San Pedro man convicted of molesting 6 year old girl
Forty-seven year old Sergio Duarte a.k.a. ‘Diablo’, a Honduran national who resides in San Pedro Town, was found guilty of committing an aggravated assault of an indecent nature upon a six year old child. The little girl, who testified en camera, said that on November sixteenth 2011, she was playing with her sister and a little boy in an unfinished structure when ‘Diablo’ walked in and touched her private parts. The child said that ‘Diablo’ later inappropriately touched her sister’s breasts and the boy’s private parts after which they all ran out of the house and reported the incident to her mother. Although the child’s mother gave an account of her daughter’s complaint, her older daughter didn’t appear to testify. In his defense, Duarte denied all allegations, but he was sentenced to eighteen months in jail. No charges were levied against Duarte for the boy and the older girl.
Studies worldwide convince me that child molesters are essentially incurably perverted, and will repeat their crimes as often as given the opportunity.
Belizean law must be amended to REQUIRE castration of convicted molesters. It is the only way to prevent more and more future victims.
What is your opinion?
San Pedro seems to be full of rapist murderers child molesters thieves a breeding ground for criminal activity.
Eighteen months for molesting a 6 year old child?? Am i the only one who thinks these perverts get off only with a slap on the wrist?? Belize has to enforce tougher punishments for sex crimes, especially when a child is involved!!!!
Our judicial System is a big joke.
Nasty Pig
after this time deport him to his home country and recheck if he tries to enter the country again. we’d had enough of this so we need to be more harsh so this things stop now.
This is why we need …
CUT OFF HIS ….. AND HIS ….., only so all rapiest will learn sence, if the goverment don’t want to do these for criminals, I think we the people have to start and solve our own problems to criminals, we no wan no police to intervene then
hey rod san pedro has become a sanctuary for all types of criminals both local and from abroad but remember when we wanted to impliment a law where an id check would be made on all persons coming into the island but what happened, we were called racists and that we tought we were beteter than everyone else and that is not the case i know the way the minister said it on tv made him and us sound like racists but the sp people are not ignorant like him all we wanted to do is to prevent what happening now, by the looks of the news you would belive that sp is a drug war zone when in reality all the crimes and criminals are either from the mainland or abroad im not saying that sp has its own criminals, but believe me they are put in check by the sp police at times! for eg that young boy from george street that was killed in north ambergis, his mother didnt even know what her son was doing in sp and imagine if she was clueless now imagine the autorities out here they have less of a clue why, cause no one monitors people coming in and out of our island, so u tell us rod what are we to do ?
You talk sense CRUZ.. Smart people like you we need more
Well said cruz.
Let rod be the Pm. Seem like he can do a better job.
Well Cruz I’ll tell you if half of San Pedro didn’t vote for this pm and gov. You wouldn’t be in the situation your in so unu have to blame unu self but I’ll tell you I love San Pedro but I hate to see what greed has done to it what you can do is break off from this gov. Claim independence and rule unu self as an independent country. Think about it.
Well i am sure where ever Rod is from there must be little or no criminals!! Jeje had to say it, and before you start Rod, I am a born San Pedro Resident and I am not a member of the UDP, that having been said: Every town and city in the world has to deal with this. San Pedro Town is no different. San Pedro Town is the hardest and most productive community in Belize, hence the reason why so may Belizeans and foreigners come here and make good money that they back to thier own towns and villages. But we also get the criminal element both from Belize and abroad who come and make San Pedro thier home. “Cruz” has some great points and “Rod” Belize will never let go of San Pedro and the millions of dollars in taxes that San Pedro Town contributes every year to the government.
greed has destroyed not only sp but belize as a whole yes crime has gotten out of contol but i dont think that by voting in a new government it will solve the problems we are in now, cause i think belizeans as a whole have gotten the message that no matter which party is in power all they care about is their own pockets and cronies and forget the rest of us, that has happened under both pup and udp administrations and as for indipendence ROD, i love the idea, but i love being a belizean more !!!!!