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Sep 15, 2011

Fake Sri Lankan Filmmakers to be deported for unbelievable plot

It seems that the Sri Lankan movie in Belize will not be made after all. It has been well documented by News Five that Belize has been a springboard for human trafficking of African, Chinese and Sri Lankan Nationals. And recently a group of eleven Sri Lankans was detained for questioning upon their arrival in Belize. During interrogation it became known that relatives and friends in Canada sponsored their travel. And prior to their arrival, another Sri Lankan National, Dhevanarayagam Atputharasa, disappeared after arriving in Belize on a Single Entry Visa. Investigators believe that Atputharasa was testing the route for the group that was to follow. Intervention by the Film Commissioner of Belize Nigel Miguel, however, resulted in the release of the group. A subsequent press release was sent from the Immigration Department’s Ruth Meighan giving support to the fake filmmakers. The release said “On July eighteenth 2011 an application was received from Belize Film Commissioner, Nigel Miguel for twenty-one Employees of a movie production company (Brilliant Creation). The name of the project was NANBA (FRIEND). The expressed purpose of the visit was to scout for locations in Belize as well as for the filming of a movie project… In keeping with established procedures the Department reviewed the application and it was subsequently approved. The Department hereby states that the approval given was officially and genuinely issued by the Director of Immigration and Nationality Service.” The release blasted a local news paper for its headline which called it another visa scandal. But there were obvious holes in the immigration or movie plot that the film commissioner did not explain. The first discrepancy was that the director of the movie, Somasundaram Thushiyaanthan was listed as a computer operator on his passport. The fictional film’s cinematographer was also identified as a photographer in his passport.  According to the list, there were four artists, an art director, two makeup artists, a costume designer, two choreographers and two stunt masters. But an important part of the charade was missing; there were no actors on the list. A quick explanation was that they were only scouting for locations to shoot. But then again, if you’re only looking for locations, why did they need two makeup artists? Well, it seems that foreign agents were already scouting the northern border awaiting the Sri Lankan filmmakers’ speedy departure. And it seems that the Sri Lankans, who were holed up in a very cheap hotel in the city, did not have any money to rent video equipment from one of their local enablers. And another media house has received confirmation from Sri Lanka’s Special Media Unit that they are not moviemakers. So it has been decided that they would be repatriated to their homeland.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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7 Responses for “Fake Sri Lankan Filmmakers to be deported for unbelievable plot”

  1. yaright says:

    So who are these people?

  2. islandboy70 says:

    Black list again I guess. Someone’s trying to make some money smuggling people through our country. If we don’t have enough problems already with drug smuggling. I am hoping that our film commissioner is not involved in this. Sometimes these con-artist can really take you for a ride without you realize it.

  3. lisa says:

    anybody can get in or out of belize. lol

  4. Storm says:

    Historically, Immigration might be the MOST CORRUPT agency of all our corrupt agencies.

    I think we should seriously consider outsourcing it to some British agency to run it for us.

    Have we EVER had an honest Immigration director or department?

    No, I didn’t think so.

  5. seriously says:

    are they serious? do they think we are idiots…

  6. hmm says:

    a kid could have come up with a better story. i guess they don’t even see the need to come up with a plausible story. an dthe immigration department defended them.

  7. Al says:

    If I were In the government of Belize, I would be very upset that these people from other countries see Belize government as being so stupid that they can use the country as a part of their diabolical scheme. It is sad when the world sees you as a pushover government. America need to place sanctions on Belize until the government comes up to par and function as a leterate body of people. What is to stop terriorists from using Belize as a launching place.

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