND RUDE!!! Not everyone in the Arzu’s family are ungrateful and Lirisi jus happended to be one of guys know how american people act…OF COURSE THEY WOULD BELIEVE THE CHICK OVER THE GUY EVEN IF HE DIDN’T DO IT…YES; he did wrong but that doesn’t give us the right to degrade him…HE’S A BELIZEAN FOR CHRIST’S SAKE…HE’S ONE OF US…BE SUPPORTIVE AND LEAVE ALL THE NEGATIVITY BEHIND…

  25. BzeanAmerican!!!! says:

    this is to I’m real u need to shut the !***up cause u talking like u know $#!% that’s my fam u talking about nobody knows exactly what happen yes he did wrong but don’t judge nobody he made a mistake yes he gonna pay & hope he learn from it he’s not a bad kid so for yall to be shooting $#!% check y’all selves 1st.Typical !@#$%^& belizeans always wanna bring each other down instead of up lifting each other smfh!!!

  26. BZNinCALI says:

    When the police has to taze anyone to get them out from under someone’s bed, there is no plausible story he can tell. The jury pool in California won’t let him get away with that one.. Bubba needs a new roommate, his last wife was just released.

  27. BzeanAmerican!!! says:

    This is for I’m real u need to shut the !***up & all y’all need to stop judging pple first of all he have moral sheet in belize he’s a good kid yes he made a mistake & y’all quick to bring him down like what observer says there is 2sides of a story so all !@s need to take a look @ y’all selves b4 saying anything typical !***ing Belizeans always quick fi bring down each other!! Smfh

  28. Bgroovy says:

    Your vacation just became an extended vacation….so long amigo

  29. ed says:

    mane free my ****** cuzz and *** alll the haters thats talkin ish on here its two sides to the story slickheads and am real if i ever see u boll am gona be the next person from belize going to jail u keep draging the arzu family name thru dirt but it comes rrite back out clean so … clown

  30. Caye Gyal says:

    I read this story and was saddened at how quick my Belizean people are to assume his guilt. Come on! I’m not saying he is innocent but something like alleged rape is easily something that they can make up and try their best to prove. 1- this is a black guy, 2- he is not an american therefore you know they will be very harsh and extra stern in a judgement to hopefully defer other crimes. If he did it, let him serve out his time like everyone else but as a people we need to stop being “Crabs in a bucket” Let’s try to be optimistic and wait for this to play out in the courts before we start slandering the guy and even more “I’m real” are you serious? Using such a situation to include the guys family members? You are a really dispicable and a real pathetic person.

  31. da realest says:

    reading some of these comments is NERVE WRECKING. we are so quick to judge and turn against our own when the white man OR THE AMERICAN says to. there are two sides to a story and everybody should be looking forward to hearing his side after all he was there too and he is a human being. what ever happened to fairness and compassion? the Arzu family has done no harm nor wrong to anyone and do not deserve this type of stereotyping and propaganda whatever personal grudge one might have against anyone in the family learn to separate that from your rational thinking. the allegations are absurd.. attempt rape yet no clothes were torn no bruises nor scrapes and the supposed victim ‘thinks’ he was TRYING TO TOUCH HER MOTHER!!! YET SHE WAS THERE WHEN IT HAPPENED. THE NEIGHBORS WERE WRESTLING WIT HIM N HELD HIM DOWN UNTIL THE POLICE ARRIVED YET HE WAS UNDER THE TINY BED WEN THE POLICE GOT THERE!!! HE BROKE IN YET THE DOOR WASNT BROKEN INFACT THE GIRL SAID IT WAS UNLOCKED. NOBODY KNOW’S WHAT REALLY HAPPENED THAT NIGHT SO LETS WAIT TO HEAR THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY AND ANALYZE THE SITUATION. NOT JUST BECAUSE A HISPANIC AMERICAN SAYS THAT’S HOW IT HAPPENED THAT MEANS WE SHOULD SWALLOW IT WHOLE AND PASS IRRATIONAL JUDGEMENT. LEARN TO THINK FOR YOURSELVES.. @ I AM REAL PUTTING THE FAMILY BUSINESS OUT THERE BOUT THE MOTHER BEING SICK IS LOW CLEARLY YOU HAVE SOME TYPE OF GRUDGE AGAINST THE FAMILY therefore you need to shut the hell up…IM JUS SAYIN IF YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT HAPPEN REFRAIN FROM MAKING ANY STUPID COMMENTS ABOUT THE CASE AND THE FAMILY. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT, ANALYZE THE SITUATION AND LETS BE FAIR. GOD IS NOT ASLEEP HE KNOW’S WHAT TOOK PLACE AND HE WILL SEE IT THROUGH. SHOW SOME LOVE AND SUPPORT TO THE FAMILY BECAUSE IT COULD HAPPEN TO ANYBODY!!


  32. belize says:

    fu real f all who try to diss my cuzz he no need fu check with no bruck teeth slut it is all a set up and in the end god is good member that this could happen to you or your kids in the future stop with the negative saying if you cant do good do not do bad .blood is ticker than water so dash away that no good things the man is a good man i know it and the rest of the family knows please think again that this could be you put your self in the position and you know that you are inocent.

