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Sep 19, 2011

1st Prime Minister George Price passes away

The nation has been plunged into mourning. This morning the Right Honorable George Price, father of the nation, national hero and the leader emeritus of the People’s United Party passed away, just two days short of Independence Day and ten days away from the sixty-first anniversary of the party he led. Price was admitted to the Belize Healthcare Partners last Wednesday after he fell at his Pickstock house where he was born and lived until the time of his death. He led the country from a colonial outpost to a free and independent nation; his political career started back in 1944 and continued throughout his life. A humble man, his mantra was one of service to country. The government has announced a period of national mourning and a state funeral for next Monday, September twenty-sixth. News Five’s Isani Cayetano has the first report extensive coverage on the Right Honorable George Price.

Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price [September 21st, 1981]

“We continue our work not only to build Belize to yet greater levels of economic growth and social progress but in doing so to remove causes of conflict and to cooperate in the economic development of the region with all our neighbors in friendship, harmony and peace but will equal status of a sovereign nation with all its territory secure against external threat.”

As Belize’s first prime minister the crown achievement of Right Honorable George Cadle Price was realized on the morning of September 21st, 1981.  After many years of struggle a concerted effort led by Price, who would later become known as the Father of the Nation, culminated in political freedom from Britain.

Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price

“Belize was the last British colony on the Central American mainland and the transition deserves the admiration and the support of all peaceful, freedom loving nations.  At our request and with our gratitude the military presence of the United Kingdom will remain here for an appropriate time to be decided according to future circumstances.  No longer a colonial power but as a welcome partner, the United Kingdom has agreed to help us preserve and promote peace and wellbeing in our region.”

His passing shortly before seven o’clock this morning, two days shy of Belize’s thirtieth anniversary of Independence, has left the country in sorrow.  Across the Old Capital flags are being flown at half mast.  Outside Independence Hall, home of the People’s United Party, the majestic blue and white also flutters at mid-height.

John Briceño

John Briceño, Party Leader, P.U.P.

“Today we’re here saddened by the news of the passing of Mr. Price who passed away this morning around 6:30 surrounded by his family.  On behalf of the People’s United Party and of all Belizeans we want to express our sadness, our sincere condolences to the Price family and to the entire nation as we mourn the passing of the Father of the Nation, the Right Honorable George Price.”

On September fourteenth, the ninety-two year old former prime minister slipped while inside his bathtub and suffered a massive blow to the head.  The fall resulted in Price having to undergo surgery at Belize Healthcare Partners Ltd., where he remained in a medically induced coma.  His health, however, deteriorated progressively during the days that followed.

John Briceño

“From the day that he was taken to the hospital I was there visiting him pretty much every day and I had the opportunity to visit him yesterday evening along with my son and my brother and we prayed for him whenever we were able to see him and today I ask the entire nation to pray for Mr. Price.  We all believe that he was a very religious man and that he will be granted that eternal reward that has been promised by our Lord.”

George Price’s storied life has been filled with both personal and political achievements; the most notable, as aforementioned, was his leadership in steering Belize towards independence.

Rt. Hon. George Cadle Price

“This symbolic transition to the independent state of Belize signifies the fulfillment of the decolonization which as a metropolitan country and founding member of the United Nations, the United Kingdom undertook to accomplish under the chapter.”

It’s an accomplishment which thrust him in the international spotlight and proves testament to his political acumen.

John Briceño

“He had a very clear vision as to where he wanted to take Belize.  He wanted an independent Belize but also that dedication, that full one hundred percent of everything that he was doing was to be able to reach to that, to get to that achievement of independence.  Another issue was his ability to work with people; the humility, the way that he would go about speaking to people.  He had that ability to bring people together and to always be this humble person that is prepared to listen not only to the kings and prime ministers and presidents but even to the man on the streets.  To the campesino out in the districts, in their farms, you know.  He had that unique ability to be able to keep people together.”

Reporting for News Five, I am Isani Cayetano.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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39 Responses for “1st Prime Minister George Price passes away”

  1. krtdiaz says:

    I am sad today…I cry today for a hero at rest. I am not a PUP but he transcended parties and he loved Belize above all else. Rest in Peace.

