Kristy Dawson is missing; have you seen her?
A fourteen year old student has been missing for the past two days and her mother is asking for assistance in locating her. According the Mary Flores, her daughter, Kristy Dawson didn’t go to school on Tuesday because she was sick. She did, however, go to Flores’ office at around two in the afternoon and that was the last time the teen was seen. Flores says that Monday, she scolded Kristy for hanging out with a young lady who may be a bad influence and she is not sure if that upset her daughter enough to run away from home. But she is not ruling out that Kristy may be in danger and is asking anyone who has seen her or can provide information on her whereabouts to call 622-6893 or contact the police.
This is so sad hope she is safe but these are the things where the leader of the country should get involved but he is no where to be found again we have a supposed leader that is never in the country no wonder everything is falling apart in the country. This is the time the pup should be standing up and leading but they are no where to be found also am beginning to think they are useless also.
what happen to the Belize Amber Alert that was launced a few weeks ago
Good question, @hello.
I hope she is found safe and sound.
I must give respect to ROD this time for being impartial and not taking side with any of the political parties.
I notice the story does not state the town or area where Kristy lives, the location of the office where she was last seen, nor the area where the girl she was associating with lives, etc. This info might be very helpful to those who would look for Kristy, especially in the early days since she was last seen. I hope we hear of a safe return very soon.
Lynn, I was thinking the same thing. I’m dumb founded as to why that information isn’t included.