Treaty Energy finds black gold in Belize
While geophysical exploration continues Deep South, elsewhere in the country there are reports of oil being discovered in commercial quantity. According to Andrew Reid, co-chief executive chairman of Treaty Energy, drilling began in San Juan near Independence Village in the Stann Creek District last Tuesday. Hydrocarbons in the form of gas were later detected at a thousand, two hundred and thirty-five feet beneath the surface. A well, possibly containing up to six million barrels of recoverable oil, has been classified as San Juan two. Meanwhile the company plans on drilling a much deeper well which is believed to contain more oil at San Juan one. Preliminary findings indicate that the cuttings display “lime characteristics with good porosity and high saturation.” Consultants from Advance Geological Services have confirmed that oil was present in the samples tested. Treaty Energy, through the Princess Concession, also believes that there could be three oil-bearing fields on its two hundred thousand acre spread.
This is good news. However, We Belizeans must make sure that barrow does not short change us. I believe that environmentally sound development can and must happened. Therefore, let us not listen to the ENVIRO-FEAR- MONGERS.
Don’t forget they are also, QUIET AS IT’S KEPT, mining Yellow (real) Gold in the South.
WE HAVE SO MANY PRECIOUS THINGS… to be shared by all (99%), NOT THE FEW (1%).
Kimano and freddy thief Paradise company from American investors but soon you will be hearing the court calling on treaty energy. The truth will soon come out
Now all High School and University Students can have FREE EDUCATION!!!!
While I also think it’s good news, I feel that Belize shouldn’t be made into some giant oil field, it’s *much* more than that; instead, there needs to be strict regulation in regard to where petroleum and natural gas is extracted. That’s the only way to ensure there is enough land in the country for all other types of activity.
Poor Belize and Belizeans on a whole, being taken for a free ride; this oil find shall have no positive impact on our economy or life. What have poor/ working class Belizeans benefitted from tha BNE oil sales?? nothing at all , instead like a curse fuel prices have sky rocketed so high that one has to think twice before using his vehicle. What about the windfall tax??? That’s a sham also, nobody has heard anything about it; how much money has accumulated or what has been done with the money?? it has been over a year now, and nothing is known about it, what a pity Belize. Look at Nigeria, people killing themselves to get a drip of the oil resource but to no avail. Will Belize have to head that way??? Another or more oil finds does not mean anything positive for poor Belizeans, sorry to say this!!
The same cuban dey harrassed up for doing refinery with rudimentary equipments, they should hire and let him do that refinery the proper way. Thats if they havent locked him up or deported the man with the brain. Come on folks, there are huge possibilities here. The world will not stop purchasing fuel but may stop buying a lot of other things.
Amen to Terese,
as for O.Walk observer, not sure what is wrong with him, why he has to curse us all. Sure not all is going to the right way, but be a bit more strategic in trying to fix the wrong…please!!!
@me, building a refinery isn’t rocket science…it aint about brain….we have that in BZ….its about $$$ to do it right! That takes investment, which needs pipl to have confidence in the political climate…..and therein lies the problem