Student shot by robber while walking home
The streets of the Old Capital are becoming even more dangerous. Three persons were murdered over the weekend and two others were shot. The bloodshed didn’t let up on Monday night when a student was shot as he resisted being robbed at gunpoint. Anthony “Lionman” Leslie was heading home when thieves pounced on him. Classmates, teachers and residents are feeling vulnerable and are pleading for police protection. News Five’s Jose Sanchez reports.
Jose Sanchez, Reporting
After classes finished on Monday night, a Wesley Junior College Student, Anthony ‘Lionman’ Leslie was shot while he was being robbed near the basketball court in the Yabra area. According to the police, the twenty year old struggled with the assailants.
Inspector Fitzroy Yearwood, Police Press Officer
“Police visited a scene on Yabra Road in the vicinity of the basketball court sometime around 8:45 p.m. where they saw Anthony Leslie, twenty-years old, suffering from a gunshot wound to right lower back. Initial investigations have revealed so far that Leslie was walking along with another classmate from the Wesley Junior College when they were approached by two men. The two men proceeded to rob them of their personal items and effects. A struggle ensued between Leslie and one of these assailants where Leslie received this injury from a single gunshot. Leslie was transported to the K.H.M.H. where he underwent surgery and is now listed in a serious, but stable condition.”
On social media forums, one of his teachers describes him as “A student who is so kind, respectful, humble, intelligent and hardworking. Something has to be done to these criminals; honestly I am tired of the hurt they cause innocent people.” Residents in the area, who heard the shot, also believe that more police mobile patrols are needed to protect them and the students.
Voice of: Yabra Area Resident
“When I peep out, I see people running towards Wesley. I said what; something happened. So I come out. when I come out now dah one of the youth them from the high school get shot. I hear they come to rob wah young bwai and young bwai kick the person. So the gun gone off. But I noh see weh gone on or know weh gone on, but I just hear the shot and that dah weh make I come out. But hear weh di go on; the police need to step up on their patrol—they need to secure this area when night come cause dehn kids di come from school. From me when night I have to keep in my house around here cause around here is dangerous area when come night. You need police out ya especially when kids coming from school. We need that cause once we noh have that more ah this was happen cause it wah neva stop. Every time when it di happen, the police dehn come late; they never deh pan scene.”
Insp. Fitzroy Yearwood
“We do have a motorcycle and motorcycle patrol in that area. But because of the recent shootings in that area, we have extended area of patrol. What we are trying to do now is to put more foot patrol into that area and even see the possibility of increasing mobile patrol. We know that it’s a school district and we have been contemplating all this. We have this actually already on the ground where we have patrols, but like everything else, the criminal element out there will wait for a window of opportunity. My police presence is out there, our police officers are on the ground and I can say this because I am from that area and I’ve seen them quite often doing their patrols.”
No suspects have been identified as yet. Reporting for News Five, Jose Sanchez.
He will survive the sens-less attack , identify the wolves, send them to prison. Or kill them as revenge, or sit and suck your fingers and cry or be happy for the evil they did to you!!!
Or be afraid and don`t go out at night nor day, be in jail for life because the wolves RULE the streets, we have no laws in Belize !!!
Barrow did not pay his dues, so what can be expected?
In civilized countries terrorists are rounded up sent to jail and KILLED , they are not being payed money for their terrorist acts !!!
And what can be expected?
Barrow won, so let them kill , not his care nor concern !!!
Its a shame what a night mare for the parents of this young boy. We the people need to do something tomorrow maybe one of yours the victim. Stop buying stolen goods instead, report them. Watch your neighbor yard for thieves not only to see who she or he is cheating with. Police cant do everything by themselves. Dont protect the thieve because his family.
Now people we are all incensed by this shooting now things have gone too far even our kids can’t go to school without getting shot this incompetent useless gov. And pm needs to go let’s all march and rid ourselves of this useless useless gov. How much are we going to take before we take back our country come on belizeans we need to march now out with this useless gov. And pm.
`To blame a government or blame the police is just a cop-out. Let the blame be on the neighbourhoods and the people that allow crime to flourish in their area, blame the parents of the criminals.who failed to raise a productive persons,and then are bold enough to go on television and try to curry sympathy for their children. The problem is solvable, but the society has to want to solve it.
Thank you Jay for that comment. I concur and remind you of a slang that hit the streets during Said Musa: “No watch me watch youself” A truthfully, many parents are defending and encouraging their y oung ones in the wrong direction. If your child does something wrong, he or she should be punished. And punishment is not half killing the child, it is advise and cutting out some of the things that the child likes, like watching a special TV program, or football, or even a stipend.
Let us be wise and bring up a nation of civic minded people. And teachers, be teachers and help. Let not your motive be money alone.
When the court blindly allows accused criminals out on low bail & those idiots end up back on the streets intimidating their victims & witnesses, we get more of the same. Until we start prosecuting & jailing criminals & their friends for witness intimidation, the BS will not stop. Most of the residents are law abiding & have been there for generations, they are now prisoners in their own homes because they lack confidence in our justice system.
Just to add some clarity, the PM grew up two blocks from Wesley College & that is his ex wife’s alma mater. The violence is affecting everyone & regardless of where we live, it has affected all of us.
I wish Mr. Leslie a speedy recovery
i got the solution start cut off trigga finga then they cant shoot nobody outlaw hand gun inna the city you get catch wed on you lost u finga that tha the solution get it Barrow and the minista of defense hang or cut off finga that the LAW
Crime is not a problem created by the government my belizeans so why are we targetting GOB. Crime is a social problem that flourishes due to the fact that the pepole in the gang neighbourhood condone the idiotic behaviours of the gang members. As we all notice, it is the people who live in the so called poor areas are the one who are having many kids and raising them in the “ghetto” areas which are the worst places for raising a family! what do we expect for kids like these? It takes a whole community to raise a child!!!
God is not sleeping. i will revieve justice for that incident. belize is my home and no crook will take my stuff that i work hard for.