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Feb 8, 2012

Lead UNIBAM male attacked

Caleb Orosco

There’s a developing story tonight, concerning Caleb Orosco, the president of UNIBAM, who is seeking to have section fifty-three of the criminal code declared unconstitutional. Orosco was assaulted this afternoon at the corner of Dean and West Streets in Belize City. Someone hurled a bottle at Orosco, breaking two of his teeth. Orosco has made a formal report to the police, even though he thinks that the incident won’t go anywhere. He is the poster boy for the campaign to decriminalize homosexuality, an issue that is stirring up emotions among those who support it and those who totally reject a change in the criminal code.

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51 Responses for “Lead UNIBAM male attacked”

  1. lino says:

    the streisand effect is now in effect-had he and other gays stayed in closet-noe of this happens-but he goes and girly smiles all over the media and those who never knew him now know him-whether he wins or loses in court, we don’t like that and can also play the system. If it does not work and makes gays have rights, it can also make criminals who assault him free

  2. lina says:

    He should have expected something like to happen to him from day 1. I am glad that the Belizean people are showing how they really feel about ‘homosexuality’. Gay people are just plain nasty!!

  3. it's just that simple says:

    Belize could be like that country in Africa, 13 years in jail, but it cost taxpayers money.

    Or another one, the death penalty. Pass a new law and get tough on these people.

    Just like that law that makes it a crime to hit somebody in the face causing them to loose their teeth.

    Find that guy, he could be hired to be an executioner when the new law gets passed.

    Forget the murderers, child molesters, or robbers; they have families to raise, they aren’t sickos.

    Go after the real root of crime in Belize, before it is too late, and everybody becomes one of those UNIBAM corrupters.

  4. Gaz says:

    Celeb, don’t let this deter you. I moved to Belize from Spain, where being gay is no longer an issue, but an integral part of every day life, but it only got to be that way because of people like you who fought for the right for freedom. Keep up the good work!

  5. belizeanpride says:

    should have stayed inside the closet nobody would ever bother you now you’ve turned yourself a target. knew this would happen anytime and can get worst. this issue (gay rights) should have stayed unknown, no harm would have been done but now it can’t be reversed.

  6. hard woking Belizean says:

    They had more rights when they “were in the closet”!! They should have stayed so instead of wanting to come and impose on the beliefs of us BELIZEANS!! What the f#$%….even having the U.S. involved in trying to change our constitutions decisions!! NO, NO & NO!! You caused this on yourself and as a Belizean and a parent I will not condone in any way that gayism and lesbianism try be instilled into our kids!! HELL NO!!!

  7. Brightman says:

    @ lino, lina, etc..It is an absolute shame that some of you above actually justify violence on a fellow human being! I do hope that the international community is watching and act accordingly!! No one deserves to be attacked for simply seeking after human rights for all. What if the shoe were on the other foot?? What if this were your brother, son, best friend–what if this was your struggle?? Should we subject him to violence for something that is a part of his biology?? How can we profess to be God-fearing yet endorse such evil acts?? Today, the heavens must be crying–this is truly a sad day for Belize!! This is just further evidence that fear and hate must be stopped and tolerance, love, and respect for all our fellow human beings be the answer! This is truly shameful!!

  8. Compassionate Soul says:

    I’m not gay but have had 2 classmates and a coworker who are so i had to interact with these people and have become good friends with all 3. They are just like us except for their sexual preference. This is so sad. No matter what this guy has done or his sexual preference he is still a human being and should be treated with some level of respect. I don’t think being gay is a choice. Why would someone choose to be an outcast? I am tolerant of gays but i don’t want to see them being affectionate around me or in the public and I don’t think that’s too much to ask. Please my people i urge you to either read the book or watch a movie by the name of PRAYS FOR BOBBY. It’s based on a true story of the life and legacy of Bobby Griffith, a young gay man who killed himself due to his mother’s and community’s homophobia.

  9. Angela says:

    I am very sad to see the homophobic comments aired on this site and hope that the majority of Belizeans do not codone such bigoted and ignorant viewpoints.
    Shame on you!
    Gay people cannot help being gay and need the support of the law of the land and the understanding and acceptance of their families and the general public .
    Caleb Orizco did not bring about this attack on himself as some of you suggest, he is standing up for his rights and is entitled to do so after all isn’t Belize a Democratic Country?
    Homosexuality should not be illegal, in Belize or anywhere else!

  10. John Boy,Carson,Ca says:

    I am a ashamed on how ignorant my people are.Caleb you are a brave man.You are more man than thoes who attack you.


    please take that sick ….. into your homes to live with you along your BELOVED daughters and sons to set YOUR example of YOUR God that you have in your sick life !!!!


