More robberies in 2012
Attorney Dickie Bradley also spoke about the amount of robberies. There were fifty-five more robberies in the nine month period this year totaling three hundred and eighty-one. That statistic, a part of two thousand plus crimes is complicated by the fact that cases take years to be heard by the courts which leaves witnesses either unwilling or unable to accurate recall statements to the court.
Richard ‘Dickie’ Bradley, Attorney
“The figures for robbery and burglary are high: eight hundred burglaries for the first nine months of last year; eight hundred and odd for the first nine months of this year. Theft is pretty high. Theft is seven hundred and odd for each nine month period [for] 2011 [and for] 2012. But the thing with robbery is that somebody… apart from theft. Theft is dehn thief your money outta yo house or outta yo bag dah work or from outta yo vehicle or so. Robbery means a person or persons come and confront you with a weapon—a gun, a knife, a machete—to take away your property—your cell phone; your glass or whatever you have. So robbery is a serious thing because there can be violence in the process and you could end up with murder. Robbery was three hundred and twenty-six last year the first nine months. This year, three hundred and eight-one for the first nine months. And when you look at the arrest record, they are only arresting one hundred and thirty odd persons for each of the nine months period. So if we are asking question why is it that convicting persons is so low in the country, it has to start with the fact that the vast majority of criminal actions, there is no arrest—if the figures are accurate. That explains what is happening in relation to why it is that every time a crime is committee, a large portion of those persons are not convicted. They are not because according to these records, there are not arresting the persons. The total for the first nine months of 2011 was two thousand crimes committed in the major categories of carnal knowledge, theft, burglary, robbery, rape and murder—two thousand criminal offences occurred for the first nine months of 2011. For the first nine months of this year, there were two thousand and seventy total. When it takes a year to bring a case to the court, when it takes two three years to bring a case to the Supreme Court, it is difficult for witnesses to recall matters; witnesses don’t want to come forward after some time. Dehn say what, me noh deh pan dehn timing deh. So that will impact in relation to the amount of convictions you are going to have.”
Bradley was also concerned about the eight hundred and seventy eight arrests for drugs. The figure is deceptive because entire families are hauled to court for drugs found in a house.
With all due respect to a highly successful barrister who places the pursuit of the Almighty dollar above conscience, that’s all double talk. I admit you’re a good lawyer, but I cannot respect you because you use your skills against society instead of for it.
Lawyer Bradley should take a sabbatical for a few years from enriching himself by keeping killers on the streets, and instead help prosecute them. It would be a worthy public service.
Look who the talk the same person that let all the thiefs and rapist and murderers go free on the streets of Belize. One wonders how much of all the stolen loot is going in the pocket of this man Bradley because any normal person would not take these cases especially when most of the criminals cannot pay his fee so how is he getting paid perhaps someone should look in his house perhaps you’d find your tv or computer or jewelry there just an observation. Or look in his lock box in the bank.
Am I reading this article correctly? Bradley is concerned about the level of crime taking place in Belize, are you kididng me. He is a big part of helping the criminals to beat the system. What I would like to know is how many of the cases where the crooks got off was he responsible for. This man has a fork tongue, but there again the people receive this bull, with hushed voices.
here we go again , this Thug called Dean Barrow a hero, so MR thug Bradley, why dont you ask your thug hero Dean Barrow to do something about it, but you do not dare, cos you are chewing on the same bone he throws to his pack, what aloser hahahahaha