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Home » Crime, Trials » 2 women and a broken bottle; charge is attempted murder
Sep 24, 2012

2 women and a broken bottle; charge is attempted murder


A thirty-three year old woman was allegedly struck on the face with a glass bottle by an eighteen year old and they both had different versions of what transpired when the matter landed before the court today. Joanna Orellano claims that on September seventeenth, she was with her fourteen year old daughter on North Front Street near the Tourism Village when she was suddenly hit on the face and fell to the ground. She says that when she looked up, Jamie Hope was standing over her and she ran out of fear for her life. According to Orellano, it was until she reached the pier near the water taxi that she realized she was bleeding. But Hope’s attorney and relatives say that she hit Orellano in self defense. She alleges that Orellano had been provoking her and that she was attacked by five women. She admits that she hit Orellano with the bottle, which broke, but says she wasn’t trying to kill her. In court today Hope was charged with Attempted Murder, Use of Deadly Means of Harm and Wounding. She pleaded not guilty and the case was adjourned until November twenty-eighth, 2012.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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5 Responses for “2 women and a broken bottle; charge is attempted murder”

  1. Buju says:

    This is the problem in our country mein…

    We cant seem to resolve anything with violence and further to that
    This is a child compared to this grown woman!!!!!!!

    Manners will take you thru the world young lady –
    Some people believe that the world is against them but you have to look within to find the problem!
    how on earth will you put yourself with a grown woman???

    And why would a grown woman be provoking a child????

  2. Storm says:


  3. so sad says:

    I hope she gets hanged..this gal associates herself wid members of di george street gang n she was sent to kill ms.Joanna Orellano..this wa a hit on dat poor lady who not ony has money but di girl’s father wants back his child n dis dumb mission was set out to get dis woman killed..Hope is a liad ass b***h who came along wid 5 other females n is trying to switch up her story..she deserve to be in prison for a long time..shame on u!!

  4. Seletar says:

    @so sad, if your information is correct, then let her die in prison. In my eyes there is no difference between murder and attempted murder, just poor execution in the latter case. The evil heart is the same, and that is what deserves punishment.

  5. LOL says:

    What’s sad is… she doesn’t realize that brown sugar water taxi has security cameras and the whole thing was caught on tape… Yet she still has the nerve to deny it…

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