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Sep 23, 2011

5 year old girl raped

Tonight there is a disturbing story of a vicious crime committed on a four year old child. The mother, whose identity will not be revealed to protect the child, has reported that the young girl was sexually abused and the suspect is someone the family knows. According to the mother, on Thursday evening the little girl was nowhere to be found when the baby sitter arrived at school to pick her up. It was later revealed that a man had taken the child from school and she was brutally raped. To protect the child’s and the family’s identities, we also omitted the name of the school and News Five’s Andrea Polanco spoke with the emotional and distraught mother off camera.

Voice of: Mother of Rape Victim

“She end up tell me dah how deh gone with my baby. And I get ready and gone dah the school and deh tell me dat how wah man come fi my baby and deh nuh know weh ih mi look like. And I ask deh, I ask the teacha who ker ah. She say ih look like either ih grandpa or ih uncle and I tell ah my baby nuh got no uncle down yah weh ih deal with. I ask ih teacha please tell me something. She say how she think how dah ih uncle or grandpa, lone that ih repeat. I end up gone dah my grandma house gone get my baby and when I gone deh my baby di sit down pahn the steps.”

Andrea Polanco

“How your baby end up at your grandmother’s house?”

Voice of: Mother of Rape Victim

“Because deh say wah man ker ah deh.”

Andrea Polanco

“And your relatives are not familiar with him?”

Voice of: Mother of Rape Victim

“Hmm. Fi be honest I nuh know weh di happen. I nuh know weh di happen but only one name my baby call, one name ova and ova and ih tell everybody dis man name.”

Andrea Polanco

Andrea Polanco

“Is it somebody you’re familiar with?”

Voice of: Mother of Rape Victim

“Yes. Yap.”

Andrea Polanco

“How did he take your daughter our of the school grounds? Isn’t there a policy where you have to sign in at the gate before you pick up a child?”

Voice of: Mother of Rape Victim

“I know how that how deh end up call. I  end up call my aunty and tell ah my babysitter di run late, suh if ih could please get in contact with my aunty, her sister and she say ih try get in contact with ah but she say ih phone turn off and she neva did get in contact with me. When I reach home my baby, I open up the car door cause my boyfriend come get me and when I check my baby end up di cry and my baby say ‘mommy I wah live with you, mommy I wah live with you’ and I figured something mi wrong. I gone and I check my baby, when I check my baby ih panty bloody-bloody.”

Andrea Polanco

“So you took her to the doctor and the doctor certified that she was indeed raped?”

Voice of: Mother of Rape Victim


Andrea Polanco

“The tests that the doctor conducted, did it reveal any additional information?”

Voice of: Mother of Rape Victim

“Yes, deh say that how somebody do ah something and ih whole just messed up.”

Andrea Polanco

“She didn’t contract a disease or anything like that, that would be a case?”

Voice of: Mother of Rape Victim

“Well dah dat deh di check pahn right now. Dah dat deh di check pahn. And all I could tell other mothers weh deh kids di go dah school just be careful cause that messed up, that messed up. And my baby only four fuh mek deh do something to she like that, that just wrong, that wrong. I just advice any other mother just know weh deh di do and know who fi trust out yah.”

Andrea Polanco

“How is she coping otherwise, in terms of her emotional state?”

Voice of: Mother of Rape Victim

“Ih just nuh be ih self. Yuh talk to ah ih keep ih head down. I try talk to ah, all ih ask me ‘mommy I want you stay with me’ just now when I ker dah school fi gone talk to the principal she start cry, ih nuh wah stay deh. Suh weh I wah du bout my baby education now? I nuh know weh I fi do if yuh can’t trust the own school something just wrong and I think Belize, the government need fi put deh foot down and try do something bout all ah deh yah craziness di tek place right now.”

Andrea Polanco

“What would you like to see be done in your case?”

Voice of Mother of Rape Victim

“I nuh wah he get, whosoever do it I nuh wah deh get no two years, three years because God forgive me I nuh know what wah happen. I nuh wah left my baby dis kinda way and if any test come out if anything happen to my baby. I nuh know weh I wah duh, I nuh know weh I wah duh.”

Fitzroy Yearwood

Andrea Polanco

“I know it’s very difficult but you had the opportunity to sit and talk with your baby, as well as in front of the police. Did your child reveal where this incident took place? Where did the man take her?”