  12. the real issue says:

    Keep the dream of lesbian porn alive!

  13. trikz says:

    What you do with your life…I don’t care….you want to be gay that is your choice…and everyone has a right to their own opinion!!!! Now…@Angela and brightman…can you please show me the proof that shows people are born gay…. a scientific journal or so… I think that would be something very interesting to read……if there is no proof… stop saying it part of their biology….its just their choice!

  14. Josephino Estroberto Pesomedio says:

    Que Dios TODOPODEROSO illumine a los lideres en esta dificil situacion. Deseo yo personalmente que mis hijos sean muy hombres & muy mujeres, no a la mitad, macho sea macho y hembra sea hembra !!!

  15. Sabinia Manzanilla says:

    Although i do not agree with the agenda of unibam i certainly do not condone assaulting a person because of his beliefs. Caleb is a human being and should be treated like one!

  16. Lee Boyd Malvo says:

    Not taking any sides but notice where this happen. Dean and West sts., a real no nonsense area of bze city. I keep on telling people outside of belize, both city and country, that 80% of $#!% that happens, happens around these areas. know where to go and where to stay the !**% out of. if you aint got no business or families or a good enough reason, then stay away. said i wouldnt take sides but some lifestyle choices just aint meant for everyone, furthermore to be publicised and broadcasted like this one is. a lotta people dont like gays because of what they do, but the flambouyant and over the top way they carry themselves.

  17. Just-me says:

    Sad day, we are so advance in Belize yet so far behind. Murders and roberies everywhere and people still find the time to hate people just because of their sexual preference. We clearly got our priorities out of wack.

  18. John Boy,Carson,Ca says:

    To me the sick people are the ones attacking gay people.How could you hate someone who haven’t done nothing to harm you.I am not gay, but I would rather have a gay person in my house than to have an ignorant jackass in my house.I guess white people shold attack black people for being black.How stupid is that.Only uncivilized people think like that,maybe Africa, and that is why they are so backward.

  19. Lucas says:

    I have said and will say again that Caleb has his rights but those rights ends where the right of his neighbour begins. He has the right to live anyway he wants but has no right to force me to accept his way of live. He has the right to live as he pleases but that those not necessary means he is right. One may thing one is right but one may be wrong. However, No one, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO ASSULT MUCH-LESS HURT THE MAN FOR EXCERCISING HIS RIGHT TO SAY WHAT HE THINKS OR LIVE THE WAY HE WANTS. I do not condone but condemned such actions and call upon my fellow Belizeans to refrains from such actions. Non acceptance and tolerance can go hand in hand in this case.

  20. PG Gial says:

    It’s sad to see that people in this forum are actually condoning violence on another human being. I guess that’s the reason for all the murders in Belize because as long as it doesn’t affect us personally, it’s okay for people to inflict violence….are you people serious?

  21. zabdi says:

    yes they choose to be gay.. but they shud accept the consequrnces of what they chose dont u tink?? thier choice they gta live wit everything dat cums with it

  22. Elgin Martinez says:

    Maybe the crime situation is what we need to be addressing.Election is around the corner maybe we need to take the issue of crime into consideration before casting our votes.

  23. jose says:


  24. Elgin Martinez says:

    Let’s stop complaining and request for a referendum to address this crime situation.Wake up Belize.

  25. concerned says:

    its really sad to see that people are desriminating these ppl. they are just like us..maybe their choice of life might be different but we shouldnt judge them by that..they are some straights guys and have some serious dirty attitude and now these guys dont do anyting to hurt us..i personally am not happy with the situation and yet i cannot judge the person for his choice because i have a son and god forbids he isnt that but the point is u never kno wen that will happen to you are be in a situation like that!!and who the hell do those ppl tink they are hurting the guy after all he is a human being..maybe with better qualities than most of us!! STOP JUDGING PPL PLZ

  26. Arilee says:

    I must say that I do not support what ever it is that Caleb wants done. I have children and i don’t want if for some God forbidden reason they get their “rights”….they will want to walk around as couples, holding hands and doing whatever moral couples do in public…when my children sees that they would think that its ok to do such things…I refuse to have to explain someone’s sexual preference to them. Bottom Line…the damn thing is simply IMMORAL.

