Mother of 4 year old rape victim wants justice
Rape is one of the most heinous crimes that can be committed and tonight there is growing public outrage over the sexual abuse of a four year old girl and it is devastating the entire community. On September twenty-second the child’s mother found out that her daughter was taken from school; the child also named the alleged perpetrator, who was familiar to her. And though he was detained, the cops let him go. The girl’s mother decided that she no longer wanted to hide her face and wanted the country to look in her face and sincerely know that she wants the law to prosecute the man who has committed this grave act on her child. As a matter of policy, however, we will conceal her identity due to the sensitivity of the case.
Voice of: Mother of Four Year Old Rape Victim
“They released the person weh rape my baby.”
Jose Sanchez
“Did he tell you why they released him?”
Voice of: Mother of Four Year Old Rape Victim
“Because they said his forty-eight hours up.”
Jose Sanchez
“In terms of evidence, they spoke to your daughter.”
Voice of: Mother of Four Year Old Rape Victim
“They spoke to my daughter, got a recording, everything.”
Jose Sanchez
“And she accused him.”
Voice of: Mother of Four Year Old Rape Victim
“Ih tell the police even before they even record it—the same exact thing, recording. Ih tell the doctor, ih tell me; ih tell everybody the exact same story—that this individual assaulted her.”
Jose Sanchez
“Other than that, did the doctors do a rape kit, examine her?”
Voice of: Mother of Four Year Old Rape Victim
“The doctor examined her and said that she was carnally known.”
Jose Sanchez
“And yet still the police is unable to charge him, to hold him? Why is that?
Voice of: Mother of Four Year Old Rape Victim
“Well dehn noh tell me nothing. Dehn noh even tell me this person released; that they let out this person. Dehn noh have the decency fi call me fi see my baby only four. My baby dah his witness, my baby dah everything. And I say that just wrong. I coulda mi understand if dah mi somebody older. At least dehn coulda mi warn and tell me something mek I mi know weh mi di happen to my baby. (crying)”
Jose Sanchez
“In addition to the police, this is also causing you some stress in other parts of your life isn’t it?”
Voice of: Mother of Four Year Old Rape Victim
“Yes it is because my baby sit down. We gone dah hospital and my baby sit down and tell me, “mami I mi di get crazy; the doctor had to inject me because I mi di get crazy.” I tell my baby, “no you noh di get crazy baby. You noh di get crazy.” I tell ahn I believe everything weh you seh.” My baby think she di get crazy, but I tell ahn she noh di get crazy.”
Jose Sanchez
“Outside of the legal case, are you or your daughter speaking to anyone about the emotional troubles? How to deal with situation?”
Voice of: Mother of Four Year Old Rape Victim
“Well this morning I ker ahn dah wahn psychologist. She sit down and talk to my baby and everything. And she tell me that how lotta damage tek place with my baby. Ih seh ih wah need counseling wah lot. And ih tell the psychologist the same exact thing weh dehn record. The same exact thing—the same person name. this dah from Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday; today dah Tuesday—my baby call the same exact name. I don’t know how the police dehn noh know this. My baby call the same exact name. My baby noh crazy and my baby smart. My baby know what eh di say.”
I feel outrage and Sorrow! I am pretty hard but couldn’t manage to read these without shedding tears for this child and probably many other children in Belize who experience this crime on a daily basis. Why is this man free? So he can harm more kids? As he certainly won’t stop there. Who knows there are probably other victims out there. Maybe the tactic is let him go so the public deal with him. In which case I hope someone do just that.
In the meantime I hope this child is given interventions to help her grow and develop into a well-rounded adult with no lasting negative effects of her ordeal.
Why havn’t a demonstration been held to bring attention to this heinous crime.Maybe a demonstration should be held infront of the accused home.
This is where a lie detector test would help. Again, I want to challenge the Belizean to keep a close eye on their children. parents, when you are going to learn that you need to keep your children under supervision at all times. If you can’ty, follow up on regular basis to ensure they are OK. Likewise, that recent boy that got shot, mother should have been there or kid in house. Not saying its parents fault, but its a culture thing that we have to change. Think about how many times on streets and see kids runnin’ around with parents no where in sight!
This is where a lie detector test would help. Again, I want to challenge the Belizean to keep a close eye on their children. parents, when you are going to learn that you need to keep your children under supervision at all times. If you can not, follow up on regular basis to ensure they are OK. Likewise, that recent boy that got shot, mother should have been there or kid in house. Not saying its parents fault, but its a culture thing that we have to change
tha baby know who do wat to her soh put the suspect in a ID !@#$**g parade an stop d play no evidence an no evidence…….the movie A TIME TO KILL is exactly wat i mi wud do if da my kid mi get dis done to case fu dis predator str8 death!!