  2. R.T. in Vegas says:

    You have to give Hon G Price what he deserve. Regardless of your political affiliation, nuff respect. Many Belizeans today have not done 1% of what he did for the country we call Belize.

  3. RadicalBelizean says:

    Very fitting tribute to a beautiful soul channel 5. As a child, I recall that as PM he attended my grandfather’s funeral. He didn’t have to, but my family was pleasantly surprised and full of gratitude for his humility. My family’s love, respect and admiration for this man was not necessarily based on tribal or political ideology but for his honest, hard work as a servant of Belize. Whilst all countries (i.e Nicaragua, Salvador, Honduras etc) had problems of civil wars he kept our country peaceful and economically stable.

    The Rt Hon. George Cadle Price dedicated his life for this country and we should be eternally grateful. Descansa en paz, con amor y adoración Padre de Belice

  4. Charlie Price says:

    Uncle…I know you died of a broken heart when you saw how all your good work has been undone by GREEDY politicians who are only looking out for themselves and their cronies, and are screwing the poor people.

  5. Bulba Martinez says:

    He will be sadly missed but always be remembered for being a true and honest Leader of our Beloved Country. Other Politricktions should follow his example and steer our Country in the right (positive) direction. His disciples failed him here on earth but the disciples that are waiting for him will never fail him. You may now “Stand At Ease” Sir Jorje, you made the “Right Turn”, now “Forward March” to the Almighty Father Preacio, “YOUR COAST” is now clear. “Eibu risha Uruwei, aba umaleh. Bungiyu buba Buguya larigi. Ayoh, mabruiga. (R.I.P).

  6. Rod says:

    He was a man of vision a true leader who was the father of this nation and a true patriot a person who loved his country and people regardless of race rest in peace for you will now really be at peace the suffering is over for you my friend a true hero.

  7. Victoria says:

    George Price is a man whom all politicians in Belize should follow where he put the people first, he was not a greedy man, we may have our political differences but this man has done so much.

  8. Spyglass says:

    Several great personalities have been embalmed throughout the world.
    Why don’t we do so with Mr. Price, that generations to come can view someone that cannot be replaced.
    As to cost, ask the Belizean public and I am sure the contributions would be overwhelming.
    Give it a thought.

  9. BELIZE first. says:

    he will be missed by thousands of Belizeans here ta home and abroad,I still remember when Mr.Price use to visit the village in Ornage Walk dist, in Yo Creek he was always invited to attend the Miss Yo Creek coronation in every 21st Sept ,but as he got old he could not travel too far,every 21st under Mr.Price it was celebrated greatly not like Now ITS NOT THE SAME AS WHEN HE WAS OUR 1st PM, school acroos this jewel the kids used to get their free snaks,free sodas, it was live,but things have changed during theze years,our kids /parents have to pay for their kids snaks and sodas now so sad, new leaders no have the same vision as Mr.Price ,their will Never be another man,HERO like him, will really be missed by myself and every village,town and city of our country ,RIP FATHER OF OUR BEAUTIFUL JEWEL U GAVE US TO BE PROUD OF TO GIVE US AN IDENTITY AS BELIZEANDS. THANK YOU Rt.Hon George Cadle Price.

  10. Mars says:

    Rt. Hon George Cadle Price

    The country of Belize will miss the leader that you were, certainly we are very proud of everything that you did for all Belizeans. I can remember the day that you visited my village, everyone was very excited to receive you there. A humble person like you deserve great respect. We are all proud of you.

  11. Get it right says:

    Mr. Price, you were a selfless person who dedicated your life to the people of this country. You lived a humble and peaceful life and always gave back to the country. You were a true and honest person which came out in your leadership as a person and a Prime Minister. You were never consumed by the power you obtained or the wealth that could’ve been attained in the position you held in the country, a position that no other politician can adeqautely fill today. You will be surely missed as your compassion for this country, and its people, truly made you one of a kind. Rest In Peace friend.

  12. belizeanpride says:


  13. So Sad says:

    R.I.P RT. HON. GEORGE CADLE PRICE. You will be missed by all Belizeans and to me on his day of his funeral should be declareda National Holday and every year after that because he deserves it and most people would want to attend his funeran and give him the last goodbye.

