Surveillance equipment found during Vegas Casino bust; 1 Mexican captured
A joint operation was conducted inside the Corozal Free Zone. The multi agency team consisted of Belize Defence Force Soldiers, various departments of the police and the customs department. The raid took place at or next to the compound of Las Vegas Casino. According to sources, the forces were looking for drugs and ammunition. The cops did not find any drugs or ammunition but they found a network of highly sensitive communications and surveillance equipment. Insiders told News Five that the type of surveillance equipment found is used to monitor the movement of airplanes. During the raid three persons attempted to flee the scene, two of them escaped. However, the person who was captured has been identified as a Mexican national. Three vehicles that were busted at the scene are now in the custody of the B.D.F. An intensive investigation is ongoing but the police department has been tight lipped so far on the scope of the investigation that apparently involves one of the most dangerous Mexican cartels, believed to operate inside the Free Zone.
So surveillance equipment were found ! What does that prove? And the police confiscated three vehicles? Why ? Can the police prove these items were used in committing a crime or crimes ? If they can’t, they can’t keep the equipment. Like in a murder case, there is no “body”. We have to stop thinking like fools in Belize and likewise the Police.
Every crook from here to Nigeria to china to India now knows if they come to Belize they can pay off this corrupt gov. And do as they wish in our little country . Judas barrow and his corrupt crowd have put out the word if you pay us off you can operate with impunity in Belize sad sad sad. This pm and gov need to be put in jail for corruption corruption corruption. Guan judas barrow guannnnnnnnnnnn
Ricky Malthus, are you crazy or just plain stupid. There is a saying, if it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it is a duck. Start thinking, you are an ordinary citizen, do you have airplaine survelliance equipment in your house? if you are not a drug user would you need to have drug paraphernalia in your house. Then sir, you have to look at the background and character of the people who are in possession of these items and determine if they are just collectors or are they users of these items. And yes, I agree with the police take the damn things and use them to fight these bastards who are ruining our country.
Ricky, start thinking clearly sir, you are thinking like a fool, you need a class in critical thinking. Please do not try to join any intellegence unit of anything, you just don’t know how to think. The crooks got you beat and the cops also and, the crooks knows it. To catch a crook you have to think like one, you sir lack that piece of common sense.
Aah, the eternal problem with AmCra heads (Belizean American Cruffies). They become TV junkies, and commence believing that real life should mimic TV land.
Kudos to Channel 5 Belize – great reception here in Houston, TX. Excellent news reporting. Keep it up. Belize we miss you. Here we come, the day after President Romney’s great victory.
Congrats to BDF for a job well done. I have said it before, I will say it again. The Mexican drug cartels are discovering Belize. It is just a matter of time. Deal swift and hard with their foot soldiers. Sieze their property, lock them down and always shoot to kill.
How can they escape? – it is a fenced area with a large paved parking- they outran them? Jumped better over a fence?- what kind of operation doesn’t have a perimeter in case they flee?imbeciles at work stumbling into luck and bragging about it because 1 Mexican was probably overweight so the belize overweight cops could catch that one
Simon, they be criminals having a building for office front. The fence probably cut, ready for escape long time ago. GOB better be checking for tunnels, who knows how many got out that way.
Malthus, Having airplane surveillance ain’t normal gambling equipment. Video yes, radio scanners no. Sounds like a command center to help cocaine come from Colombian cartels and to provide heads up to police activity for Mexican cartels. Great location to put it to monitor two countries and the sea, in between two governments, a weak Belize and out of reach for Mexico. Got to wonder how many years it was running.
Right on Al, tell Ricky how STUPID HE IS. ALL the philosophy and critical thinking class will not enable him to make smart choices or decisions. BDF, POLICE, CUSTOMS I am proud of you, finally you are making it known that the department will not tolerate no stupidness
Uncle Benji: congrats!??? Whoever do not pay their fees in Belize, gets raided. No pay from Vegas, you get raid. Memba Macafee!
Uncle B or Benji you are a hypocrite. First you have a gripe with cruffies living in the usa. But I see that you are in Houston TX for the elections and you are going to vote. That means you have American citizenship. If you hate usa so much, why are you voting. Then you go back to Belize and you will vote against Barrow. You are a george price fan. Da man is dead. Wake up fool. So you will raise monies for the PUP. Do you that is illegal here in the usa. Fool. That is uncle benji. By the way you are voting for Rommey. He is not going to win. Loaser.
I am pretty sure a lot of nefarious activities occur in the Free Zone. I don’t know but assume BDF had some tip about activity there, and it paid off by uncovering equipment that most logically is useful to drug smugglers. So, thanks to the BDF and the customs and police.
We obviously have criminal cells working from around the world, not just drug cartels but Hezbollah, and God only knows what else we will discover over time,
Don’t let the Free Zone become a Free Fire Zone.
@Da Undertaker. is that your photo you posted on Ch 5 blog? You are an ugly individual. Your ugliness explains why you are so mad, but it does not explain your limited vocabulary…….. fool.
Look man, I simply happen to have dual nationality, but I make my home in Belize. The last time I voted in US politics was for Billy Clinton. Next week I vote for Romney. What’s the big deal.
Try taking some English classes. It will help you to get a decent paying job that you could use to save money to get some plastic surgery. Here in Houston, that is cheap stuff. Come on down. I have a dog house in the backyard. You are welcome to it, brother. Peace Out!