2nd drug conviction lands Dean Paulino in prison; he is also fined $20,000
While Anne Marie Morrison is out on bail, thirty-two year old Dean Paulino was fined and confined after his second drug related conviction. The charges relate to a bust on July twenty-seventh, 2011 when GSU personnel searched Paulino’s house in the Jane Usher Boulevard area. When the officers arrived, they caught Paulino throwing a bag of weed out a window. The house was searched and more marijuana was found; to be exact, eighty-four small packages were scattered on a sofa in the living room and on the floor in a corner. In all, over eight ounces of marijuana were recovered from the house. Paulino had initially pleaded not guilty to two counts of Drug Trafficking and the prosecutor’s witnesses were all present to start the trial late Monday evening in the court of Senior Magistrate Sharon Frazer. But Paulino changed his pleas to guilty before the case could proceed. Senior Magistrate Frazer then sentenced him to a total of six years in prison and additionally fined him twenty thousand dollars. Ten thousand is to be paid by September thirty-first and the other ten by November thirtieth or he will spend an extra six years behind bars. The strict penalty is because Paulino is a repeat offender; in May 2011, he was charged with drug trafficking but pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of possession simplicita and was fined three thousand dollars.
Yes, 84 packages seems strong evidence he is a trafficker — and they don’t care how many lives they ruin selling poison. 6 years is not a bad example.
Very good. Next? Drugdealers start saving your money.
All drug dealers should be hung by the the neck until dead dead dead.
What about getting more convictions on murder charges?
Yes! Finally a good news from the Judicial System, i believe we shouldn’t lose hope in our judicial system.
Now, we will hang people for grass and set the murderers free. Lord have mercy on Belize
6 years and 20 thousand for a half pound of weed is ridiculous. Weed is not a drug!
some people wouldn’t be able to feed their family if the marijuana flow did not exist.
Give the man a job before you just cast him away, oh i forgot there isnt many jobs thanks to the politicians that destroyed our country.
6 years is a lot of time Especially having to pay a 20 thousand dollar fine in that short period of time is very ridiculous. If the men was trafficking cocaine that would be Very understandable but don’t forget it’s marijuana please! Belize need to get a grip on their Judical system .
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ThiS is my dad and all you idiots sound dumb. There are people getting murdered everyday and your worried about something as simple as weed? You should find something else to do with your spare time instead of judging a man by how he is getting his money
Go sleep pon uno face free dean!!
This is my dad you people are judging him as if you knew him… Your worried about something as simple as weed and murders are happening everyday! This is how this man feeds his family who are you to judge him.
Dean nuh watch nuh face,once di heart & the soul is good everything else must be good.so let the words of our mouth & the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in thy sight.only jah can judge you.jah live. I-tinually & there’s a natural mystic blowing through the air.herb Fe bun.
I know them lol RESPECT!!!!!!