  14. NoNo says:

    There will be no other like you Mr. Price, A true leader in everyway. I’m a very youngman, but from all I heard about you from my father and other older people, you were the greatest leader this country ever had. Sorry that all your hard work has been destroyed by all the corrupt politicians in these days. R.I.P Rt. Hon George Cadle Price, you will never be forgotten, i will tell my kids about you, a true leader. Maybe one of my Kids can be a man like you. To all the Price Family i’m very sorry for your lost, but its jus a cycle of life. A new great man will be born and someday lead our country the ways he did.

  15. Jan says:

    May he rest in peace. Thank you Rt. Hon George Price for our independence, thank you for making us Belizeans. We most always honor his memory for he love Belize and devoted his life for our beautiful jewel. Long Live Belize… Que vivia Belice… Gracias… <3<3<3

  16. bzegial says:

    Mr.George Cadle Price what an honor to have lived under his rule.He had the country he loved best interest not for gain and so when he saw that the time was turning he gave up his seat now that he is gone may the politicians take a couple of pages from his book on how to rule a country with respect. He was so approachable by the young and old may his legacy not be in vain so he can look down on the jewel and truly REST IN PEACE.

  17. bzegial says:

    Mr. George Cadle Price. I am so honored to live under his rule. He lead the country to what he hoped was a better life . My hope is that the leaders take a couple of pages and show us how the jewel should be governed.May he be looking down on us and REST IN PEACE .

  18. MACAL RIVERA says:


  19. V. Vasquez says:

    He was humble. But his acheivements are of great stature. He will continue to live with us, through history and memories, his doings never to be erased. Our condolences to his family in this time of grief. We will miss him. From Mount Carmel Credit Union, Benque Viejo Del Carmen.

  20. MACAL RIVERA says:


  21. cayobway says:

    It is truly sad to hear about the passing of belize’s greatest leader.I can recall the time when I had the oppurtunity to meet and shake hands with this great man, as soon as i said my name he told me who my family was, he truly knew the people of his country, even today i can still hear his voice as he says the national prayer(which has somehow become extinct) and sing the national anthem with children in school. it is really sad to say that belize will never have another leader like “The Right Honorable George Cadle Price ” may he rest in peace, my sincere condolence to the family and all belizeans in tihe lost of a great man.

  22. Bel Can says:

    Rest In Peace Rt. Hon George Cadle Price. Your strength of character, compassion and wisdom are timeless gifts that you have bestowed upon Belize. I only hope that these gifts have made as much of a mark on those who lead us as they have on the masses. You will never be forgotten and we sing your praises so that each generation will know you. God Bless Belize.

  23. Darlene says:

    Truly sad to hear about The Right Honorable George Cadle Price passing, He was a great leader with admirable qualities, may he Rest In Peace. Condolence goes out to his family.

  24. Earl Grey says:


  25. hey hey says:

    A true leader deserves respect. We will miss him. There has been no other one in this country who took all his life for his country. Now a days, all we see is curruption and disgrace. God Please Help this Little Country.

  26. Orla says:

    My heart goes out to his family and the Jewel. What an amazing legacy he had left. He will always be respected and greatly admired.

  27. Goosie says:

    My deepest, most sincere condolences to the family and friends of Rt Hon. George Price. He is and will continue being the father of the nation. His legacy will live within us Belizeans. I was saddened to hear such news when I woke up yesterday. Belizeans everywhere are mourning his passing. I am flying my flag half way for respect and patriotism. Mr. Price was a hero and I am fortunate to have met him personally when I was going to Primary School. He would want the class to sing the National Anthem as he did, but we could not. I am proud to be Belizean and will represent the country wherever I am! With that being said, we must be thankful to Mr. Price for having done so much for Belize. We must celebrate him for all his hard work. He is a HERO in its entirety. May he Rest In Peace! God Bless and Happy Independence Belize!!!

  28. moho river` says:

    our deepest most condolences goes to the family of our GREAT Leader and Father of our nation, we have in our memories when he visited our remote village, from Dolores, Otoxha, Corazon, Blue Creek Aguacate in the Toledo District, he was a friend of the poorest family not like the leaders we have now, our leaders now are not friends of the poor they only think about their selves and not the country, they do not even visit these remote villages, they would have to be escorted by a hundred police and BDF because they are afraid, not like our honest leader Mr. Price, we never see him been escorted by police or BDF when he visited an village.

