Caribbean Court of Justice stops government from selling B.T.L. shares
The litigation war over Telemedia continued by videoconference before the CCJ, today. Despite the objections of the attorneys for the government, Lois Young SC and Solicitor General Cheryl Krusen, the CCJ decided that the application was serious enough to be dealt with during the court’s legal vacation. After listening to attorneys Godfrey Smith SC and Eamon Courtenay SC for Dean Boyce and the British Caribbean Bank, the CCJ found that they had an arguable case and therefore granted special leave to appeal to the CCJ. Then this afternoon, in a dramatic decision, the CCJ restrained the government from selling any shares in Telemedia and ordered that all proceeds of sales from Telemedia shares so far be kept intact in accounts at the Central Bank or the commercial banks. With this injunction in place, the government cannot attempt to sell shares to anyone until the true ownership of Telemedia is decided.
Jose Sanchez, Reporting
A special Sitting of the Caribbean Court of Justice was heard today via teleconferencing. While watching from a television screen in Trinidad, Justices Desiree Bernard, Justice Rolston Nelson, and Justice David Hayton heard the cases of British Caribbean Bank and Dean Boyce against the government regarding the Telemedia nationalizations. It was a measured victory for BCB and Dean Boyce.
Godfrey Smith, Attorney for Dean Boyce
“We asked for three things: special leave to have this appealed this matter to CCJ; that was granted, we asked for an injunction restraining any sale or disposal of the shares; that was granted.”
Telemedia Chairman Net Vasquez was present when despite appeals of Lois Young, the CCJ effectively blocked further sales of BTL shares.
Lois Young
“You have to remember that the constitution says fifty-one percent remains in the government; so it’s a very small amount of shares that can’t be sold.”
Jules Vasquez, 7 News
“The constitution does not yet say that.”
Lois Young
“It will say that and the amendment to the constitution says that. Thirty percent of the shares have already been sold. So the percentage that was left between what was taken and the fifty-one percent minus the thirty percent is not a lot of shares.”
Proceeds of shares, which were sold during the nationalization, are being held in the Central Bank until all suits are concluded.
Eamon Courtenay, Attorney for British Caribbean Bank
“The first point for Belizeans to take away from what happened today is that the government has been saying repeatedly since we filed this application that the applicants didn’t know what they were doing—that they were leap frogging, they were forum shopping and that there was no merit to this application. Well, three seasoned judges of the highest Court in the Caribbean have found that once again government should stick to politics and leave law to lawyers. The basis on which the court granted relief to us was that we satisfied them that they ought to exercise their discretion because they saw that there was an arguable case and that relief from the Court of the Caribbean was necessary to protect the interest of the parties. Indeed, as you saw this afternoon, the court of its own motion, decided that it was going to restrain the sale of shares of Belize Telemedia. Indeed, the objections by my learned friends for the government—and it was two of them—going one after the other whilst we sat quietly hearing them parry with the judges of the Caribbean Court of Justice. The Caribbean Court of Justice found that the sale of these shares should stop. It is signaling, once again; that perhaps the court believes that the way in which this is being done is unconstitutional; null and void. Very simply, you cannot in a democracy behave like a dictator and expect that respectful courts are going to approbate what you do.”
The way has been paved for BCB and Boyce to file challenges to 2011 Acquisition Act and Order. The notice of appeal to the CCJ must be filed by September Fifth. Reporting for News Five, Jose Sanchez.
I would not be surprised to later hear that Dean wrote and send a four page letter to the CCJ for not getting it but that he is still open for clarifications. I would not be surprised either if later I hear that Dean was so mad at the CCJ that he stopped sending GOB monetary contributions for the court.
How ironic that they are using VoIP to present their case to the CCJ by videoconference while Belizean consumers are denied the right to use the internet freely. Actually it’s not ironic, it hypocritical.
How ironic that they are using VoIP to present their case to the CCJ by videoconference while Belizean consumers are still blocked from using VoIP. Actually it’s not ironic, it is hypocritical.
Just another way barrows wife to make money corruption on every side of this useless gov. And pm arrow you are an embarrassment to the people and country of Belize leave with your millions just leave now before you can’t.
I would not be surprised.. What we think we know may not be real.
All this noise is just a way to distract the people from paying close attention and staying on their heals… They know the game better than we do and when they say it will, it more than likely will.
I would not be surprised.. What we think we know may not be real.
All this noise is just a way to distract the people from paying close attention and staying on their heals… They know the game better than we do and when they say it will, it more than likely will.
Wake Up!!!
Amendment 9 is just a doorway for other things worst to come.
What I find ironic and at the same time hypocritical is Lois saying the 9th amendment will grant GOB 51% majority share and that the amendment will pass. Why have these consultations if in the mind of the GOB it is a done deal. Stop taking Belizeans as idiots. People let’s open our eyes and see beyond party politics. Barrow has his personal issues and they are not ours. Our issues are this economy that forces ridiculously high food and fuel prices on us, that causes us not to have the funds to send our kids to school much less consider a vacation. Our way of life is so threatened by this current administration. Barrow is dangerous for Belize. Bottomline.