  27. ugi says:

    hey its so sad to see this in the news i would like to tell al thise homofobiks that god will deal with you all its so frightning to see how ingnorant people out there.


    sorry for been like this but that is the reason belize is in the whole and is dump cause people that are very closed mind.

    god bless you caleb and be strong whentheres is a dark light in your way dont worry the bright light is rite in the corrner please be carefull and try get out of belize and go some where to live men and hope one day all does homofo just vanish at all

    im so upset and mad

  28. Elgin Martinez says:

    Let’s keep our focus on the real issue,which is to curb crime in the jewel and let’s stop make it look like Caleb was attacked due to his sexuality.There is no evidence to substantiate such allegation.The fact is that gay and straight are been attacked by the criminal elements so let’s not be so bias.Had it not been the poster boy for Unibam would this story have gotten thesame attention?Belizeans are been killed everyday and no one seems to care but yet some people on this blog want to blow one isolated incident out of proportion.

  29. Amos G says:

    Lfmao@ dimitrius fauskein you just made my day you’re soooooo funny!

  30. alex says:

    oh wow… its unbelievable how people who claim to be christians thats why they condemn gay people are encouraging crime! wow, stunning, wat kind of christian people are you?
    no !@#$% come and say that being gay is condemd in gods eyes because the bibble aslo condemns crime and u !@#$%^&* di encourage it!! don’t talk about principles and morals because you don’t even know the meaning of such words!!!!!!!! unuh ignorand ppl

  31. Retired CEO says:

    Clearly, this is not an isolated incident, Belize is on a slippery slope of hate, violence, lawlessness, and total disregard for human rights coupled with blantant disrespect for property and privacy. I not one to cry over spilt milk or point the finger of blame and the name calling game, however what is on top always hits the bottom the hardest. For the past four years we seen the so-called leadership of the jewel demonstrating the same sort of behavior. Disrespect for our system of laws and the Judiciary on a whole coupled with failure to uphold and enforce the laws of the land. The street man is a victim of the same mentality on a lower level. But nevertheless, the chicken will always come home to roost. Belizeans wake up, rise UP, vote up the PUP, before your taxes go up. Imagine the possibilites the KILLA VAT WILL BE BACK, JUS LIK DAT. BELIEVE IT OR NOT. MAKE NO MISTAKES!!!! ACCEPT THIS OR REJECT IT. PUP IS YOUR ONLY HOPE, VOTE OUT MEAN DEAN BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!! Stick to the issues.

  32. John Boy,Carson,Ca says:

    The world is watching how the government of Belize protects its people against discrimination.Gay and lesbian is apart of everyday society.It is not a big deal.

  33. Nikki says:

    I would not go into that area and I straight!!!! Really Caleb….really….

  34. Earl Grey says:


    THIS WAS A STUPID CRIME BY STUPID PEOPLE…lock them up for a while.



  35. Demo says:

    It´s a sad day indeed to see this happening in the year 2012 and it sickens me to read the posts of those who promote and condone these senseless and violent acts. Why should a persons sexual orientation affect me if he´s not bringing it into my bedroom? We are all equal regardless of our colour, religion or sexual orientation. Just as slaves fought for the´re freedom, women fought for their right to vote, Jews fought for freedom from persecution at the hands of Hitler, so too do homosexulas have the right to walk the streets freely and not have to be scared of being persecuted for their sexual orientation. And to those (@trickz) who say that sexual orientation is a choice, i ask you on simple question … “when in life did you chose to be heterosexual???”

  36. Tanya says:

    So when black people were beaten for being black and being thought inferior, it was also okay to do so. Bottom line is people are people and everyone has rights and even if we do not agree let god be the judge.. how dare we use violence on them and throw the first stone without looking at our own lives. DO YOU SEE THESE PEOPLE ON THE NEWS KILLING EACH OTHER OR IN JAILS, or making children and abandoning them with no real homes and love from parents just to be futuree delincuents.. NOO. As a mother of a gay son i am ashamed to see such an ignorannt society although not all. Where did we get this idea that beacuse gay people are accepted or given their human rights our children will become gay andd be contagious.. I have two sons and only one is gay.. He grew in a world where his friends hold hands with their girlfriends, his father hugs and kisses me, his brothers hold and kisses their girlfriends and he still did not follow because he saw that all his life. Who said that gay people abuse children.. Do you not here the news and statistics.. its their stepfathers, and human trafficking.. not gay people. we are really ignorant its a shame.. that is why we have the hospitals, roads, education, poverty at 45%.

  37. jay says:

    I support Caleb, i too have urges and should be allowed to live free. My organization is UniRob.
    we represent cleptomaniacs , we have the compulsion to take the property of other people, it’s not our fault, we were born that way. Some people call us names, like thief, crooks, robbers but we really are just expressing our compulsion. The police are always abusing us,this is not right. we have to gratify our impulses at night mostly. please Belize stop discriminating against us and Caleb. We are only doing what the voices in our heads tell us to do, and when we do it. it feel so so good.
    please Belize,are we not allowed to feel good too ? don’t let a few material things get between us. Be progressive, liberal and intellectual,try and understand that we were all made by god, some to be victims (you) and others to be Predators, like the relationship between a tiger and cow.

