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Aug 16, 2011

Scholarships awarded to deserving students

Mark Laredo Jr. & Curt Nunez

Two young students were awarded full scholarship after meeting the Rotary Club of Belize Sunrise Criteria. Today, Mark Laredo Junior and Curt Nunez were each presented with a four year full tuition scholarship to attend St John’s College (SJC).  Both recipients are graduates of the St. Martin de Porres Primary School and were recommended on the advice of SJC’s President, Jorge Espat. The two awardees will become members of the SJC’s Interact Club as part of giving back to the community. The scholarships were funded by the Rotary Club of Belize Sunrise in partnership with the Rotary Foundation.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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2 Responses for “Scholarships awarded to deserving students”

  1. WOW says:

    Congratulations to my cousins!!!!!!

  2. Elgin Martinez says:

    Big up my Nephew Mark and the other youth Nunez.Keep doing the right thing .

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