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Aug 15, 2011

Conservation Group says rosewood is facing extinction

And though the next story is not classified as handling stolen goods, residents of Toledo would like someone to be charged for the illegal cutting and shipment of rosewood out of the District.  The illegal harvesting was overlooked for months, until the Maya Leaders Alliance recently brought the issue to the forefront. Today the Ya’axché Conservation Trust joined the conversation, as executive director Lisel Alamilla, was a guest on this morning’s Open Your Eyes. Alamilla referred to a government report released in 2005, which declared that Rosewood would only be harvested for local use and not for commercial trade since it is threatened with extinction.

Lisel Alamilla, Executive Director, Ya’axché Conservation Trust

“So I want to know how it went from 2005 where we were saying—because it doesn’t take a year for a tree to grow to the size that it can be harvested—so from reporting in 2005 that you cannot trade rosewood, how now you’re allowing this rampant logging that is going on. We get different reports but just to be very conservative, that you are seeing that an average you’re getting three forty foot containers leaving the district every week.”

Marleni Cuellar

Lisel Alamill


Lisel Alamilla

“Three and that is being conservative because this is what we see during the day. This is happening at night. It’s a big—I mean this isn’t customary practices where people have walkie talkies and headlights and trucks going in. what is going on? The minute that you’re doing this under the cover of night, it screams that somebody knows that something is happening that is illegal. So I think it’s irresponsible in any which way you look at it to blame it on any kind of Maya land rights case because this is about our resources as a country.”

According to Alamilla, Ya’axché has proposed to do research on Rosewood and the Chief Forest Officer has indicated that he would endorse the initiative.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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7 Responses for “Conservation Group says rosewood is facing extinction”

  1. dj x says:

    this lady Alamilla got kick out of the pot … and she is barking at her own party … if she knew it from months then y takes so long to come upfront to the media and start #@!@#$%^ and complaining… its all about politics

  2. Lucas says:

    What do our Maya Bros. want to know? Is the timber not found stocked in Forestry Yards? Man, your Area Rep. and some other well connected UDPs are getting rich with Belmopan approval. Therefore, expect nothing because that is exactly what is going to happen. My father used to say: THE CAT IS CASTRATED ONCE, THE RABBIT TWICE AND THE FOOL THRICE. You guys were castrated twice by the fake doctor and Dean made it a total of thrice but do not blame Deano, blame GREG.

  3. DGAME says:

    u n christina r the same u all hav alot to say b/c money is nt goin into ur pockets. all u want 2 do is use the MLA to try n say that u all r dion wonders in toledo. while in fact u r all a set of huligans. the poor people hav family n kids to send to school. u all use the MLA as scapegoat while in fact the people think ur are all a set of jack__$$, or let me say ur own maya people. stop using The poor People N the MLA to LUk Good!

  4. AMAZED says:

    DGAME, please learn to spell.

  5. rasman says:

    Greg got out of this 2 yrs ago. This $#!% would not be happening under his watch. Deano knows that. Johnny knows that. He takes no prisoners. I heard the man wa come back in.

  6. Earl Grey says:

    Let’s not forget OUR HISTORY…….. BELIZE WAS FOUNDED ON LOGWOOD CUTTING (by the British) and other FORESTRY PRODUCTS.


  7. Susan Kiralis says:

    My father had a logging company in belize for 25 years and he got to cut watever he want for nothing but his own benefit. once you the poor poeple trying to use there resource to support there family its a crime ? I bet Lisel dnt go to bed hungry

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