  38. the real issue says:

    This will explain it all!

  39. Elgin Martinez says:

    Tanya: I don’t know which part of the Globe you’re living but for your information were not only being beaten for being black ,they are now shooting us for being black.

  40. Bgroovy says:

    Whats the big deal ?so cancrejo lose a couple teeth…people lose not one ,not two but three family member to gun dead……

  41. Bunny says:

    It’s just sad to see that people are more concern with how gay people choose to live their life instead of being concern about of the crime situation in our country. More young black men are killing each other and the majority of our population is concern about what a man chooses to do with his own body!! Have you every heard of a gay person committing murder in Belize or raping anyone? Shouldn’t we be more concern about the straight men committing murders or raping children?

  42. krissy says:

    who gave you the right to be judges and to quote the bible, then science, bla bla bla. ignorant rants, the bible is a text you will never comprehend, it has slaver, incest, holy wars, etc, does that mean u support these activities? i would hope you know better by now. the world is imperfect and so are you. unless u fear you will be infected with “the gay”, u realy have nothing to fear, oooh maybe you are unsure…lol. anyway, i am no judge, i dont ever want to dictate what society must be because i have no right to do that. word of advice get out of these peoples lives, gay people dont affect you if you dont let them, its not like you will be invited to watch them engage in the act. thats what this is about, private sexual activity, how would you like your sex acts to be judged??? let it hit home you bunch of hipocrites then we gonna hear “thats none of your business”. AND IT WAS NONE OF YOURS TO BEGIN WITH!

  43. Dean Street Warden says:

    people people, he get beat because he was Jay Walking

  44. Chitown says:

    Most Belizeans have small minds!

  45. chic says:

    This is very sad I feel so bad for Caleb there are worst people out there and that sucker who hit him needs to be charged he is a HATEFUL person..I do not support Gay’s but everyone chooses his own path and the Bible tells us that God does not hate the sinner but the act of homosexuality…I hope justice gets served no one has the right to judge or pass judgement like this NO ONE but GOD alone. I bet Caleb knows where he stands with God I sure hope he does know what he is doing.

  46. O says:

    Apart from what Elgin M said Please dont include Africa nor BLACK people in this type of conversation.

  47. Kapil says:

    What would any of us do if your skin colour was made criminal? Making anybody’s identity criminal is wrong. Even the Vatican and the Anglican Church have denounced criminalisation of homosexuality, these great Churches do not condone homosexual behaviour but they do not think that it is criminal to be homosexual. If the higher Churches say so then who are we to decide upon god’s word? Attacking Caleb for just asking for a basic recognition is an act of utter cowardice. COWARDS!

    On 2nd Dec 2008, clarifying the position of the Vatican in opposing the proposed United Nations declaration on sexual orientation and gender identity (2008) , the Director of the Vatican Press Office, Fr Federico Lombardi stated that:
    “….no-one can or wants to defend the death penalty for homosexuals, as some people aim to insinuate…..the well-known principals of respect for the fundamental rights of the person and the refusal of all forms of unjust discrimination – which are also clearly enshrined in the Catechism of the Catholic Church – not only exclude the death penalty, but all forms of penal legislation that are violent or discriminatory towards homosexual persons.”'s_position_on_decriminalisation_of_homosexuality.html

  48. concerned says:

    The first thing to be addressed is not a human rights/gay issue. It is a legal issue. Hitting someone is assault plain an simple. Charges should be filed. Regardless of Caleb’s sexual orientation someone assaulted him. Where in the law books do we look to see if the person being hurt is worthy of having the law upheld? How are you “Christians” holding your head up AND condoning violence against ANYONE? I question these so called “god fearing” people. Their words and behavior is contrary to anything I have seen in a church.

  49. John in NY says:

    I find it impossible to believe that Mr Orozco was not attacked for his advocacy work (jay walking–was that a joke?) and the world is indeed watching to see if Belize is a country that respects human rights. The hatred expressed by some Belizeans above shocks and saddens me. Does a country that relies heavily on tourism really want this reputation? I’ve been to Belize many times but it will be just as easy for me to spend my money to go elsewhere. Belizeans should make their own choices on these issues of course but I can make decisions too and hate is not what I look for on my vacation.

  50. Earl Grey says:

    IT IS THE CHURCH THAT IS TO BE BLAMED FOR THIS ATTACK!!! Let him who is without SIN cast the first stone/bottle.

    THE CHURCH IS NOT REMINDING PEOPLE THAT WE ARE ALL GOD’S CHILDREN and that we should love one another. Sounds so simple….

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