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Aug 23, 2012

Julius Espat gets schooled by the P.M. on House procedures

Julius Espat

The House of Representatives met today in a special sitting. The session was called to table a municipal bond bill being floated by the City Council for infrastructure works.  We’ll come to that later, but first we go to a side show in the House, which has to do with the other bond; the Superbond. Former P.U.P. Area Representative Mark Espat, as you know, has been appointed Ambassador for Economic Affairs to lead the Debt Review Team.  Espat is working closely with officials from the Central Bank, as well as the Ministry of Finance, in reconfiguring the terms of payment of Belize’s external public debt.  That job prompted the other Espat, Cayo South Area Representative Julius Espat, to question the terms and conditions under which the Ambassador for Economic Affairs was hired.  Julius’ query, however, led to a lesson by Prime Minister Dean Barrow in House procedures.


Julius Espat, Area Representative, Cayo South

“Can the honorable Prime Minister inform this honorable House and the nation of] the exact terms and conditions under which Mark Espat has been appointed, both as an ambassador and as Leader of the Debt Renegotiation Team and specifically state the Belize dollar value of each contract and or appointment?”


Dean Barrow

Dean Barrow

“Mr. Speaker, as I believe you pointed out, he has to learn that in fact in here you and the standing orders govern and so he needs to learn these standing orders.  He needs to try to educate himself; he needs to try to school himself so that he may be able to apply the standing orders to his duty.  This is what forms the matrix of his representation and when he does that he will perhaps learn how properly to ask questions in order to get the answers that he seeks.  Now, why have I engaged in this fairly long, prefatory introduction?  Because you see Mr. Speaker, in terms of his question, I can say categorically that Ambassador Mark Espat has been appointed as an ambassador for economic affairs without any kind of remuneration.  He gets no salary at all, no pay for that.  With respect to the Debt Renegotiation Team, this is where the member gets into trouble.  If he had the wit and sense and if he had perhaps studied his standing orders he might have framed his question differently because, you see, as he has put it down the short answer is that Mark Espat also gets absolutely no money, no pay, no remuneration for his work with the Debt Renegotiation Team.  There is a company called Hallmark Advisory Ltd. and it’s with that entity that the government has entered into a contract.  You may have framed, you might have, as I said if you had the wit and sense, you might have framed your question in such a way that I could have given you the answer.  But since you asked specifically whether Mark Espat is being paid the short answer is no.  Now you can come back next time and ask me about the professional rates of fees that are part of the contract with Hallmark Advisory and I will be more than happy to give the answer to you but yoh know how ears hard pickney haffi go da market two times, wheel and come again.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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22 Responses for “Julius Espat gets schooled by the P.M. on House procedures”

  1. Ricky Malthus says:

    Spoken like a true son of a slave, Barrow. As a lawyer you must know that Hallmark Advisory is a corporate entity and Mark Espat signs for it and in fact he is HallMark and he cashes the voucher. So why do you BS Belizeans? You really think they are that phenomenally stupid. The only person who believes you, is Louisville, kentucky. As to your House Rules, they are just trivialities and platitudes developed by the colonial masters( of whom you are so enamored) to keep you in your place. You love control so you love the House Rules. But you do nothing for Belize but collect that fat paycheck every month.

  2. marsebo says:

    yes the grand theif Dean Barrow, want to educate every body, but this loser needs to be educated to respect the Belizean people by not stealing the tax payers money and transfering it to his peosonal USA account, the Dog Dean Barrow is full of $!@# and he knows it

  3. Storm says:

    Last time Julius E spoke publicly I was not impressed with him for acting a fool.

    This time I am not impressed with Hon. PM. Don’t play deceitful lawyer tricks when the nation has a right to a straight answer. You are spending OUR money, not your own. You work for the people, not the other way around. You seem to be an employee with a bad attitude and you seem to resent your boss — the people.

    Straighten up and fly right, and you might win back some respect. Stay down in the gutter, and you won’t.

  4. Rod says:

    What a bigot. Barrow ism at its finest.

  5. joe says:

    Julius you need fu teck u mind off money, and study before classes!!!!!!!!!!! Exam Hard U Know!!!!!!!!!

