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Sep 15, 2011

Teen charged for Robbery

Chris Anthony Reyes

And while the chicken is far from endangered, the fate of Belize’s most vulnerable group is still undetermined. Another teenager is behind bars tonight. On Wednesday at his home, nineteen year old Chris Anthony Reyes, a resident of King Street, was allegedly found in possession of a point twenty-two caliber Lorcin Brand pistol, seven small packages of suspected marijuana and a passport belonging to Elmer Figueroa, a recent robbery victim. This morning Reyes was arraigned for Kept Firearm without a Gun License, Possession of a Controlled Drug as well as the Robbery of Figueroa, which occurred on September twelfth.  Figueroa reported to police that he was walking on King Street at around seven-forty-five when he was approached by a man, who held him at gunpoint and demanded that he hand over his bag. Figueroa gave the gunman his Nike brand knapsack which contained his Belizean passport, several electronics and other personal items; all to a total of nine hundred and sixty dollars. In court, Reyes who was unrepresented, pleaded not guilty to all charges. He has been remanded to the Central Prison until October seventeenth.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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4 Responses for “Teen charged for Robbery”

  1. BMNJ says:

    Put that trash in jail. If you’re man enough to do the crime, then be man enough to serve the time. 5 years for the gun, 3 years for the marijuana, 3 years for robbery, and 1 year for not telling the truth in court. Son, you know very well that you lie in court when you pleaded not guilty. So dishonest.

  2. Anir says:

    Stupid youths mien. He needs to be in jail.

  3. LOL says:

    he looks like he wants to cry for his mama-thought he could handle it now the girls he was trying to impress and reading this will laugh

  4. jk says:

    Jail? and have tax payers money feed this trash? Death Penalty would straighten up these fools

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