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Oct 17, 2012

Coalition wants Minister of Foreign Affairs removed

Giovanni Brackett

Wilfred ‘Sedi’ Elrington must go, or else. That’s the message given by the newest advocacy group called Belize Coalition for Justice. At their launch today, they had a laundry list of issues that they wanted cleaned and ironed. But the strongest message came from Citizens Organized for Liberty through Action (COLA) which demanded that the government relieve the Attorney General and Minister of Foreign Affairs of his post. Elrington, who once said that the borders are artificial, has already come under fire from COLA for misinformation contained in an OAS statement. The call for his head today follows statements he made regarding compensation for the family of a Guatemalan farmer who was killed on October fifth by the Belize Defense Force in the Ceibo Chico area of the Chiquibul forest. The reaction to the killing of the Guatemalan was swift; the foreign minister threatened to close the borders and expel Ambassador Fred Martinez from Guatemala. Elrington says tensions have subsided but the new NGO is not allowing the issue to die.


Giovanni Brackett, President, COLA

“We condemn in the strongest possible terms the statement of Minister of Foreign Affairs, Wilfred Elrington who plans to give hard earned Belizean taxpayers’ money as an act of compassionate to the family of an official subverter of our sovereignty. The latest among many as grossly uncalled for and not only reflecting the Belize government’s position, but also wreaking of international cow-towing and subservient behavior instead of strong meaningful dialogue and forward talk. We will say no compensation to any Guatemalan family—not now; not ever. Number two; we condemn all past and present actions of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Honorable Wilfred Elrington, as he is currently playing a bankrupt, morally corrupt game and with our lives and our dignity. Moreover, we fear his actions that are also reflective of the current administration’s mindset may set Belize on a collision course of disaster on the magnitude of the thirteenth proposal of 1981. And even the loss of our nation state to Guatemala. He must be made to resign from the ministry and be replaced with someone who is more competent and someone that the Belizean people can respect. We here demand that the Prime Minister remove him for his many blunders on such a delicate national/international issue. If Belize is yours, let me hear it! This is our country! And any foreign minister that is not going to negotiate with strength; any foreign minister that will not adhere to the Belizean demands has to be removed and to be removed forthwith or you can get the understanding that we will take it to Belmopan.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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17 Responses for “Coalition wants Minister of Foreign Affairs removed”

  1. Storm says:

    Attorney General should be an important, fulltime position.

    Foreign Minister should be an important, fulltime position.

    I have never seen any person in any GOB that was truly capable of filling BOTH positions at the same time, they are both too demanding. And they require much different skill sets and knowledge.

    I question whether Sedi can perform the duties either position well, but he certainly cannot perform both of them well.

    Sadly, PM Barrow seems to appoint people based on their willingness and ability to be his unquestioning puppets rather than based on ability.

    The Jewel needs better.

  2. verymad says:

    Very well said!!!!. If we close the border onlythe Guats will feel it. Most of them the prostitutes we dont need any of them here. Its about time we unite and show the goverment that WE put them in power and WE can take them out. What about the many lifes that Guatemalans destroy here in Belize?. Very proud of whats going on lets keep it up. Very peaceful. God bless Belize.

  3. Eye in the Sky says:

    Our leaders need to be like the president of Uruguay and then they will get respect:
    While our Belizean leaders are being berated for refusing to declare their assets publicly and demanding astronomical pay rise to add to the already exorbitant allowances they receive, the President of Uruguay, José Mujica is getting world wide recognition and respect for donating 90 percent of his earnings to charitable causes.

    He has earned what most people would call an enviable reputation as the “poorest,” or the “most generous,” president in the world. His nickname, “el presidente mas pobre” translates to “poorest president”.

    The President said in a recent interview that the only big item he owns is his Volkswagen Beetle car, valued at $1,945 dollars (about N308,283) . He earns a salary of $12,500 a month (N1,981,250), but only keeps $1,250(N198,125) for himself, donating the rest to charity.

    He lives in a farmhouse which is under his wife’s name, Lucía Topolansky, a Senator, who also donates part of her salary.

    The 77 year-old who has been Uruguay’s president since March 1, 2010 told El Mundo, “I do fine with that amount; I have to do fine because there are many Uruguayans who live with much less.”

    It was also reported that under his stewardship, Uruguay has become known for low levels of corruption. The South American country ranks as the second least corrupt country in Latin America in Transparency International’s global corruption index.

    Yahoo News reported that the President has no bank accounts, no debts, and he enjoys the companionship of his dog, Manuela. When his term is over, the President hopes to rest even more peacefully in his farmhouse, along with his wife and his inseparable dog.

    There is something about leading by example. When you do, it becomes easier for other people to follow.
    If you no believe me just Google it Mr Barrow & company of crooks.

  4. Rod says:

    No wait no talk take it to Belmopan now today take it tp the pm house you have to demand action but as usual you will be given all kinds of excuses lets see how serious your group really is while your at it also ask the pm to resign for incompetence impotence and corruption guan judas barrow guan.