Voice of: Mother of Rape Victim

“To be honest my baby nuh di talk a lot, she nuh di talk a lot at all. Ih nuh really, ih talk bout it ih guh eena trance, ih talk bout it ih guh eena trance and I done know ih done mess up my baby.  As a mother I talk to my baby and I deh round my baby suh I know something wrong, something wrong. I nuh know weh happen but I wah deh du something and I nuh wah left that suh and I mean it.”

Fitzroy Yearwood, Police Press Officer

“I can say on behalf of the commissioner we are doing everything in our power to investigate this sick allegation of the heinous crime. We are doing everything in our power. We know who we are looking for and hope to have that person in custody soon. As soon as we have him in custody, I will make sure that you have a photo at least so that we can alert the public of this sexual predator.”

We were reliably informed that the doctors are currently conducting more tests on the child.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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76 Responses for “5 year old girl raped”

  1. BMNJ says:

    We need to find that idiot, cut off his private part, & lock him up behind bars for at least 30 years.

  2. Sasha says:

    Satan wherever you’re at, you will be found and I hope people make you crawl like the snake you are and then crush your head.

  3. Sasha says:

    Satan wherever you’re at, you will be found and I hope people make you crawl like the snake you are and then crush your head.

  4. Babs says:

    Read between the lines and you will notice that the mother leaves out a chunk of the story. She says her babysitter was running late and so she called an aunty and asked her to call another aunty and one aunty never called back and apparently no one called the mother and then apparently the babysitter shows up late to collect the child?? How late? Sounds to me like the aunty sent ‘a person’ to collect the child. Did the mother take it for granted that someone would get the child? The mother says she doesn’t know what happened yet someone told her a man took the child to her grandmother because she was able to find the child there…hmmm….CARELESSNESS all around – aunty, babysitter, mother…. and it’s the child who suffers. Mothers need to get more serious about the security of their children.

  5. Mr. B says:

    Belize – what the &^%& has happened to you?! People, get up and start doing something!

  6. wisdom says:

    We need to circulate and sign a petition so that the penalties are increased for the animals that perpetrate these henious acts against our children. I suggest it be death. Otherwise the few of us that are sane need to form a secret squad to eliminate our society of these monsters. The person who did this needs nothing less than torture leading to a slow and painful death.

  7. CONCERNED says:

    This is one of the most disturbing news i have ever heard. Heinous crimes like these gives me the shivers. I too am a mother and i can only imagine what both mother and child are going through at this moment. My heart and prayers goes out to the family. Ask to this scumb… i hope he gets wat he deserves…a SLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW painful death. I know there are people (in the Human Rights Dept) who choose to institutionalize this scumb and allow us tax payers to take care of him… THE GOVERNMENT should let these people REGISTER as sex offenders and have their pictures and name listed on a” PREDATORS WALL” so the public can be aware of these bastards…. my heart bleeds so badly…. 🙁 God is crying… his people has lost the way.

  8. Proud Belizean says:

    Mother of the child be careful. You know Belize have no law you speak up next week you will be on the news dead. The killer will walk free as usual. The only people get jail time are the people who steals something small.
    It is very sad for your little girl.Wake up Belize this is happening everyday not all the little girls are talking.

  9. thinking says:

    This is so sad, I think that the person who did this is very sick in the head. For someone to do such awful thing to a child that person does not need to living in society anymore, I say find him and just kill him. In all this there is no mention of the dad and I think that’s one thing that is affecting our country. A lot of men are just turning their backs on their responsible as a father, so message to this little girl’s dad is now is the time she needs you the most step up and be a man. If he is her life get some of your friends go find this predator and but him to rest. For her mom just continue to be strong for your little girl. PEACE

  10. belizeanpride says:

    this is really sick and disturbing, even my stomach feels upset to read this atrocity done to this baby. this guy should be the first to be put to death by hanging or lethal injection. PM that fool around make the police find this animal and kill public so we can satisfy our anger and revenge against this criminal sick person. so many sketel (whore) around to fool around but finds a defenseless baby to hurt. Jeez it just boils the anger inside my guts. Please find this guy and kill him please we’re tired of this things happening over and over and it’s getting worst.

  11. Chance says:

    Show the picture of this fool….so that we !**% him up.