I can’t believe the rapist got released. Do the police realize what they just did? He can escape now. What about the innocent child that has to suffer mentally, emotionally and physically for the rest of her life? Something has to be done to prove he is guilty and the child’s testimony should be more than enough as children don’t lie (Phsychologists around the world has proven this)
That mother is lying or at the very least not telling all she knows. Her story is full of holes from the very first interview she gave to the media something wasn’t right. In another interview she admits she suspected the abuse was happening from before. Also, how can any mother that cares for her baby properly not notice that the child has a discharge from her privates and has an infection? An infection wouldn’t show up same day the rape occur those symptoms take at very least a few days to turn up. She is either blind or very ignorant – if not a liar
What is the department of social service doing to address this issue?Furthermore with did the media disclose these people identity.My Belizean people we need to start respecting people’s privacy.Yhis also goes to some of the people that works in the Health department.There is something known as patient bill of rights.This little child has already been violated and now you all are diclosing her mother’s identity.
The police released the man pending a dna test. Police has said that they have more than one suspects and that it seems that the child is being set up to say a certain name and that the doctor confirmed that this is not the first time the child was raped. Apparently there are other names that have been named that could possibly be involved. These people have also been subject to the dna testing. I hope the results of the DNA test are obtained quickly in order for the police to arrest the correct @$$hole that did this outrageous act. …….
lack of professionalism from the police dep. and the dpp. it’s really disgusting to now what’s going on in this investigation.
@ RT in Vegas: Obviously you dont live in Belize. So who are you to be criticizing. For the child that go shot, since when do we have to be with our child all the time. this child was on a public street. you dont and cant even begin to imagine what that child and mother is going through. Do you even take care of yours. Do you ensure on a regular basis about yours. this is not time to be doing the blame game, this is about a child who rights got violated by someone she was taught to trust.
The police is really neglegent and stupid for lack of a better term to describe this situation. A four year old can never make up this sort of story.
When police behave with this sort of disregard it leaves the public with no other recourse but to take matters in their own hands!
What 48 hours bull? If this is all we have in our laws then the laws need to change!
this is sick…darn sick. Could d mother please open a face book account n expose his name…let us know his name…!@# the police find a way to release his name…we’ll deal with this @@* in our own way.
I would like to say that i really appreciate that news 5 and news 7 have choose not to show the identity of this mother, even though she wanted to show her face. This have proof me wrong with some news media where i thought all news media want to do is to get in your business. This shows me that these new media have the child’s best interest at heart, unlike her mother who seem like she is not worried about her child. In this i mean that if she shows her face then every one will know who her child is. We know how people go that to me that would just make it worst.. SO ONCE AGAIN THANKS TO NEWS 5 AND NEWS 7.
I hate how they say “carnally known”…carnal knowledge implies consent. This child was brutalized.
Can we please get a name? We need to learn how to deal with @$$es like this from the private sector.
Just a name would do, and then punish the b@$tard slowly and painfully. Spread his sufferings over a couple weeks. Or lets just all move out of belize.
The police department in Belize city needs some serious turn around and get rid of all those stupid @** cops that just sit around all day and do nothing. I believe that the mother should open a Facebook account and post the accused name so that we know who this devil is, we would really like to know so that since the police can’t bring justice then we will show them how to bring justice this has gone to far. it is time we take over and forget about the police department as they just sit aside and do nothing. please post the accuse name. i will be waiting patiently for his name.
I also would like to applaud channel 5 and channel 7 for the show of professionalism .To the mother I can only say God Help you ! and to the Police SHAME on you ! I really thought this act was so disgusting and the crimminal would suffer but releasing 48 hrs ??? So then anyone can rape a baby then be lacked up and realeased after48hrs .C’mon.
?open your eyes to the big picture people,that was a ritural gone baaaaad.
Those must be our laws in dealing with these hideous crimes. Such criminals deserve NO MERCY from us. Let God handle mercy in His infinite wisdom.
It’s very sad to hear and see these hideous acts of violence in that country, People need to take justice in their hands if the Police and it’s unprof, staff don’t.
It’s very sad to hear and see these hideous acts of violence in that country, People need to take justice in their hands if the Police doesn’t.
I am so sad to hear that a four year old child was raped and the culprit is out already. It is a darn shame that no one is doing anything to help this child. Like i always tell my daughter don’t be afraid to come to me and tell me what is happening to you. I want you to come to me no matter what it is. I want to know if anything happens to you especially if you are being touched i don’t care who it is if it’s your brother, your father, uncle,cousin, grandfather or friend. Trust me i will do something about it even if i have to go to prison trust me i will for my daughter my child comes first. Mom do everything in your power for your little girl be her voice and her advocate if you not do that for her then who will? Be strong for you and your child and keep a very keen eye on her at all times. I do that with my twelve year old daughter i always know where she’s at and what she’s doing why? It’s because she always in my sight i personally drop her off at school and i do not leave until the bell rings and I am always there to pick her up from school i make sure to be there five minutes before the bell rings. I know some people will think that is crazy but i am looking out for my child she is my only daughter. I did that with my son when he was younger and i don’t care what people had to say. There are too many crazy people out there now a days parents please please keep an eye on your children because even your own family members can harm your children.
that rapist should be sentence to jail for the rest of his life. I cant believe that the law in belize is taken for granted. Where is the Prime Minister???? why is he hidding when it comes to unjustice. To all those police if your daughter was raped how would you react????? please start working and protect your people!!!!! thats your job!!!