This pm comes on as he is high and mighty and behaves like he is the only learned man in the whole world. Putting down this one and that one. I like what the lawyer for the bank said, barrow government should stick to politics and leave law to the lawyers. Thing is he, barrow is supposed to be the brightest lawyer in the world, putting down and mashing to the ground poor lawyer Cardona. Evry fowl has his Sunday barrow. Really looks like he realizes what a mess and blunder he got into, thats why he is so tooth and nail with this 9th ammendment come hell or high water. Only time will tell deano, if u spit in the sky it fall back in your face. Instead of making plans to govern and coming up with new ideas to run this country and make it a success him and his crowd got bogged down in a pit blaming tom dick and harry. Hope its not too late when the rooster comes home to roost.
how come they can have video conference and we cant????
Thanks BT
Just hoping and praying that somebody is taking note and doing something about that hypocrisy.
it is a sad day that the PM continues to enrich is family by sending his ex wife who i think is not of stable mind to enrich herself she should be ashamed of herself she quotes the constitution says this and that while her dictator husband custom writes the constitution to suit himself and his pocket the government must go people of Belize this family and government is the reincarnation of saddam hussain ……..
-Jamaican Pop Philosopher, BOB MARLEY
What the CCJ needs to address is the crime situation in Belize.They’re just interested in this case because of the royalties that is going to be given to them by the mastermind of this scheme.Why can’t thesame attention be given to the crime situation?
It just another way Lois and the Barrow legalize the stealing of our money. More court cases means more money for exwife and brother.
Belizeans wanted a Black prime minister. Enjoy…..
that’s very true now face what the belizean and black prime minister had to offer. so decide what you want for another term………. Barrow again u suffer or die trying hhhhhhhhhhhhh.
I do not see the purpose of a government in Belize because the government is not helping Belize, the Government is hurting Belize. They are useless….
Mr. Barrow di gamble with the public purse…he does not care about Belize.
Indian woman why bring race or colour of skin in this? So you are saying that all blacks are thieves? Is it the colour of a person skin that you are referring to? Indians have black skins too. Very black so what is your point? Speak for yourself not for everyone . You are an indian woman with no sense of understanding. We are a country of beautiful people with different shades of skin colour. Dont attack the colour of the PM skin stick to the issues of concern. Crime is committed by different race of people. Make sure you put you brain in gear before you put your mouth in motion. Not a UDP supporter okay.Lets deal with the issues of concern.
@ Indian woman………….you SOUND RACIST!!!!!!!!
@Indian Woman any chance to inject your idiot racist slant huh? What the hell does the colour of a man skin has to do with anything…it’s not whether he’s is black, white, yellow’s if he’s is GOOD or BAD period ! Politicians of all race n colour has rob n burden the country with the political games(wickness)….stick to the issues and don’t bring your stupid racist rant to the mix we have enuff problems as it is…If yuh noh like Belize GET out !
Indian Woman; why do you continue to expose your ignorant racist backside by making this an issue of color? Why don’t you just shut the …..k up if you don’t have anything constructive to contribute to this forum? But then again that might be expecting too much of you.
Collet if we are to move beyond party politics which have Belize in the mess it is in then what we need is for the Belizean people to nominate 31 upstanding individuals with the highest capacity and integrity in Belize as Independent Candidates for the next General Election. We then vote them in and let them run the country.
Or we amend the Constitution to allow that the Cabinet is comprised of the PM and DPM who would run on the same ticket plus three other elected Area Reps but with the majority Cabinet members being appointed based on their high intellect capacity and integrity, performance and production history after consultation with all political parties via a Senate hearing before they are confirmed as a Cabinet member. How about that?
How about that?
Indian woman: Are you from India? If you are, I’m pretty sure your skin complexion is as dark or darker than Mr. Barrow’s. If you are not, you should get away from a fake name given to you by a lost european (columbus). When musa (a hybrid/mongrel) and is boys were running the country into the ground and ignoring the needes of the young black people in Belize, were you referring to their race or ethnicity? The youth in Beliz need programs as well as BLACK History to remind them of their glorious past so that their can be a resurrection and rse in the spiritualy dead Blacks and so called Indians in Belize. Talk about the issues so called indian for Belize still has a majority of Black voters and should be led by a Black Man/woman, even if it’s not Barrow
I like how Jules told Lois “the Constitution does not say that”…that was funny, Sr Crown Consul making such mistakes, I guess its like Collet said, they consider the 9th Amendment a done deal.
Elgin, I don’t see how the CCJ can address the crime situation in Belize. Thats a job for this government, which clearly they can address. Rasman, you are right. Nepotism galore! The more legal battles, the more his people reach in royalties. Shame, shame, shame! I hope when elections come, people nah sell out for a few dollars and suffer another 5 years.
Jukdog, I once saw a shirt that said “if you no like Belize, haul you !@##”…thats good for indian woman
Indian woman is a TROLL.
They enjoyed it when the prime minister was always a spaniard, or an arab you never heard anything about corruption. There were lots of corruption going on everybody were making money except the real belizean citizens that put them there for years. Now, the money tree di cut down and they don’t like it. So, the big money people the breath fear into the belizean people and that is the issue think about that “Fear” the great downfall of any government, (LOOK IT UP) search history and you will find (FEAR) everywhere when a government has fail. I did not hear anyone complaining when Musa’s corrupting government was in power, there was never a black leader of the “PUP” party, what’s up with that, so don’t talk about our black pm, it was always a spanish, making it looks like a black person don’t have any education to do the job.