Evolution of Advocacy Groups; New NGO for Revolution
Belize does not have a lack of advocacy groups or non-governmental organizations. The Belize Coalition for Justice is a consortium of NGO’s who have reorganized under the umbrella organization much like the Coalition to Save our Natural Heritage. The advocacy group includes Belize Can, Commoners and Nationbuilders. Don’t feel bad if you haven’t heard of them before but they and other groups totaling thirty in all have united to have their voices heard under Belize Coalition for Justice. They announced some of the causes they will be championing today at a two hour press conference held at the Radisson. News Five’s Jose Sanchez reports.
They sat as a table of leaders with a common agenda. But to be part of the nonpartisan brand called Belize Coalition for Justice, two seated at the head table distanced themselves from a political past.
Paco Smith, Former Politician
“In terms of political involvement, I’m retired. My involvement with regards to this is because it is a people’s movement. So I don’t want anything to be misconstrued. Yes, I did run in the past.”
Nancy Marin, Former Politician
“I have never held a party card for any party. I did run a convention for the P.U.P. or under the P.U.P. ticket. I’ve never held a party card; I’ve never pledged allegiance to any of the two parties, [but] I have been affiliated with both parties which is why I feel that I am capable of speaking of the two parties.”
Giovanni Brackett, President, COLA
“This is a movement and if out of this movement are born leaders who will ru for office, then praise god. It’s simple.”
Micah Goodin, member of Nation Builders said those that didn’t join the movement would be run over.
Micah Goodin, Founding Member of Nation Builders
“Young people for too long have been seen as a barbaric, immature and problematic being. No longer will that be tolerated. We will stand with whoever stands with us. And those who fail to stand up, they will feel the power we are armed with. The revolution will sit on your doorsteps; it will invite itself into your homes; it will watch over you while you sleep. For too long you have been sleeping. Wake up before your sleep turns into a coma. Belize is in dire need of a second revolution and those that are not ready or willing to fight will be trampled. And I make no apologies; they will be trampled.”
Bus Association Spokesperson and President of Belize Can, Patrick Menzies, explained what has angered the organizations into action.
Patrick Menzies, President, Belize Can
“The Belize Coalition for Justice, Guardians of the Constitution and Advocates for Justice, is now on the scene. We, the members of the Belize Coalition of Justice representing over thirty organizations and local leaders, have come together for the betterment of our nation and our people. We hold the preamble of the Belize Constitution—A through F—as the core purpose and basis for our alliance and hereby vow to be Guardians of the Constitution and Advocates for Justice. The executive branch, at the behest of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, has again succumbed to the whims of the only hostile nation against us; our neighbor Guatemala, by agreeing to paying reparations in the form of a grant to the family of an intruder, who illegal entered our nation to participate in illegal activities and hence threatened our border patrol personnel; thereby making a mockery of our sovereignty and territorial integrity.”
Giovanni Brackett
“No compensation to Guatemalan subverters and families. The Family of Francisco Quim deserves our empathy, but no sane Belizean can forget that while we can and should be empathetic to their plight, they must never mistake that for weakness.”
“From a weak legal system to extremely corrupt negligent political leaders, to crime, injustice, poverty, total unequal opportunities for our people where only the elite have been benefitting. Our leaders have elevated themselves so high above our people that the view at the bottom has become foggy. They can no longer see the suffering of our people. A revolution is needed. Whether you want to free your country from another country or you want to overthrow an oppressive government or maybe we simply want to change wrongs that are contributing to the suffering and oppression of our people. Every fight is the same. A revolution, a good fight, does not need to bring violence.”
Dissidents such as Rufus X and Murphy Mclaren wore full military attire, while others like Marcel Cardona, Tom Greenwood and Moses Sulph sat quietly for the evolution of the grassroots NGO’s into the Belize Coalition for Justice.
Paco Smith
“You’ll notice that I’m wearing a pin here—very simple, very straight forward—just produced and you will see a lot more of them flooding the entire nation very soon. It simply says ICJ; with that signal through it. no ICJ—bottom-line—that’s what we are saying. I would like to close by simply saying that those of you who don’t know, we have a facebook group. It is appropriately named, Belize Sovereign and Free; No ICJ. I encourage every one of you, if you have a facebook account to join the group.”
The attendees signed a declaration of support for the group. Reporting for News Five, Jose Sanchez.
The coalition also called on the OAS to be impartial regarding Belize and Guatemala’s border disputes. Notably absent was veteran advocacy group Belizeans for Justice.
