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Aug 15, 2011

Prime Minister disappointed in response letter to Council of Churches

Canon Leroy Flowers

On Thursday August fourth the Belize Council of Churches, in a letter to Prime Minister Dean Barrow, stated its position on the proposed Ninth Amendment Bill.  And while the Council does support protecting state ownership of the utility companies, it does not support the changes to Sections Two and Sixty-Nine of the Constitution.  That view was subsequently shared during a television interview with News Five and also ventilated by Canon Leroy Flowers during the first public consultation, held a few days later at the Holy Redeemer Parish Hall, on the proposed constitutional changes.  The P.M. has finally responded to the Council.  In a four-page letter issued late this evening, Dean Barrow states that he does not agree with the churches’ objection to alter Sections Two and Sixty-Nine.  Barrow says; “It is hard to see how the insertion of public control of the utilities into the Constitution could be properly protected without the proposed new Sections Two and Sixty-Nine.  But I know that the Council met with the Executive of the Belize Bar Association prior to making its statement.  And it is a pity that the Council did not also seek to hear directly from the Government.  For I believe that the Council has been led into grave error by the executive of the Bar.”  The release goes on to say that the Council of Churches as well as the wider Belizean public should note that in taking its stance, the Bar executive acted against the will of its members which also includes two of the country’s most celebrated senior counsels.  The Bar’s position, Barrow says, is now being reflected by the Council; a position which is precluded by the legal systems of every country except India.  P.M. Barrow letter ends with a call for a discussion with the Council of Churches despite the fact that it has already taken a public position.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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5 Responses for “Prime Minister disappointed in response letter to Council of Churches”

  1. Lucas says:

    The Reverend just messed things for the Church cause Dean will with-hold his tithes and offerings since man now vex.

  2. I Have Awaken says:

    Everyone is also very disappointed in you Barrow. Please go away, just leave, take your millions and leave Mr. Barrow; you have done enough, you have made enough, please, please we beg you, just go away, leave us be, before its too late for you and your family….Belizeans d get enough Mr. Barrow and you may find out the hard way, what wrath the Belizean people are capable of.

  3. subKonshus says:

    Mr Barrow has to be realistic. Consulting with the Government (you and your members on your side of the house) can never lead to objective and credible support for this bill because your ministers are only in support of the bill because doing otherwise will be “crossing the floor”. Therefore the church has to seek other objective consultation in order to decide on its position. Even if one or two members of the bar association are in support of the bill, that does not reflect the general consensus of their position. I am sure in all quarters (the unions, the chamber, the bureau of standards,the bar association) you can find individuals who support the bill. But the majority vote in all this organizations are not in support of the bill. Any position taken by these institutions must be a reflection of the majority. Isn’t that what democracy is all about? It is by that same mechanism you will be able to pass this bill, by a majority decision, not by 100% support of the House. Remember, the same knife weh stab sheep, kill goat. That’s democracy working against you! Deal with it…..

  4. Earl Grey says:

    THERE SEEMS TO BE A SIMILARITY BETWEEN BARROW and OBAMA……I could be wrong of course.

  5. Earl Grey says:



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