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Sep 15, 2011

George Price still hospitalized

George Price

Another report of national importance concerns the health of George Price, the former Prime Minister and Leader Emeritus of the People’s United Party.  He is recuperating slowly at the Belize Healthcare Partners in Belize City. Doctors continue to monitor his delicate condition following a round of surgery he underwent on Wednesday. The ninety-two year old statesman fell early on Wednesday morning at his house on Pickstock Street; the fall caused an injury to the head.  Price, also considered the father of nation and a national hero, dominated the political landscape pre and post independence as Belize’s first prime minister. He is the oldest living political leader in this region.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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4 Responses for “George Price still hospitalized”

  1. Get it right says:

    Get well soon Mr. Price.

  2. RadicalBelizean says:

    Probably the only true servant of Belize who dedicated his life to this country. He had the interest of the people first. Sadly a good proportion of the others (and you know who you are) are greedy, dishonest, corrupted, self servicing B****r*s.

    Get well soon, and best wishes for your health. Hon Mr Price.

  3. Steve Busch says:

    You are in our prayers, Mr. Price. The Busch family wishes you a speedy recovery.

  4. David Nicolas Ruiz says:

    We continue praying for Mr. George Cadle Price in Benque.

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