  33. belize says:

    fu real f all who try to diss my cuzz he no need fu check with no bruck teeth slut it is all a set up and in the end god is good member that this could happen to you or your kids in the future stop with the negative saying if you cant do good do not do bad .blood is ticker than water so dash away that no good things the man is a good man i know it and the rest of the family knows please think again that this could be you put your self in the position and you know that you are inocent.

  34. haha says:

    haha a hope u drop d soap act like unu all dat here mek a c yo pa get u out of dis 1 now daddys boys

  35. cayo bwai crawford says:

    …IM OUT…..

  36. Disappointed in you BElizeans says:

    uno simple baaaaaaaad open uno eyes… he black from belize and deh da states who u think they will believe ?

  37. BiggityBwai says:

    What the hell……I’m so ashamed of these comments that I’m reading…typical low down, to the ground, dutty, wannabe kruffs from Belize. Yes I said KRUFFS and yes these dawg mother ……. are nothing…..American support thier own case in point…CASEY(killed the baby) ANTHONY….support your own belizeans. Nobody knows if the guy is guilty, and even if he is so be it….mind unnu own dutty life. Sum people deh behind deh computa di write wah latta !*** but unnu house dutty and unnu man di *** nxt oman or man(Im not judging) but u have time to be mean judgmental and degrading to another human being. Everybody is capable of making mistakes…dats why latta unnu have so much pickni and deh bout….bunch of mistakes….learn fi mind unnu own life …….. If more people woulda mind deh own dutty life, this world would be a much better place…hope everything works out well for the kid……lone hateful dawg deh bout mah bwai!!!

  38. Arzu4life says:

    all ah unu weh d hate pan my fam n my last name God wa deal wid unu real and cold. Who unu fi d judge n seh weh he deserve n weh shuda happen to d man. Hateful disrespectful bunch ah eeediats typical uneducated belizeans. Unu not deserve fi call unuself belizeans. We only hea 1 liyad !@$$ lee gial n ma side ah d story n unu done d chat ….!@$$ God naw sleep. If unu gat wa problem wid d last name Arzu do something bout it. (Cayo Bwai Crawford)(HAHA)(IM REAL) and the list goes on. Grow up

  39. Earl Grey says:


  40. belize says:

    i am an x criminal my self and there is something you all should know . read the fax of this case and you shall see that it is all a sham to get money they so stupid and the ones who believe them they all stupid to so check this out. it seems like you all is god and was there to see it all come on a mouth is make to talk so mouth could say anything.but in the end the truth will come out and you will eat that $#!% that you spit.cause my cuzz is no rapist str8 like that .so if u cant say anything good no say nada f all who the hate da seine bight man this the talk.

  41. madness says:

    two sides d be judgemental. lirisi camp calling the girl slut n bringing her down on her physical features. it makes no use to be saying that ppl no know weh dem d talk bout n d judge but u r judging the girl. first of all wat lirisi who is 22 yrs want wit a 13 yr old. it already started wrong!!! n pan tap d popos had to take him out of their house n tase him to subdue him.

  42. a says:

    haha i hope u drop d soap as much as yo bail 1 million time haha

  43. belize says:

    you maddness or who talk like you was there well maybe it was you who did the crime fool. carefull ah you mouth reeci is my cuzz and i love my who no like we drop dead and you 2 fool

  44. sexything says:

    Most of those comments are from people that are haters that don’t like the Arzu family, wait to hear both sides of the story before making a conclusion. No one were there to physically witness what happen that night..

  45. sexything says:

    Most of those comments are from people that are haters who don’t like the Arzu family, wait to hear both sides of the story before making a conclusion. No one were there to physically witness what happen that night..

  46. cayoking20(NYC) says:

    well i kno lirisi pretty he is not like “a” weh u di worri bout bail for jus cause u dnt have it dnt mean dem nuh got it…but yeah..american gyal dah lone !@$$(liad)..hill top big up cayo S.I

  47. O.W007 says:

    I must say i am very sorry to the hear this, i refuse to take sides, because there are two side to every story an these little girls are very educated on a lot of things an tend to lead on men at times. Risi is a very good friend of mine and i could honestly say that this is something i will follow he is a calm, easy going person, and i can’t bring myself to believe it. i hope the truth is revealed either way and justice is served. . . i support you a hundred % Ris, keep your head up and don’t let people negativity bring you down. love you and praying for you baby. stay strong!!!

  48. O.W007 says:

    I must say i am very sorry to the hear this, i refuse to take sides, because there are two side to every story an these little girls are very educated on a lot of things an tend to lead on men at times. Risi is a very good friend of mine and i could honestly say that this is something i will follow he is a calm, easy going person, and i can’t bring myself to believe it. i hope the truth is revealed either way and justice is served. . . i support you a hundred % Ris, keep your head up and don’t let people negativity bring you down. love you and praying for you baby. stay strong!!!
    I agree completely with fairness for Risi. . . .

  49. unknown says:

    “Unreal.” Get help! Im his blood and stick by his side and so had God. All u stupid !@#$% that have negative things to say, think of all the nasty @$$ stuff uve done in ur life and have seen ur own family done…

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