  12. Zeus says:

    This is a crying shame. Forget the laws, forget the courts, this sicko needs to be castrated; and after castration, thrown in prison where he would become a she !@#$% for male prisoners. Tit for tat.

  13. Edith says:

    That !@#$%^& is not even worthy to continue breathing. I cannot begin to fathom what that mother is going through and what that poor baby is seeing every time she closes her eyes. This …….. wrecked her life – there is no coming back from that. According to another media house, the baby has contracted gonorrhea! I know we shouldn’t endorse violence but as a mother my emotions is screaming kill him. Please parents, family, friends, john/jane public – please let’s start looking out for our kids even if we don’t know them!

  14. Lil-Man says:

    Here is the truth; you see all the negative activities that is affecting our country, they can be avoided, brought to a minimum if we just learn to be our brothers keeper. We as a country as one people, a nation; are too cought up in our own little world that we turn a blind eye to things around us. I know we see things happening, but what do we say ” a no my problem” What affects one, eventually affect all of us. What happen to the days ” it takes a village to raise a child” In my neighbour hood anyone a we see somthing strange in our neighbour yard, we make noise. Me no say things will not happen, but not so easily when eyes are about.
    Now when it comes down to crime against children that is another story. Personally children are the only innocents I believe is here on this earth. The person that hurts a kid in my books is not eligible for any humain treatment; Prison and Death is too good for such a person. I am not sorry for saying this, but I would personally take them a part piece by piece for days and months, let them suffer. Do you know what he did to the little girl? she is only 4 years old for christ sake; I am very angry. I have a doughter who is 1 years old, and i have a doughter that is already dead. If someone would inflict any harm on my doughter, I would move heaven and earth to get vengance for her; even the devil himself would not be off limits the the punishment that i would inflict.
    This nation is in very bad shape economically and if our social problems continue to be as such; then we have no hope. Our Children are the future, if we can’t protect them, give them safe passage to adulthood, then what. I have no pitty for these people (Heng Them All). If something is not done seriously by to police to these (Jerks, criminals, mentally unstable) persons, i fear this country will go back to the old testiment (an eye for an eye); for we as parents will not stand for this.

  15. lisa says:

    it so sad to hear someone doing this to a child. this man is sick and needs to be locked up before he does it again. who knows if he hasnt done this in the pass. i know this child mother must be in pain for her child. we all need to teach our kids to be careful of strangers but also people that they know. this world is getting worse by the day. i pray for this family that with time and professional help this little girl will over this horrific trama.

  16. Bengal says:

    We have to have reliable sitter.
    Can’t have people doing us favors.
    Always have a back up person if the original sitter can’t make it.
    Let them alert you at least 2 hours in advance if they can’t make it.

    As for the alleged sicko if he is guilty of it throw him in a cell and throw away the key.

    Thats why we can’t expose our kids to everybody and we need to instill in them only specific people are supposed to pick em up from school.

    So we can avoid these situations that will affect the whole community for a life time.

  17. chaveli says:

    Now, I cannot understand this one. If the guy is a maniac then the parents should take care of their little kids. The maniac should be euthanized immediately,to protecgt our children. Why are the NGO’s -Familys and Children ,the Justice system,women agains Violence -oh no quiet. Because the guy is a family member the cry should be louder and the convictiion -death

  18. Shattered says:

    Jesus Christ have mercy on this country’s Evil people. Doubt i’ll send my kid to any school. got a 3 old daughter, and i could not imagine anything like this happen to her. God!

  19. general says:

    animal have better sense than to hurt a small animal…….get rid of this piece of $#!% from our society…..he dont deserve to be call human…..

    i want to see what will become of this $#!% head……..

  20. MAD says:

    I am so sorry for your child, I don’t even know these people, but I am crying right now, this is so sad, i really hope that the law is on this mother and child side, HOW COULD IT NOT BE. This evil person needs to be beating,burn, heng, take a stick and ram in up his @$$ for days to come until he dies so he could feel the pain that he have cause to that child and her mother. Evil people makes good people do bad things. the law better work for this child.

