Is Elizabeth Gamez being forced to vote for the U.D.P.?
The date of the elections is drawing near and each day the requests for interviews and the topics become more unusual. Late this evening News Five received a call from a Cayo resident who alleges politics is splitting up her family. A relative apparently called social services to take away her child. Elizabeth Gamez admits she chastised her daughter but she was taken away for political reasons. News Five spoke to Gamez with the help of J.R. Ebanks who translated her story.
Voice of: JR Ebanks, on Behalf of Elizabeth Gamez
“The social security gone look for the pickney around 12 o’clock. They went to look for the children at the school and then when they didn’t come home, she gone tell the husband to go look for the pickney them. And then when the husband gone look for the children, the principal tell ahn that social took the two little girls. And they didn’t tell them anything; just took the girls and left. She said that what had happened was that the little girl had a mark on her hand where she had chastised her because she had stolen some cash some days ago. She had a little small bruise on her arm where she had hit her with the belt. The one that had reported it and the situation that actually happened was that when they came to her house, she said listen, I chastised my child because she did something. If you guys want to see that I am a good parent, a hard worker; that I don’t go out drinking all day long and deprive my children of food and school, do so.”
Jose Sanchez
“My question is, how does letting the nation know about her private problem helps her situation?”
Voice of: JR Ebanks
“Because they didn’t do it legally; they did not investigate anything. They did not come here to try and find out if the children were being abused. In Belize everybody has to chastise—all over the world, people have to chastise their children. Number two; that was a that her cousin a U.D.P. who they had problems with in the past could come and basically go and hurt them.”
Jose Sanchez
“So you think this is a political issue?”
Voice of: JR Ebanks
“It is a political issue. They took something that they do is a weakness that they can basically go and hurt them.”
Jose Sanchez
“So they are saying they want her to vote U.D.P. so she can get her child back. Is that what you are saying?”
Voice of: JR Ebanks
“Yes basically.”
Jose Sanchez
“You do realize it sound a little bit crazy right?”
Voice of: JR Ebanks
“It sounds a little crazy but that dah how things are ina politics ina these Spanish town mien.”
What a pease of bull &#!+.
What Social and Education officers are doing now, it’s not really good for the kids in this country, that’s why we are having a lot of crime and violence around, cuz parents cannot educate their kids like whipping them if the kids had done something wrong, about this mother she was just educating her child by whipping her kid for stolen money, just imagine if the mother no educate her child about this situation, when the child get to be adult will steal with out feel what is doing is wrong, Come on people if we no want more violence and crimes on the street, let the parents do their jobs, I not say parents could beat the kids as to mark them or hurt them, but yes kids need a little bit of whipping! Also I had notice in schools that teachers cannot spank the kids and there are kids that they are really rude with the teachers! Back on the 80’s teachers used to spank us when we used to be rude with them and with the other kids too.. and on those time the kids were more respectful because the knew that the teachers and also their on parents could spank them. Also if we look back on those times there were less crime on the streets! Because parents and teacher were free to educate and spank the kids!!
I am pretty sure these things are happening in secret ,PM is so busy doing a million things that he cant see what his party members are doing…PM should launch an investigation on his ministers and take out the ones who play dirty they are giving the PM and the UDP a bad name…shame on these crooked …….. and the PUP should do the same as well or else there will never be change.
The whole thing is stupid.The child had marks from abused.She just dont get it.
the story this lady is relating seems crappy to me but still doesn’t links to politics it’s more likely some family dispute and turn it around to look political. jeez adults need to grow their children in a healthy manner not getting them involved in adult matters that will affect them in their growth.
Everything for some people are politics. If a man farts by the supermarket now, he is a UDP or a PUP. People are just getting stupid because of politics.