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Oct 21, 2011

Barrow crushes the idea of a Said leadership

Dean Barrow

The House meeting could not have concluded without the usual mudslinging. As we said earlier in the newscast, Barrow was kind to Fonseca but saved his trashing for Fort George Area Representative Said Musa and the unaffiliated Marcel Cardona. It was vintage Barrow as he pointed out that the three absent P.U.P. representatives did not support Musa as leader in the House for even a day.

Dean Barrow

“You know this man, this member for Fort George, no got no shame. You know this man mi di angle fi get appointed leader of the opposition. You know that the three opposition parliamentarians that are missing said to the Governor General; no, no and no. Imagine it’s only an interim appointment only for a week. What that say about you? Even for a week?”

Said Musa, Member for Fort George

Said Musa

“On a point of order Mr. Speaker, what the prime minister is saying. The point of order that wanted to make is to remind the Prime Minister that I have been Prime Minister of this country for two terms and he has something to catch up yet.”

Dean Barrow

That is the point of order? And it is precisely because you have been Prime Minister for two terms that three of your colleagues said never ever, ever again.  The member for Freetown has been nominated and will be appointed, but in the meantime the honorable Mark Espat is still the leader of the People’s United Party and the party leader say, over his dead body the member for Fort George will become leader of the opposition for even a minute.”

So ninety days after the bill was first introduced, government passed the ninth with twenty-four votes, three against and one abstention.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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6 Responses for “Barrow crushes the idea of a Said leadership”

  1. Belizeans will pay says:

    drunk, drunk, drunk with power, he is. Borrow: a pompous, manipulative, disrespectful, egomaniac; has finally got what he wanted today.

    Pray for the best, Belizeans and prepare for the worst. That is the only thing you can do now. May Borrow have mercy on us all.

  2. William Grimshaw says:

    What a sad day for Belize. Lets just hope they dont freeze my assets, and decide to make my company owned by the government because they want to.

  3. EMS says:

    Yes Mr. prime minister, three parlimentarians were absent by choice, once again they have proven to the Belizean polity that they are indeed weaklings and have no sense and respect for leadership and what it means. You apparently are very happy that they were absent and sad that you couldn’t have them as the leaders of the opposition. Mr. Pomp and glitter, be mindful that you and your udp cohorts/bufoons will have to face the populace for re-elections in a very short period. Said Musa is a proven Leader, as PM of our beloved country he did his best for the entire populace of Belize. the ninth amendment will come back to bite you and the udp cohorts in the rear in the not too distant future. Remember nothing under the sun is lasting, forever.

  4. general says:

    its circus day in belmopan. lots of clowns and lots of followers. i wonder what sme belizeans are thinking.

    we have a lot to do with the way the political situation is in belize…..just for a buck we give up our sole rights and freedom.

    easily led to the furnace of fire………..

  5. Eye In The Sky says:

    Remember what happened to the Libyans under Gaddafi.
    Get ready for the worst in Belize.
    We Belizeans have NO MORE RIGHTS.

    We are now SLAVES to Barrow.

    CALL for a REFERENDUM now !!!!!

  6. Jan says:

    As a Belizean I feel really ashamed to have this Prime Minister. I can be a UDP or a PUP talking trash or praise him, but I talk as a Belizean. Everytime this man steps infront of a camera he just lets out his arrogance to called a more courteous way. Never in my life I have seen such disguising language in the House of Representatives. But anyways some people of this country elected him. Another thing which I really dislike and disagree to shame the respresentative of Mesopotamia he can never ever in his life seems that he cannot talk proper English, maybe his collegue from Ministry of Education should give him some classes. Again power & more power is the problem with this country. The rich get richer and poor get well not even the word we can afford nowadays. Peace…

  7. hard woking Belizean says:

    “time fu lick road” as the arrogant, disrespectful & glitterman Barrow said…his closing remarks before commanding the so called “speaker of the house” & his doggy followers to proceed in putting through his 9th amendment. Such a shame to have a PM that brags so largely about his educated self when he carries so called “education” in his A#$!! Be prepared Belize because it is time to lick the road for real with this passing of the 9th….we were just scraping the road, now, we will be licking the road!! God have mercy on our poor souls!!

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