We only want a name of this sick …….. and we’ll handle the rest…screw the justice system because while they sit and scratch their @$$#$ our children are being sexually assualted by these pedophiles…slow, painful and brutal death to any of these ………..
Its funny how they want to implement preventative detention but cannot detain a rapist.. heard from the rumor mill that it is a high ranking govnmt member and dats why hes being protected. Just saying…. if da no soh da naily soh!
Hmm…Michelle Obama…please get back to work….
Human services needs to get involved. As well the mother needs to be charged, as some1 said earlier too many holes in her story. How could you as a mother even run a joke about your child probably being molested!!!!! Your an incompetent mother as well protect your child how dear u reveal your identity????? This mother is enjoying the publicity!
Hello Helloo….thats where the …….. idiot needs to be HELL!! can someone please release the name of the idiots that are suspects. if they think that they are not the one who committed the crime they will clear their name…..lets get names names please.
mr police let us handle the investigation for u…..and also the persecution…..guilty and punished severely….
send am west mek he disappear in the mountains.
Hello Helloo….thats where the ……. idiot needs to be HELL!! can someone please release the name of the idiots that are suspects. if they think that they are not the one who committed the crime they will clear their name…..lets get names names please.
mr police let us handle the investigation for u…..and also the persecution…..guilty and punished severely….
send am west mek he disappear in the mountains.
My heart felt sadness goes out to this innocent child.
Where is Dean @55H013 Barrow???Do Not take this in a Bad way But I personally would like to know what Barrow would do if something of this nature would had happened to his lovely little daughter, !!!!!!Just to see the reaction!!!!!!!. Where is Kim Barrow, isn’t she the Special Envoy for Children In Belize. I think he would have gone more nuts than he already is .
That is a terrible mistake which the police did, the community needs to come together and carry out their own justice since our system is not dependable. When we need the law on our side, they are not there, it seems that they protect the criminals rather than the victims. Too much laws for nothing. We need amendments for this situations no to happen. One of these days people will take action on their own and will escalate to a major crisis.
they need to put his picture at all borders i am sure he is trying to come to AMERICA.we need a picture because if i see him i am calling the police for him and everyone else need to do the same at home and abroad,please folks do not give him a chance to hurt another innocent child.
Belize looks like people can do whatever they want and get away with it.WTF is the goverment doing? All they are on right now is that damn 9th ammendment.What they need to do is address the real issues.Let the police protect and serve the way they are supposed to. If i get robbed and i knew who did it to me,i am not going to the police because they will go back to give my information to the person that robbed me.They need to get off that high horse and do something for the damn people.Everyday people cry about some wrong that has been done to them.What else has to happen before they get off their A###S? They need to take a look around and see what is happening,they need to take caution because everyday crimes are getting worst.Innocent people getting caught in the cross fire,is it that they don’t know who is doing the crimes? That is bull because they all know who are the people doing these things.The goverment has meetings with the gang leaders,they have to resort to paying them to stop the crime and it is still happening.I hope something can be done so that Belize can once again be the land of the free.Now we are not free,we live our lives expecting that anything can happen to us when we leave our houses.Then again they are going to shoot people in their homes,so what can we do?For sure we can’t buy a gun to protect ourselves because if police catches us with it we ourselves will go to jail to try and protect our own.What kind of BS is that? That was a baby,that animal shouldn’t be on these streets.
Belize! only in Belize No law. There are many many little girls that this happen to. They are not saying because they are afraid. Mothers like to send their children with father relatives wake up women nothing will let those men want you stay away from their relatives and take good care of your children. Did they even do a rape kit. Any way we need good doctors in Belize. Not some African Doctors and Doctors from Hattie who don’t care about the people or cannot practice in their own country.Barrow bring good doctors to care for Belize people. This person will leave the country I bet the police did not even take his passport. Belize its who you know he know ……………..
I am convinced that this monster is either some big time person or related to some big time person or some person ina the police department. If this man did not have the right connections his picture or at least name would have been blasted ages ago!
Or was he given the chance to leave the country and look for treatment just like Silva? Come on Government, enough is enough.
I hope you Belizean people are really serious about taking justice in your own hands. This is definately the right time to do so.
The House of Representatives will need to pass a bill whereby the names & photos of all sex offenders nationwide should be released to the public. PUP, UDP, the Churches, & the general public – are you with me?
well as a young girl i feel that what the police did was wrong because they should realize that they have kids too… and wouldn’t like if they did that to their daughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MISTA BARROW WEH U DEH INA SITUATION LIKE DIS??????????????? MEMBA WHAT COMES AROUND GOES AROUND…………….. SO I STRONGLY BELIEVE THEY SHOULD NEVA LET AH GO ………. MY HEART GOES OUT TO THE MOTHER AND I HOPE AND PRAY JUSTICE IS SERVE………………..:(