I’m all for a PEOPLE POWER movement such as has toppled bad governments elsewhere around the world.
But I’d like to see some kind of basic goal or platform, at least some bedrock principles. “Revolution” can be good or bad depending on what follows it. We had successful revolution nearby in Nicaragua under the Sandinistas that toppled a corrupt regime — and replaced it with greater corruption and repression that required a bloodier revolution to replace it — temporarily. The French Revolution and Russian Revolutions both led to decades of misery, and the recent hope of the Arab Spring is being replaced with — what? Cuba had a revolution, followed by thousands of executions, and then 50 years of dictatorship. The devil is in the details.
In this new coalition I see a whole spectrum from extremists to those I consider probably responsible and well-meaning reformers. I need more of their puzzle to be filled in to see if it makes a picture I can support.
But a popular movement to force a change of government to an honest one that respects individual rights and absolutely rejects corruption and nepotism, that I can support when I see it rise.
So refreshing to see my fellow belizeans finally finally starting to wake up while your at it you all need to also demand the resignation of judas barrow also all the people involved in the selling of passports should be put in jail for treason this should be even before Elrington I repeat all involved in the selling of passports must be identified and put in jail for treason no less than 15 yrs in prison for treason this needs to be done Gooooooooo Thomas greenwood am with you all people committing treason should be put in jail starting with Elrington then all that were involved in selling passports. Guan barrow guan judas barrow
Boy i wonder where these personalities pop up from! Listen to the loony one ” they will be trampled”. Well excuse me, Mr. Black Stalin!! Something is wrong with these rejected wannabe PUP’s
We who dont join these crazies will be trampled? By whom? That fool fool man up there? Whom does he think he is? What kind of talk is this?
talking about trampled and can’t even take the time out to review his speech written by someone else?
dem crazy, lady gaga
Rod find this refreshing from the coolaid crew. Methinks rod is part of the crew
C’mon guys/girls, at least these people, call them what you wish, are standing up to our clowns in power. Any of you standing up to the injustice? Of all the people in this country, I am proud to see some Belizeans making a stand and a statement. Freedom of speech for all mein.
And I hope more crazy people and fools and uglies and stupids and geeks and wanabes and Christians and non Christians and politicians and non politicians and historians and retirees and workers and public servants and police men and fire fighters and soldiers and students and young people and old people and unborn and born again and friends and non Belizean and BELIZEANS start to stand up fu we country. Stand up Belize, stand up wid wee people.
Its’ about time, none can stop an idea whos’ time has come to fruition!
Young gial. So let it be said so let it be written.
LOL @ gazaman
Attack the System
Attack the system! Attack the System! – Both political parties have allowed the system to remain relatively intact. Our high criminal rates are the result of both Red and Blue. If you are going to attack the Hon. Prime Minister of Belize Dean Borrow, please remind Hon. Said Musa and his fellow companions that their actions have also led us to where we are. Don’t be fooled. Don’t run their campaigns.
Voice your Concerns and Challenge the System.
Belizeans, Belizeans, my dear Belizeans, think, think, think, and then act. Oh yes, act, we have got to realize that our realities depends on our inactions and ACTIONS.
FiWeBelize stands with the movement to fight for our nation from a grasroots base.
If 31 plus years of failures from both PUP and UDP is not enough to prove to you that the current system will only keep making things worst for us then I have no idea what will. Today more than ever WE “Common Belizeans” as Mr. Vega called us, MUST band together to make a difference for the future of the nation.
We are at the brink of loosing our country to Guatemala and going Bankrupt to the International Banking System. Until you the people decide that your country and fellow Jewelizeans are worth more to you than being loyal to a political party; Belize will continue to be pillaged and raped of the things that should be for all people.
Time to make a change people. What better time than now? What better place than here?
Look at what the Icelanders did for their country. We must follow in their footsteps, not those of the US and other countries that are proving to be epic failures. We MUST make a change from within so that we can see that change without.
Open your eyes, start seeing the forest for the trees. There is an old proverb that says “It take a village to raise a child.” Well we say “It takes a nation to raise the future.” What kind of future will you leave for future generations of Belizeans?
One that is a district of Guatemala? or
One that is ruled by Tyrannical Dictators?
The ball is in your court people, you have the choice on how to play.
@ History minded…..you got that right. If they are not careful, PUP will ride their coat-tail and continue to do what they were doing before they werr removed from office. The cycle will only continue to roll until it is broken.