Outstanding Belizeans awarded for contributions to society
The Governor General, Sir Colville Young, at the Tribute to Belizean Patriots Ceremony, conferred twenty-eight national honors and awards. On Thursday night, those who have contributed to the development of Belize were recognized for sports, education, community service, culture and health, amongst other fields. One Order of Belize, two Order of Distinction and twenty-five Meritorious Awards were bestowed.
Diane Haylock, President NICH
“These Awards are conferred on the recipients by the Governor General of Belize. On his behalf then, I will now read the official proclamation. The following persons have labeled diligently on behalf of, for the improvement of, and to the benefit of our country Belize and whereas, they have contributed their time energy and intelligence often at great sacrifice to themselves to making Belize a better place for all our people. Ladies and Gentlemen, the Order of Belize; Edward Arthur Laing for his contribution to law.” Paul Nabor for contribution to culture and music; also order of distinction Wilfred Egbert Lewis Nicholas Sr., posthumously will now receive a meritorious service award for his contribution to sports. Darius Avila; meritorious service award for contributions to culture and economic development.”
Dean Barrow, Prime Minister
“This year our cup runneth over and we are honoring twenty-eight distinguished patriots—among them, a distinguished judge of the international tribunal for the law of the sea. And it’s wonderful to see so much of you and it is wonderful to see the family of those that we are honoring. I am personally acquainted with a large number of you and it is a pleasure to see and be participating in the ceremony. We also honor a culture and music icon who has brought international recognition and appreciation for our parandah music. There are several distinguished present and former educators, retired public officers, community workers and social activist. There is one of Belize’s best known conservationist. We are also patriots for their contributions to nursing, to sports and to culture. And very important we are recognizing contributions of Belizeans in the Diaspora.”
The full program will be aired on Sunday morning on this station.
Why only black people are given awards barrow you are a bigot and a racist.
No Rod you are a bigot and a racist. Every comment of yours point to the issue of color. You are full of hate get some help it will eat you up. Hate is not healthy for anyone, ask God to give you some peace.
Rod, you need to go back to school to learn your colors, or u r just plain idiot. If you look at the list of honorees, you will realized that not all of them are of African descent. There are also Mestizo Belizeans in the list of honorees. I can’t understand how an idiot like you makes such negative comments on the best news… Congratulations to the honorees on their merit and input to the growth, development and recognition of our BELIZE, Land of the free, for you and me.
Rod also perhaps you do not know but there was a time in Belize when most if not all judges, doctors, teachers, dentists, attorneys, police officers, teachers and all people of influence in our country were of african (garifuna and creole) descent, hence the reason perhaps there were more Belizean of african descent receiving recognition this time around.
Everyone is now in the main stream and as a matter of fact people of african descent are the ones that have migrated the most so next time you may have another complaint.
I told you long ago that this Rod person is an idiot. I would really like to know what color he is.
He might not even be a Belizean, he must have been sent to belize to spread “HATE”. Find him and get him out of belize.