  5. Barack Obama says:

    This group cracks me up. They fuss about everything so their credibility is ruined…

  6. dunfedup says:

    This is the same minister who travelled to Mexico and begged them to send farmers to Belize. The response from the Mexicans-“make use of your people-ensure fair trade practices with other countries and the Belizean people will flourish in agriculture” What have they done instead? Put agriculture at the bottom of all the ministries. This statement comes directly from the ministry personnel themselves. The gov’t is afraid somebody might make money farming so they have to suppress them. It starts with exactly the same feeble thinking this minister has regarding our own people being subservient to our neighbours.

  7. Reality says:

    Our Country is full of talkers. People who swear they want change but take no action to have that change come. just another news story.

  8. gazaman says:

    Gaza man crazy. no we insane. Some bwai see we link and feel a di link pan di chain.
    Go deh strong Rod, Rufus, Tom, Marcel Cardona! keep ups the good orks.

  9. impartial says:

    the worst part was when he said that Pickstock had far more murders than Cayo…of course he puts more value on the life of southside gangbangers than those of Jasmine and the UB student girl who were killed… he most def have to go!

  10. star says:

    It’s just talk and talk….please someone tell me what do i have to do??? Where do I sign up? A lot of us are very frustrated…even of talking anymore…it is time for some kind of action…what action i don’t know…but someone please say what, where and when!!!

  11. History Minded says:

    The problem with the Coalition is that they do not have well defined goal that will connect with most Belizeans. They need to educate themselves and then educate people.

    Also, yelling does not make you more right.

  12. Genotu Rembiuos says:

    I join IF THEY ALSO STOP CHINESE AND GUATEMALANS from invading my country !!!!!
    So what about immigration reform?
    Don`t Belize desperately need that???
    Those a&%&* sitting in their a&^&^ses just collecting money from rich Chinese pests!!!

  13. History Minded says:

    Attack the System

    Attack the system! Attack the System! – Both political parties have allowed the system to remain relatively intact. Our high criminal rates are the result of both Red and Blue. If you are going to attack the Hon. Prime Minister of Belize Dean Borrow, please remind Hon. Said Musa and his fellow companions that their actions have also led us to where we are. Don’t be fooled. Don’t run their campaigns.

    Voice your Concerns and Challenge the System.

    Belizeans, Belizeans, my dear Belizeans, think, think, think, and then act. Oh yes, act, we have got to realize that our realities depends on our inactions and ACTIONS.

  14. concern belizean says:

    well,yes it is time for a change but we have to do it!!!!! as our entire jewl is sinking like titanic but those that are willing to do the right things are always looked as if they are criminals when ALL they are doing is defending the interest of the country. we have to be realistic about the current situation of our nation, so all those wanting to SAVE our Jewel LET’S DO IT NOW!!!. I know God our creator will be with us,so please all those who want to help let’s unite to as one.


  15. FiWeBelize says:

    FiWeBelize supports the call to remove these incompetent people from high office. We need highly educated and qualified people to fill these positions. Empower yourselves people, browse the web or go to a library and start reading the Constitution and Laws.

    “Attack the System” Completely agree with you there History Minded.

    Based on the laws of the land, FiWeBelize calls for the immediate removal of the politicians and the GG from office and for a new elections to be called so the people can vote for real leadership.

    121.-(1) The persons to whom this section applies shall conduct themselves in such a way as not-

    (a) to place themselves in positions in which they have or could have a conflict of interest;
    (b) to compromise the fair exercise of their public or official functions and duties;
    (c) to use their office for private gain;
    (d) to demean their office or position;
    (e) to allow their integrity to be called into question; or
    (f) to endanger or diminish respect for, or confidence in, the integrity of the Government.

    (2) This section applies to the Governor-General, members of the National Assembly, members of the Belize Advisory Council, members of the Judicial and Legal Services Commission, the Security Services Commission or the Public Services Commission, members of the Elections and Boundaries Commission, public officers of statutory corporations and government agencies, and such other officers as may be prescribed by law enacted by the National Assembly.

    Not to mention the 31 plus years of failures from both parties.

  16. Jose Gomez says:

    As belizeans we should all face this serious situation once and for all.Tell Guatemala enough is enough.Only they benefit from mundo maya Belize port etc. Take them to world court and demand compensation and unconditional guaranteed non agression ever again and start preparing for wath ever arises.Get back British forces or any friendly military force including Cuba to come to our assistance.It is time to tell them to shut up and leave us alone,we do not need this The private sector on your oun initiative no more business with Guatemala regard else of what GOB says or does.Of course we shall all support any and all decisions of our government as long as it is in our national interest,but we need to act prudently and swiftly.

  17. sedinohredi says:

    Elrington and company have been lining their pockets for too long. Let’s have an impartial accounting from the the UN and World Bank look into the personal finances of Elrington and Barrow and their families. Guaranteed corruption.

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