  6. busha says:

    Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel and come again… LOL…

  7. impartial says:

    I think the PM thinks that we are all stupid ignorant iliterate fools… fine, the man made an unspecific question; however, how can he say that mark Spat gets no remuneration, no kind of payment and in the same breath states that one of Mark’s Companies is the one with a contract with the GOB! Bottom line is Mark gets money! I hate politicians!

  8. Here we go again says:

    UDP both the elections for 140,000 dollars, man that is value for money.

  9. busha says:

    damn Ricky, thats a bit harsh isnt it… son of a slave? Not necessary Sir.

  10. ceo says:

    I do not care much for his answer but it is obvious that Espat rubbed him the wrong way before and he has or had an ax to grind so he blast out on him. He was also trying to show up the PM so he was scholled!

    In any case the House rules need to apply slave master rules or not! They can be changed but for now let’s follow them. If he is out of order he needs to be checked.

    Obviously the other Espat is not working for the GOB directly.

  11. Bzn says:

    Julius Espat thinks he is doing wonders by acting like an uneducated fool! If he was my area representative i would be ashamed!!!!!!!!

    “Its better to shut your mouth and be thought of as a fool……………
    ………………………………………. than opening it and removing all doubt”

    I would advise julius to do that – he is loosing points by behaving that way!

    1st he doesn’t want anyone to challenge him or fonseca

    now he wants to forget all the rules of the house and act the fool!!!!



  13. Bo says:

    Well said Kishore

  14. unhappy says:

    @ KISHORE MAKHIJANI…. You could go ………….if you like the crap he talks because he is talking a whole load of it.

  15. Serious says:

    Are people oblivious to the fact that the House Rules were wrote by the PUP? Also Mark Espat earns his keep, he goes through his company which pays taxes which puts money back into the stream. Unlike some PUP officials who cheat GST and refuse to pay taxes. Also, some PUP Officials who take money from the poor and refuse to work or stand by them. The PUP kicks to the curve every and anybody who gets in their way to riches. Watch how they got rid of their faithful employees they stay true to only themselves. Watch how they have reformed their own executive so the leader can never be challenged if thats not communism I dont know what is and its devious! Wake up and see the good the UDP has done by its people…do note that the Superbond was a creation of the PUP!!!!

  16. subKonshus says:

    Don’t be distracted by PM’s answer people. That’s his intention. Cudos to Julius. Its good to have an “idiot” in the house who says anything that comes to mind without regards to the technical rules of the dog house. Had it not been for his poorly directed and misguieded question, the nation might not have known that a contract worth over a $100,000 , which is a breech of the Finance and Audit act, (because it was not passed thru the house) was awarded to Mark Espat for switching sides on the political fence. This contract is just the UDP’s act of to worship to Mark Espat for giving them the upper hand in the elections. Hall Mark? – I think the real name of the company should be “Hail Mark”….

  17. Louis says:

    subKonshus, you are absolutely right. It’s all about paying off Mark Espat for switching sides and promoting him as next UDP PM of Belize.

  18. Mz.Dee says:

    All ah unnu weh state unnu point di ya di quarrel up wid one anada and when deh politicians leave the house, deh have meeting afta di meeting and make toasts and celebrate and noh memba none ah we. Soh unnu get smaat and try fi mi hear???? Smh.

  19. Iniate says:

    That is actually quite a spendid idea … Mark becoming the next UPD PM of Belzie, ,, hmmm nice one. And it seems Mark has gotten a good pitch to make that home run too. Go Mark, you have a high goal to achieve and you got what it takes to proove it, an opportunity!!!

  20. Rules Bound says:

    Julius, continue doing what you are doing. You are getting under the PM’s skin and that is how he reacts when he is annoyed. He distracts by attacking the attacker instead of answering the question.

  21. ken says:

    Julius,you are not a POLITICIAN you are an ARCHITECT…….step down……..U DEH ACT LIKE MUSA

  22. OUTSPOKEN! says:

    What a bunch of shameless, uncivilized fools on the world stage, dressed up as politicians. The way these “elected officials are behaving like Colonialized British Subjects for all the world to see is disgraceful!!!….then there’s the matter of the junior monkeys who pound the desks and howl for their side of the jungle. What a laughing stock of @$$HOLE$!!!!!

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