Coming soon to a phone near you: SMART 3G Network
There is some breakthrough in the telecoms industry. SpeedNet Communications announced today that finally it has been able to sign off on an interconnection agreement with Belize Telemedia Limited, provided by the Public Utilities Commission. It is expected that this should remove any hurdles that would prevent SMART from introducing the three G platform. According to SMART, the new network will address the problems of congestion and allow Smart to launch its broadband data and high speed internet service on mobile phones as well as computers. The background is that Telemedia had refused to interconnect the new Smart network saying that the existing interconnection was not a valid one. Now that the agreement has been penned by the SMART executives under terms dictated by the PUC, Telemedia is expected to follow suit and that the interconnection with the new Smart 3G network will follow in a few days.
Am I the only person who does not know what 3G means? I keep hearing it on TV Commercials. Also 4G. I asked several people and none of them know either.
it means 3rd generation and 4th generation
3G means third generation, 4G fourth generation and so on. The number is for the level(generation) of the technology
Malcolm, don’t knock yourself out it’s really nothing just difference in speed. and a way for the communications company to continue rip you off.
just means the generations of the cell phone.
0G was the invention of the mobile telephone without networks, where callers had to connect to a base station and operator. In 1979 and 80, 1G came out, where the cellular radio were first connected to networks of stations (called cells).
The 2G networks were the first ones where consumers became aware of new capabilities and started buying the technology heavily. This was during the late 90s and into the early 2000s. These were the first phones with the PHS, CDMA, GSM, mail, Cameras, and other options.
3G is the network expansion which allowed direct internet connections, Wideband data access, simultaneous voice, data, music, and telephone, plus network based apps all rolled into one. 3G is the network which allows you to use the cell phone as a credit card.
4G is a network in the planning stages, although some companies say they are implementing parts of the 4G net now. 4G includes a network specification (engineer talk for basic requirement), for 100 megabit to 1 gigabit data transfer rates while highly mobile worldwide. It also includes high quality of service requirements for multimedia support (real time audio, high speed data, HDTV video content, mobile TV, etc).
3G Smart phone simply refers to the 3rd generation of its phones. 3G phones allow one to access voice and data and email services , downloading annd web browsing. Already At&T is working on 4G technology so by the time you get 5G in belize, 4G or 5G might be available. Good Luck.
3G is an umbrella term for a collection of technologies that make up the third generation of cellular data networks. These standards allow cell phones (and other devices capable of connecting to a cellular network) to send and receive data at speeds comparable to cable or DSL. There are two major families of cellular tech, commonly called CDMA (code division multiple access) and GSM (global system for multiple access), each having their own confusing array of specific sub-technologies, that qualify as “3G.”
fancy terms for higher internet speed, 3G is pretty good. 4G is made up BS just to charge you more, it does not fulfill the orignal standards that was pre-set for 4G. Granted it does not matter we will prob have 3G for the next 5-10 years before an upgrade.
Really all of you needed to give the defintion of 3g when anybody could have done the same thing you all just did “GOOGLE”
In the US, 3G and 4G phones were illegal, b/c they were above the safe recommended levels of radiation. But the mega telecommunications companies lobbied the US Congress (with money) to pass legislation changing the recommended safe levels to allow 3G and beyond, so they can get make money regardless of your health. Please research this everyone if you are not already aware. A good start is