    We are all sadden for his passing, thank you Mr. Price, for who we are now, without you as a thru leader and honesty leading our country to be recognize, you dedicated your self for us all Belizean in your hard work, and your legacy will remain in our memories, MAY HE REST IN PEACE

  29. My heart is heavy says:

    I like the idea of turning his house into a museum, for generations to come, to be able to see how theFather of the Nation lived as a humble man all his life. It is a good example for the young generation who are growing up in this materialistic world, where it is more important to have the latest iphone than to know how to read and write proper english.
    This man who did not wish to acquire material wealth has acquired the respect and the love of an entire nation and from leaders acroos the world. QUE VIVA!!

  30. lisa says:

    a true Belizean. He will be missed by all of us.

  31. mellomac says:

    respect to mr price i remember when he used to stop by my grandmother yard just to see how she was doing and chit chat a little he had no boundries when it came to his people R.I.P

  32. ang says:

    It never ceases to amaze me how a much admired gentleman passed away just before what he dedicated his life to ‘Independence Day’ he will be celebrating from up there. He knew my grandfather and I hoped to meet him and shake his hand one day in Belize City but he died before I could do this. May he rest in peace with the Father in heaven and may God bless our nation’s governance and people.

  33. Diehard Belizean says:

    My deepest condolences to the Price family and to all Belizeans. We have lost our greatest leader and our National Hero. Our Lord has called him to eternal happiness and even though we will not have him in the flesh, his spirit will live in the hearts of all true Belizeans.

    Mr. Price truly loved Belize and he showed it through his life, living by example. He truly loved the Belizean people: listening to them, being with them, eating with them and working for them. A grateful nation mourns and even though we are saddened we CELEBRATE his life and will forever REMEMBER his legacy.

    I really believe that our government should declare the 15 of January a national holiday, the day of his birthday. We should celebrate his life , not his death. He will live in our memories forever. Long George Cadle Price! Long live Belize.

  34. pg gyal says:

    I agree with moho river ….it is true that he visited these remote areas although the roads were terrible and there were no hi-tek rides….he went on horse back and foot….. now the roads are fixed and the vehicles are better yet you dont see dean barrow visiting the remote areas……..
    THE RT.HON GEORGE CADLE PRICE is Belize’s firts and only prime minister in my opinion…i would have liked to have met him and my biggest regret is not doing so….. i placed a black bow with his picture in the middle . I believe every family in Belize should do so as he is one of the greatest hero who ever lived in Belize!!!!! Others should look at his life for guidance!!!!!!!!!

  35. marti says:

    Condolence to the family of RT. Honorable George Cadle Price.
    Loved his humbleness. I agree with BelizeanPride….a statue of him in the middle of the city is would be a deserving tribute.

  36. Proud Belizean says:

    Sympathy to the family of Hon. George C Price. Dr. John Waight and Kathleen Price thought many of us Nurses. Two of my mentors. I wish Dean Barrow would take time to treat the people like George Price did. He treated everyone with respect you did not have to be related to him. The people in the village saw him very often. Growing up I use to ask my father how can he remembers everyone name when he came to your village. I just listen to Bobby Leslie and he kept mentioning all the great things Hon, George Price did leading up to Independence. When last Barrow ever visit any of the villages especially in Stann Creek District. He was a great Leader.

  37. PG Oilman says:

    Yes, i agree also my Grand parents always tell us stories of how Mr. Price went to vist them all the way in sarstoon. He went to see the living conditions of the people living there. I have never seen any other Prime minister do these kinds of things for thier people.

  38. Lucy says:

    Certainly our Prime minister and minister of education among the other politicians must learn from this humble man who would listen to the people; not condition them to suit their wants but rather look at the Belizeans needs and work for them. mr. faber be more understanding, courteous, and humble. Our hero and our father of the nation has left this legacy: Leaders are servants.

  39. Alex says:

    MAY HE REST IN PEACE!He was the best prime minister of all time!! He was very humble,decent,generous.intelligent and most of all WISE!! HE IS A LEGEND!! MAY HE BE REMEMBERED ALWAYS.

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