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Sep 13, 2012

Mother of murdered child believes there is a family cover up

Kaylee Burgess

Eight days ago Kaylee Burgess, the two year old girl from Ladyville was found dead. Contrary to what was first reported, the child had been suffocated. There were unconfirmed reports that the toddler was sexually abused, but late this evening we are told that the post mortem did not reveal any signs of sexual molestation.  No one has been charged and from what we gather, the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions has just received the file from the police and Kaylee’s aunt, Saphira Pratt remains detained. Kaylee’s mother,  Deidra Pratt, was too emotional to appear on camera, but she told News Five that she is, “No longer living at home because she believes that there is a family cover up.’’ She believes that one of her family members is responsible and will not rest until justice is served in the murder of baby Kaylee. Pratt says that she will make a comment to the media after someone is charged. Duane Moody reports.


Duane Moody, Reporting

The investigation into the death of Kaylee Burgess, who was killed two days before her birthday, on September fifth, is still ongoing. The sketchy information that has been surfacing about her death has left relatives flabbergasted.


Caroline Quilter

Caroline Quilter, Grandmother of Kaylee Burgess

“I went into a shock state; disbelief. I was watching the news waiting to see who got charged for little Kaylee’s death and while I was watching the news I heard some shocking thing that left me in disbelief, I don’t even have words to put it in. It is so devastating, I don’t even have words; can’t believe.”


But who could have taken the life of such sweet and innocent child? It’s now eight days since her murder and no one has yet been charged.


Caroline Quilter

“Well it’s a week; today makes a week and I can’t believe that nobody has been charged for little Kaylee’s death. I don’t know what is going on. They had already ruled out that this wasn’t drowning; they know that little Kaylee was suffocated and nobody has been charged. It’s a week. I don’t know what’s going on really I don’t know what’s going on. It is so painful; I don’t even have wordsa to describe how the family feels at this time. It is so sad; it’s so sad I don’t know what is taking place.”


Duane Moody

“Has the family heard anything, you know, about what actually happened on that day?”


Caroline Quilter

“Well as far as we hear, it is what we are hearing on the news. Nobody come really to us and tell us exactly what took place. We know from the post mortem that she was suffocated, but other than that nobody is telling us anything. We just hear what we hear from the news.  As I mention, you can’t find words to explain how I feel; how I feel right now. You know Kaylee died and already put her to rest, but we need a closure, we need a closure for her so little Kaylee could rest. It is a terrible feeling. Words can’t explain the way I feel as a grandmother.”


Quilter says that she remembers her granddaughter as a joyful, fun and loving little baby girl.


Caroline Quilter

“As far as when Kaylee comes and visits us, she was a happy and jopyful—as a matter of fact the last time I saw Kaylee, me and Kaylee had a little chat and she was a very bright child and she was just talking and she was telling me about her little brother that peed the bed. And you know Kaylee, when she comes around was just a joyful little child.”


Duane Moody for News Five.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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4 Responses for “Mother of murdered child believes there is a family cover up”

  1. Baby k says:

    Justice for kaylee.Rip baby k

  2. Sunshine says:

    So many unanswered questions. Why would a family member hurt the child. The mother said she does not stay with anyone she cries. I believe after the mother left for the station she was crying too much and someone hit her why she had a swollen jaw and bursted bottom lip. Someone couldn’t take the crying got enough and hit her. They probably hit her too hard and after seeing the damage they did decided to suffocate her and put her in the bucket to stage a scene. Something like that I do believe. Poor baby rest in peace Baby K.

  3. Al says:

    What a sad situation, this poor child did not have a chance. First mother accused father of kidnapping the child, then he got arrested, so tell me where was the child all this time that the mother was looking for the child. The statements just does not add up. The police need to start from the beginning and get the who, what, where, when and how from all the family, then establish a timeline to match their statement. If you let these people tell you their story without a structured way of getting the information, no one will be charged. These family members has to be ruled out or in as suspects.
    This case calls for structured police interrogation, not just tell me your story in a rambling style that is the norm. Take charge on this one mr police.
    The only true witness is dead and cannot testify, so let the guilty party trip themself with the proper form of questioning. Please do not loose this one.

  4. Bear says:

    Once again, I’m right with Al on this one. Murderers MUST be identified, hunted down, prosecuted, and harshly punished.

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