  21. kill him... says:

    this is indeed sad!! and a terrible ting to do to a child!!!! I would say kill the mother!^**!@ as he will do this over and over again….. this is true as they are repeat offender..there is a man in PG like that….raped….went to jail and raped again… in jail rite now…people like these should be kept locked up…believe me…they will do it agian…..lok up this !@#$%^&*()_…….castrate him if possible….Belize should rid of people like this……………..that child well be emotionaly crippled and will have a fear for starngers and men….i know i am…it is terrible……very terrible….wish i could kill the gut who did it!!!! will do it……if i c him again

  22. Storm says:

    Just like killers must be hanged after conviction, rapists must be castrated. That should be an automatic part of the punishment for all convicted rapists.

  23. YC says:

    The culprit deserves more punishment and just putting him behind bars. He should be lashed in public. Belize should not tolerate this kind of behaviour. We need have to protect our children.

  24. Self Respect says:

    This is what happens when we Belizeans build a culture that likes to ‘go on baad inna di streets’ during parades and other festivities. Why do we send our baby girls to ‘dance’ in the parades with provocative uniforms like short little skirts and navel-coolers, winding their waist? This is provoking sick rapists to try stuff on little girls; I think this rapist saw one too many Independence parades…

  25. dappa says:

    i am not talking for talking sake, when ever they arrest this sex predator i really want the prison officer remand this guy in a high risk jail cell so the other prisoner could rape him n let him feel how it feel to take advantage of a 4yrs old girl. He should be punish cruel and torture matter of fact man like him should die.

  26. blvnjah says:


  27. blvnjah says:


  28. Eda says:

    That is one sick individual. How can one possible satisfy his sexual pleasure with a baby. He should be hung as that child will be traumatized for life. People go to jail for having affairs with sixteen adn seventeen year olds right? Should the same punishment be for RAPING a baby? hang the madafire better yet put honey on his ….. adn put him in an ant nest so the public could see him and stone him then others will learn from it. The no good BEAST.

  29. Teresita Soberanis says:

    what is being done to keep animals like that out of society?our beautiful country is being destroyed by these kind of crimes.when will they start hanging.Goodness they need to start.It’s so sad I’m sorry the baby don’t even know what it means to be alive and this animal have started to destroy her life already.

  30. justice says:

    cut off his **** and stuff it in his mouth let him choke slowly until he dies,because we can’t afford to take no tax payer’s money to feed him in prison,there is no place on this earth for a snake like that.He is worst than the devil.or give him to the public so they can give justice.

  31. Elgin Martinez says:

    Don’t even think about touching any of my family son because i am coming and it definately isn’t going to be a nolle presequi.

  32. Elgin Martinez says:

    Anytime any of you idiots touch any of mine i am going to make history in Belize.

  33. Shy says:

    This man needs be to taken out we do not need garbage like that Belize seriously needs to start having some vigilante justice. It is sick to think that this man will only spend a few years in jail while this baby will be scarred for life n as if being raped was not enough this worthless human being also contracted this poor baby with a sexually transmitted disease.I hope the GSU is sent to look for him and that they give him the treatment he deserves i hope they beat the crap out of him n break every bone in his body. No one will miss him. I hope his face is scandalized all over so we know exactly who he is.

  34. Chrissy girl says:

    We need Dexter to deal with this @&£”!er
    this poor baby needs needs help asap to help her deal with what’s happened.
    Gonna be tough…god bless

  35. Just-saying says:

    This pain my heart that an innocent baby has to go through this. I have a freind who was also raped and d scares of this inhumane act never goes away. my heart goes out to this family. Mother, be strong for your baby. To the police this is a case that needs to be solved quick bring this peice of trash to justice look him up and throw away the keys he needs to suffer…

  36. Lifejourney42 says:

    This story is too sad! my heart goes out to the poor innocent baby and her Mother, Belize Police needs to find this SICKO fast and beat the shit of him i promise if it was my child i would have found him before the Police do and the rest would be history..This SICKO needs to Die.

  37. Justice says:

    that man needs to be tortured. It is too sad. If it were my child I would do it myself!

  38. molested says:

    When I heard the news I cried. As a child I was molested, not raped, but I was affected by it for many years. I trusted no boy, or guy. When the old man died I was the happiest person on earth that day. This innocent child! Mothers have to be very careful with their children. Even in their home. This story is very twisted. Where was that man at when that phone call was made. Was he a family friend or member? At no time should you send a trusted male to pick up yur baby girls. Who was that aunt that sent him to pick up the child? You see Belizeans, there is a word called “responsibility.” It happened, and i feel pained and angered. And what with the school and the policies? It seemed as if this man was trusted witht his child. How can anyone enter and sign to pick up a child if the child doesn’t know him? And where was the teacher when this happened? Weren’t there any signs of uneasiness, especially since it was the “first” time a man was picking up the child? Was it the first time? There is something strange about this case. All I can say is that there is a possibility that someone told him “buay go pick up so and so baby fi mi, or i wa do yu da favor, or he overheard the “phone” conversation and left the premises. And he even knew the grandma house. I say if anyone out there knows him, take a picture and post it. If the police no talk, then mek we do wi homework. He might as well become a fugitive and more dangerous on the run. I wish he’d die a slow painful death. I’d shoot him myself. It’s time that our abused daughters begin to speak out too. You will not be surprised to find out that many, many of our daughters have been molested or forced. It’s time our government does something to these criminlas. Instead, they have a GSU unit to harrass and stress out our law-abiding citizens. Why not use the GSU to dissappear rapists and murderers.

  39. rigo says:

    if life was a bed of roses then we wouldn’t have such sick,discusting,humiliating bastards! When will ther be no more injustices & the people of this nation satrt living,beleiving and work together? the person that did this to such an innocent child doesn’t even deserve to live!!! If hanging was implemented for once more for every murder and rape then the criem rate in this country would have ben far less!! My eepest sympathy goes out to the mother and famoly of this child and just have faith that this won’t be like many other cases where by justice was never served!!! God will always be there for u!!!!!!!! Love ya!!!!!

  40. jesus fernandez says:

    that is sick seriously, and whats worst is that the mother saids she thinks its someone in the family that rape her babygirl, that person should be ashame of themselfs. thats a memory that the poor girl went through will never go away. when ever she sees him, she will be crying or so afraid of him, and family will put 2 and 2 2geather, that its him. if he had eny dignity left in his soul he will confess to the mother. but that won,t happen. i hope they find the trute. my prayers are with the little girl and her mom.

  41. Annie says:

    Its really sad, as a mother it hurts me very deep , I can not imagine this happening to my child. My prayers go out to this family. If you know who did it, don´t be afraid to speak out, your silence can cause a repetition of this terrible and shameful act.

  42. LM says:

    Now I am waiting to see how much money the CHURCH will put up to help this woman hire high powered lawyers to ensure a conviction for such A HEINOUS crime. This is the time when I would like to see the council of churches band together to fight such injustices.

    I am waiting to see which “mouth piece” (you know which ones I am talking about) lawyer will step up to the plate and help this woman fight this in court.

    I will watching and waiting…

  43. shakira castillo says:

    what were u doing so that u could have reached so late for her

  44. sickened says:

    I am sickened by this despicable act. I have a daughter and I would not go silently in the night if faced with such a situation. I agree with the comments we need some extreme measure to address these individuals who prey on the innocent and helpless. We do need a “Dexter” in Belize to clean up the corruption and inadequacies of our legal system. Instead of the gangs in the city kill each other they should focus on killing these sick depraved individuals who are a festering sore in on our society.

  45. Magic says:

    Go the George Street and tell them bally da who…. Den cu do something bout them kind and them bally weh di theif and di jack innocent people….cah di Police no look like den cu do di job!!

  46. One love says:

    That sick bastard does not deserve to live. an hanging him will be too easy, the police should tie his @$$ up naked in Battle field park. let all females or mothers take turn beating him. they shud push a pint bottle up his @$$, someone should chop him up with a machette an put salt in his cuts then burn him. God forgive me for saying all this but dat person makes me sick. hope they find him quick

  47. Swamp Dragon says:

    If they can convict him they need to hang him. This is the way society is going. Too much drugs, too much pornography!

  48. P. Gillette says:

    Only the devil can do such atrocious and hideous crime. He deserves to be dragged through the streets of the city tied to a pole and burned to death. That is the best we can do for the devil. “Lord please do justice through whatever means and let the world know that you are a God of Justice!”

  49. Daddy P says:

    I don’t even want to read this because it just makes me want to find that …….. and yeah i agree with you guys..cut his **** and stuff it in his mouth and get rid of him..he is such a sick ……. and mien a sin to hurt the baby..this man doesn’t belong on this planet..

  50. babyboo says:

    this guy is sick ……. cut his private parts and lock him up forever where he gets raped in jail

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